"The Westphalian peace reflected a practical accommodation to reality, not a unique moral insight. It relied on a system of independent states refraining from interference in each other's domestic affairs and checking each other's ambitions through a general equilibrium of power. No single claim to truth or universal rule had prevailed in Europe's contests. Instead, each state was assigned the attribute of sovereign power over its territory. Each would acknowledge the domestic structures and religious vocations of its fellow states and refrain from challenging their existence."
Henry Kissinger (2014). World Order. Penguin Books.
Those diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia can suffer from delusions and hallucinations and struggle with impulse control and judgment, which could lead them to shoot civilians or fellow soldiers.
Schizophrenics are also more susceptible to high-stress situations, resulting in an increased likelihood of suicide in dire circumstances.
Comment: For the entire above document go here.
And more on the little known intelligence agency with extraordinary reach and a Totalitarian raison d'être: