"Previously, Ukrainian women were little represented in this environment. Most of the women we work with in Berlin actually come from Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, and now with Ukraine. In brothels now fifty percent, I would say. There are a lot of very young women who came here because of the war."
"A government that threatens to punish merchants for selling at nominal prices higher than deemed appropriate by government clearly intends to control prices. It's no surprise, therefore, that economists routinely analyze prohibitions against so-called 'price gouging' using exactly the same tools they use to analyze other forms of price controls."
Comment: The following are just a few articles detailing the BBC and its connections with, and protection of, predators, and, in some instances, how it seems to have facilitated their access to children:
Full text: How the BBC reported on the story is a rather sick, and sinister, parody of itself: