In the game, a dastardly corporation known as the "Environment Venture Income League," or EVIL, invites youths to "learn about the wonders of fossil fuels." The logo for the corporation is the word "evil" spelled out in large block letters, with the "i" doubling as a smokestack emitting multicolored puffs of smoke.
If this sounds like a parody of the climate movement, it's not. GreenGuardiansVR is set to debut at Gamescom, a Cologne-based video game fair this autumn. The game is targeted at youths aged 14-25.
In a press release, project manager Tim Philipp from the SWR Innovation Lab explained his reason for creating the violent game:
We realized that young people from Generation Z are primarily attracted by entertaining content. Youth between the ages of 14 and 25 want to have something to do; they want to be involved and interact in groups."Something to do" like killing those who disagree with the climate apocalypse.
Comment: It's the desire of not just the nutcases in the climate movement but also those in ideological movements of all stripes to kill those who don't conform. Better to avoid all ideologies lest one becomes a similarly mindless and murderous ideologue.