© KING 5 Seattle/YoutubeTeresa “Milo” Youngblut charged in the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent David Maland on Jan. 20, 2025
Members of a trans cult involved in U.S. Border Patrol Agent David Maland's death have been accused of at least six murders total throughout the country.
When Andy Ngo of the
Post Millennial described the pair allegedly engaged in a deadly gunfight with the U.S. Border Patrol in Vermont on Inauguration Day as "leftist trans militants with alleged ties to a trans terror cell," it sounded like something one might hear in between earnest references to Big Foot and Shadow People sightings.
It turns out a federal charging document and
San Francisco Chronicle reports validate Ngo's claims.
"You get a lot of complicated cases,"
Chronicle reporter Matthias Gafni
explains. "This is right up there at the top." Separating dead name from
nom de trans seems the least convoluted aspect of
this confusing case.
It involves anti-technology vegan transsexuals known as the Zizians. Gafni notes that he encountered this group more than five years ago protesting artificial intelligence while wearing black robes and Guy Fawkes masks. More recently they have allegedly graduated from exercising their rights to denying the rights of others.