Fire in the SkyS


Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are aligning at dawn May 11th

No coffee? No problem. To wake up any morning this week, all you need to do is look out the window. Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are aligning in the eastern sky for a spectacular dawn conjunction. Mariano Ribas photographed the gathering on May 9th from his home in Buenos Aires, Argentina:

© Mariano Ribas
"It was an awesome morning with an unforgettable view: four planets packed in just a 7º piece of sky," says Ribas. "The very compact Venus-Mercury-Jupiter triangle was simply hypnotic. And Mars, below them, was faint but still clearly visible to naked eye. Marvelous planetary gathering, but the best is yet to come."

Indeed, on May 11th, Venus and Jupiter, the two brightest planets in the Solar System, will converge to form a pair less than 1/2 degree apart. Set your alarm for Wednesday morning and begin the day with an eye-opener--no caffeine required.


X Crater: First Class

When an asteroid or comet impacts a planet, the explosion ejects huge amounts of material, sending it flying in all directions. But there are also plumes of material, long fingers of rock and dust that stream out as well. The boulders and such inside this plume then fall back to the ground, making liner chains of secondary craters. We see lots of these on our Moon, moons in the outer solar system, and Mercury, too.

If these features are long enough, it's inevitable two chains from two different primary craters would cross somewhere. And it turns out this has been seen... but where?

Well, X marks the spot!

This MESSENGER image of Mercury shows exactly that: two crater chains from two separate impacts crossing over each other (and a third, shorter chain is at the bottom, too). They're almost exactly perpendicular to each other, which is cool, and the intersection happens to lie in a big, shallow crater about 120 km (72 miles) across that fills this image. Unfortunately, MESSENGER hasn't been orbiting Mercury long enough to have surveyed the whole planet yet, so I wasn't able to find the source craters of these two chains.


Comets gases may have led to Titan's atmosphere

© UnknownSaturn's Moon Titan
A study has suggested that comets blasting gases out of its icy crust could have created the unique atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan.

Several theories have come up earlier behind the origin of Titans nitrogen-rich air. Titan is the only moon in the solar system with much atmosphere.

Some theories suggest that volcanic activity might have belched it out, or sunlight may have broken up a primordial atmosphere's ammonia molecules. But these suggestions assume that the young Titan was a warm world, whereas measurements by the Cassini spacecraft imply that Titan has always been fairly cold.

The latest idea is that the atmosphere was created 3.9 billion years ago in a period known as the late heavy bombardment, when comets swarmed through the solar system.

"Huge amounts of cometary bodies would have collided with outer icy satellites, including Titan," New Scientist quoted Yasuhito Sekine of the University of Tokyo, Japan, as saying.

To mimic the effects of such high-speed impacts, Sekine and his colleagues fired projectiles into a mixture of ammonia and water ice similar to Titan's crust.

The impacts converted some of the ammonia into nitrogen gas, and Sekine's team calculated that ancient comet impacts could have liberated enough nitrogen to build Titan's atmosphere.

The study has been published in the journal Nature Geoscience.


U.S.: May 7, 2011- Georgia Visited by Another Bright Meteor!

© Steve E. Farmer Jr.Georgia Fireball Bolide

Once again, on May 7, 2011, Georgia's night skies are lit up by a bright meteor - also known as a Bolide or Fireball.

On the night of Monday May 2, 2011, sightings of a bright meteor appearing over Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and other states were reported to news stations and meteor reporting organizations. According to the reports, around 10:00 PM EST a very bright meteor made its appearance high in Earth's atmosphere and produced quite a light show for those fortunate enough to witness the event. Five day's later; Georgia was once again visited again by another bright Bolide. This time it was captured on video.

Video of the actual event can be found at the following link: May 7, 2011 Bolide Over Georgia.


Sun Haloes

Yesterday in Belgium, sky watchers were stunned when they witnessed a heavenly apparition in broad daylight. "It was one of the brightest and most complex displays of sun haloes I have seen in 25 years of observing," reports Philippe Mollet, who took this picture:

Sun Halo
© Philippe MolletImage Taken: May 6, 2011
Location: Meise/Grimbergen, Belgium
"The phenomenon lasted for more than 30 minutes, long enough to phone and e-mail many friends and colleagues," he adds. "[It looks like] this was observed over a large part of our (little) country."

Sun haloes are caused by ice crystals in high clouds. "This wonderfully bright display proves that you do not need to be in polar regions to see them," notes atmospheric optics expert Les Cowley. "Temperatures in 3 to 6 mile high cirrus are more than cold enough to make the needed hexagonal prism shaped ice crystals. There are two sets of halos, those nearest the sun are made by rays that pass between crystal faces inclined at 60 degrees. The outer halos with widely separated colors are from faces inclined at 90 degrees. See the labeled image for halo names. The huge colourful halo is a supralateral arc. This halo is often very hard to distinguish from the much less common 46 degree circular halo but there are several clues to look for to tell them apart."

Better Earth

Giant asteroid to pass between earth and moon in November

asteroid earth
© unknown
An asteroid a little smaller than the CN Tower is hurtling toward earth and astronomers have their cameras ready for a spectacular glimpse.

Called 2005 YU55, the asteroid will nudge closer to earth than the moon, passing by just 325,000 kilometres away.

Although modern technology will give astronomers the best-ever look at the travelling piece of cosmological history, there is no fear it will actually smack into earth.

"At one time we had classified 2005 YU55 as a potential threat," said Steve Chesley, a scientist at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Near-Earth Object Program Office.

Radar tracking last month, with the asteroid 2.3 million kilometres away, meant "we were able to rule impacts out entirely for the next 100 years."


A Fireball The Size of Earth

"When the sun rose on May 2nd, I was surprised to see a fully detached fireball prominence at the southwestern edge of the solar disk," reports amateur astronomer Jan Timmermans of Valkenswaard, The Netherlands. "Just imagine, a ball of fire with the size of the Earth thrown high in the solar skies!"

Solar Fireball
© Jan B. Timmermans
"I was stunned," he continues. "The prominence was rather faint, so I had to use a lot of gain to capture it, hence the noise: 'more gain = more grain.' But I am pleased that I captured it!"

More Sun-Spots:
From Stephen W. Ramsden of Atlanta, Georgia; from John Minnerath of Crowheart, Wyoming; from Lyle Anderson of Duluth, Minnesota


US: Possible Meteor or Space Debris 'Event' Seen, Felt Across South

Valdosta - A meteorite or space debris may have been the cause of fireballs reportedly seen in South Georgia skies Friday night and the resulting impact felt from one end of Lowndes County to the other.

Meanwhile, similar reports of fireballs were filed throughout the state and in other states, according to the American Meteor Society.

The Lowndes County 911 Center reported Saturday that an exact cause of the phenomenon was never located. Authorities received several calls Friday night reporting debris landing in specific regions, but nothing was ever located.

Moody Air Force Base reported no sonic booms, an effect caused when an aircraft breaks the sound barrier, and no downed planes.

The reports started at approximately 10 p.m. Friday. Authorities continued responding to related calls reportedly past midnight.

Officials believe space debris may have been the cause of the disturbance, said Paige Dukes, Lowndes County public information officer.

The majority of 911 calls came from south Lowndes County as people reported seeing either a fiery object or fiery objects falling from the skies. People also reported a "boom" or series of "booms" rattling windows and shaking houses.

Some people reported sounds similar to tapping on their windows, a pounding on doors, or a limb falling on a roof.


Meteorite lands on roof, northern Poland

© Unknown
A meteorite weighing about a kilogramme smashed into the roof of a Masurian agro-tourism farm in the village of Sołtmany, near Kruklanki, northern Poland.

Nobody was hurt but some damage was done to the roof.

Parts of the meteorite, which descended on Saturday causing some damage to a barn roof, was recovered by astronomers from Olsztyn, and will be examined by Professor Tadeusz Przylibski from Wrocław Technical University. Then it will be handed over to the Nicolas Copernicus Museum in Frombork or to the Planetarium in Olsztyn.

The meteorite, the biggest piece of which is about the size of a human fist, has also caused a stir in the Polish scientific community as it is the first planetoid fragment in 17 years to be recovered immediately after its fall to Earth.

Probably the specimen is a chondrite, a fairly common type of meteorite, derived from the belt of planetoids between Mars and Jupiter.


US: Green fireball reported over Jacksonville, Florida

A Jacksonville, FL, witness reports watching a "green fireball fall down to Earth" at 10:05 p.m. on April 29, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

"I was jogging toward the north when, in the corner of my eye, I saw a green flash in the sky," the witness stated. "I stopped to watch as my first instinct was that it might be a passenger jet with a serious problem. For about 5 seconds I watched a green fireball fall down to the Earth. This was toward the west. The event only lasted about 5 seconds before it disappeared in a bright flash."