Fire in the SkyS

Fireball 2

Meteor fireball spotted in South Africa on August 25 [Update: Calculated total impact energy 0.092kt TNT]

meteor south africa patensie
© TsitsikamaboertjieA screenshot of the video doing the rounds on many groups was sent to Weather Guru by Tsitsikamaboertjie from Assagaaibosch.
Residents in the Mossel Bay area said they had heard two loud bang noises this morning, as did another resident in Great Brak.

Did you feel it? Did you hear it?

Unconfirmed reports have been doing the rounds of a possible meteorite or satellite that hit close to the Patensie area, causing people to think there might have been an earthquake.

According to Weather Guru, a Facebook page run by Garth Sampson, a former employee of the South African Weather Service, although it's unclear exactly what happened, it was definitely not an earthquake.

Residents in the Mossel Bay area said they had heard two loud bang noises this morning, as did another resident in Great Brak.

Weather Guru said: "My rainfall group in the Langkloof started reporting what sounded like an earthquake. Later reports came through of what seems to look like a meteor or satellite. It apparently hit in the Patensie area."

He said a video had been doing rounds on many groups and was sent to Weather Guru by Tsitsikamaboertjie from Assagaaibosch.

Comment: A SOTT reader comments:
"I heard it this morning it was around 9am local time, South Africa (it's about 200km away as the crow flies) - clear double boom. Incredible."

1) The Center for Near Earth Object Studies have listed this event with these data:
CNEOS data
2) A screenshot of the map shows when zoomed in:
CNEOS South Africa fireball
3) The most energetic fireball this year was equivalent to 5.1 kt of TNT. In comparison this 0.092 kt is small potato, only slightly above the minimum for entering the list, 0.073 kt.

4) Some comments on where the video has been shared, have suggested that the fireball is not natural, but the re-entering of human made object. However the speed of the observed object on entry, 20.1 km excludes this option. The Wiki for Atmospheric entry:
Reentry has been achieved with speeds ranging from 7.8 km/s for low Earth orbit to around 12.5 km/s for the Stardust probe.[1]
5) For other fireballs this year that were filmed and which entered the CNEOS list, see:

Fireball 3

Meteor fireball over Kentucky and other states on August 23

© sacha g.
We received 261 reports about a fireball seen over AL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MI, MO, NC, OH, SC, TN, VA and WV on Friday, August 23rd 2024 around 01:44 UT.

For this event, we received 18 videos and one photo.

Fireball 3

Meteor fireball over France and 2 other countries on August 21

© Patrick R.
We received 22 reports about a fireball seen over Île-de-France, Baden-Württemberg, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Centre-Val de Loire, Grand Est, Hauts-de-France, Hessen, Normandie, Pays de la Loire, Région Wallonne and Vlaams Gewest on Wednesday, August 21st 2024 around 03:47 UT.

For this event, we received 2 videos and 2 photos.

Fireball 3

Meteor fireball over Florida and other states on August 15

We received 38 reports about a fireball seen over AL, FL, GA and Georgia on Thursday, August 15th 2024 around 01:00 UT.

For this event, we received one video and one photo.


Stunning photos of the Perseid meteor shower captured over Stonehenge

stone henge meteor
© Josh Dury
A photographer has said it was an "immense privilege" to have his image of a meteor shower recognised as Nasa's astronomy picture of the day.

Somerset photographer, Josh Dury, took the shot on Friday as the Perseid meteor shower streaked through the sky above Stonehenge in Wiltshire.

Mr Dury also captured the central band of the Milky Way galaxy running nearly vertical through the centre of the image.


Perseid meteor fireball caught on camera in skies above Macedonia on August 13

Screenshot of Perseid shower shooting star on Macedonia skies.
Screenshot of Perseid shower shooting star on Macedonia skies.
A fireball from the Perseid meteor shower was captured in vivid detail, firing up the skies above the Ohrid lake in Macedonia this week. Perseid meteor shower, an annual phenomenon of comet particles burning up in the skies, peaked in the second week of August.

The Macedonian skies witnessed the fireball from the Perseid meteor shower at 1:03 am local time on Tuesday (Aug 13). It was captured in a set of cameras set up by videographer Stojan Stojanovski.

Stojanovski runs the YouTube channel Ohrid Info, which shares videos and information about Ohrid, Macedonia, famous for Lake Ohrid.

Most of these videos are from 24-hour live cameras set up in the Ohrid region.

Watch the meteor shower captured in the cameras set up by Ohrid Info across Lake Ohrid:

Fireball 3

Giant meteor fireball lights up the night sky in Makurazaki City, Japan on August 11

Fireball in Makurazaki, Japan
Fireball in Makurazaki, Japan
In the latest viral video doing the rounds on social media, we see a fireball tearing through the night sky before exploding, in Japan's Makurazaki city.

The footage since being uploaded online has gone viral. Watch the video below.

Fireball 3

Meteor fireball over Kansas and other states on August 6

© Dan B.
We received 29 reports about a fireball seen over KS, MO, NE and OK on Tuesday, August 6th 2024 around 02:31 UT.

For this event, we received 2 videos and one photo.

Fireball 3

Meteor fireball over Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil on August 3

© Shutterstock/Triff
We received one report about a fireball seen over Mato Grosso do Sul on Saturday, August 3rd 2024 around 03:05 UT.

For this event, we received one video.

Fireball 3

Meteor fireball over Kansas and Oklahoma on July 29

© Shutterstock/Triff
We received 5 reports about a fireball seen over KS and OK on Monday, July 29th 2024 around 08:34 UT.

For this event, we received one video.