"Which Path to Persia?" Brookings Institution 2009
As the rhetoric for war with Iran begins to mount, first with the staged DEA-Saudi bomb plot, and now with an upcoming IAEA report supposedly "exposing" Iran's nuclear arms ambitions, it is important to re-read through the signed confessions by the corporate-fascist interests behind this drive for war where it is admitted that:
1. Iran poses no threat to US national security -- even if they acquired nuclear arms -- rather Iran threatens US interests throughout the Middle East, half-way across the planet.
2. Iran desperately wants to avoid armed conflict with both Israel and the West and would use nuclear weapons merely as a defensive deterrence.
3. The US and Israel are actively looking to provoke Iran into war with a combination of covert support for destabilization within Iran, supporting listed terrorist organizations, and limited unilateral military first strikes to provoke an Iranian response needed to justify a wider military confrontation.
All of this is shockingly spelled out in extreme detail within the pages of the corporate-financier funded Brooking Institution report, "
Which Path to Persia?" It is essential that every American, European, and Israeli read just how malicious, callus and eager the globalist elite are to trigger a catastrophic war with the Islamic Republic
for the sole purpose of protecting Wall Street and London's hegemony throughout the Middle East.