MonticelloThe comment came around the time the White House announced it would be delaying the Obamacare mandate for some businesses unilaterally.
At 4:45 POTUS and president Hollande walked out from a portico and strolled in front of your pool with Leslie Bowman, president of the Monticello Foundation. Looking at a terrace she said that Jefferson loved to admire the landscape from there. POTUS said that he'd like to take a look and seemed delighted to "break the protocol".
"That's the good thing as a President, I can do whatever I want" he quipped, walking to the terrace with his guest and Ms. Bowman. Pool now in the mansion as the leaders will come and visit Jefferson's study.
POTUS and pres Hollande paid a short visit to the study as your pool was looking through an alcove over president Jefferson's bed. They admired contraptions invented by Jefferson to read and write more efficiently such as a lectern and a "polygraph". Hollande noticed that one of the books was written in French.
"Totalitarian paranoia runs deep in American society, and it now inhabits the highest levels of government... Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, America has succumbed to a form of historical amnesia fed by a culture of fear, militarization and precarity. Relegated to the dustbin of organized forgetting were the long-standing abuses carried out by America's intelligence agencies and the public's long-standing distrust of the FBI, government wiretaps and police actions that threatened privacy rights, civil liberties and those freedoms fundamental to a democracy." - Professor Henry Giroux
The EU is trying to erase 'bankruptcy' from the English language and replace it with the term 'debt adjustment'.Ah, er, um, hang on... "Making it less troublesome to open bank accounts in different countries and easier to escape from debt...?"
The idea is being considered as part of wider reforms to harmonise financial arrangements across the EU, including making it less troublesome to open bank accounts in different countries and easier to escape from debt and be 'given a second chance'.
Or take the right to vote. In principle, it is a great privilege. In practice, as recent history has repeatedly shown, the right to vote, by itself, is no guarantee of liberty. Therefore, if you wish to avoid dictatorship by referendum, break up modern society's merely functional collectives into self-governing, voluntarily co-operating groups, capable of functioning outside the bureaucratic systems of Big Business and Big Government.Until recent years, the struggle between the forces of "centralization" and "decentralization" was more of a full on slaughter-fest than an actually battle or war. As Americans sat there blissfully asleep for decades, every facet of our lives has been carefully consolidated into the hands of a smaller and smaller group of corporations, and hence individual executives. This trend is undeniable in everything from food, banking, media and everything in between.
-Aldous Huxley, in Brave New World Revisited (1958)