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Sandy Hook: School shooting or government false flag operation?

Last week I sent out an e-mail concerning the fact that the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) shows that Adam Lanza, the alleged Sandy Hook shooter, actually died on December 13, 2012, the day before Sandy Hook occurred. I outlined, step by step, how I obtained this information, so doubters could check the facts for themselves. The SSDI record shows Adam Lanza's birth date of April 22, 1992 which has been confirmed; his birth place of Exeter, New Hampshire, has also been confirmed. The same record shows Adam Lanza's date of death as December 13, 2012.

I even sent what I had found to a local news station, along with a note stating,
Maybe you can unravel the mystery of how it is possible that Adam Lanza was the Sandy Hook shooter when SSDI records show his death date as December 13, 2012, the day before Sandy Hook occurred.
As a mainstream media source, one would think they would be curious about how Adam Lanza could possibly be the shooter when he died the day before Sandy Hook occurred. However, the local news station, a CBS affiliate, wasn't interested. One has to question, as an alleged investigative agency, why they weren't. After all, isn't truth and accuracy in journalism important? Or is the agenda more important?

Stock Down

Trying to reform government is largely a waste of time

Whenever I speak or write about California's pension and public debt problems, I always hear from well-intentioned, conservative- and libertarian-minded people who want me to consider their solutions. Most of their ideas - caps on this kind of spending or that, changed pension formulas, public votes, etc. - are sensible enough, but they always miss the main point.

That is, they misunderstand the nature of government. They think that government is an institution that does all these necessary things and can therefore be reformed. But government is a vast force-based enterprise designed to take as much money from the public and give as much of it as possible to the clients of government. It's a wealth transfer and any genuine services government provides can be done better, cheaper and more humanely in the private sector.

When it comes to pensions, there's no technical problem. In about three seconds, I can craft a non-radical, extremely modest plan that ends unfunded pension liabilities. Starting tomorrow, public employees no longer receive defined-benefit plans and instead get a 401/k-style plan like typical private-sector serfs. What are they going to do, quit en masse and get private-sector jobs? I hear readers laughing now.


America's role in a darkening age

When, in the 1950s, Nikita Khrushchev said, "We will bury you," and, "Your children will live under communism," Eisenhower's America scoffed.

By 1980, however, the tide did indeed seem to be with the East.

America had suffered a decade of defeats. Southeast Asia had fallen. The ayatollah had seized power in Iran. Moscow had occupied Afghanistan. Cuban troops were in Ethiopia and Angola. Grenada and Nicaragua had fallen to the Soviet bloc. Eurocommunism was all the rage on the continent.

Just a decade later, the world turned upside-down.

The Berlin Wall fell. Eastern Europe was suddenly free. The Soviet Union disintegrated. China abandoned Maoism for state capitalism.

Now, 20 years on, the wheel has turned again - toward darkness.

Heart - Black

FBI raids office of Senator Robert Menendez campaign donor - accused of facilitating 'sex parties' for Senator with underage Dominican prostitutes

© Photo: AFP/Getty ImagesUS Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
Over the weekend, many were disgusted that ABC conducted a lengthy interview with Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), but failed to ask him a single question about the allegations that he paid young foreigners to sleep with him. Especially considering Menendez may soon take over the prominent role of chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with John Kerry's appointment as secretary of state.

While none of the claims have been proven, it appears as though the authorities may have begun expanding their investigation (it was reported by the Associated Press last month that Menendez was employing an illegal immigrant and sex offender as an unpaid intern, but that Homeland Security instructed federal agents not to arrest him until after the election).

On Tuesday night, the office of a Florida doctor who contributed heavily to Menendez' campaigns and is accused of facilitating the senator's x-rated trips to the Dominican Republic was raided by the FBI.

Bad Guys

Britain announces counter-terrorism partnership with Algeria

© Photograph: Andy Rain/EPADavid Cameron, who announced a 'strengthened security partnership' with Algeria.
Prime minister announces partnership as he becomes first British leader to visit country since independence

Britain will offer to work alongside Algerian forces on counter-terrorism as part of a new joint security partnership announced by David Cameron as he arrived in Algiers, the first British prime minister to visit Algeria since independence.

The prime minister said his aim was to help the country "help itself" amid a growing threat from al-Qaida-linked terrorists in the region.

Cameron is offering a joint security compact including access to UK intelligence in the wake of the attack on an Algerian natural gas plant that left 37 foreigners dead including up to six Britons.

Britain is hoping that the first talks on closer security co-operation will start in the spring with a progress report in the summer to both prime ministers. The British side is to be led by Sir Kim Darroch, the prime minister's national security adviser. British soldiers would work alongside Algerians on a limited number of operations, but the chief focus would be on shared intelligence, border security and countering extemist propaganda.


Israel hits Syria arms convoy to Lebanon

Israeli forces attacked a convoy on the Syrian-Lebanese border on Wednesday, sources told Reuters, after Israelis warned their Lebanese enemy Hezbollah against using chaos in Syria to acquire anti-aircraft missiles or chemical weapons. "The target was a truck loaded with weapons, heading from Syria to Lebanon," said one Western diplomat, adding that the consignment seemed unlikely to have included chemical weapons.

A source among rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said an air strike around dawn (0430 GMT) blasted a convoy on a mountain track about 5 kilometers (3 miles) south of where the main Damascus-Beirut highway crosses the border. Its load probably included high-tech anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles.

Comment: "Probably"?

"It attacked trucks carrying sophisticated weapons from the regime to Hezbollah," the source said, adding that it took place inside Syria, though the border is poorly defined in the area.

A security official in the region also placed the attack on the Syrian side. A Lebanese security official denied any strike in Lebanon. It was not clear whether special forces took part.

The Israeli government declined comment on the issue.

Star of David

Israeli warplane 'struck target on Syria-Lebanon border' amid weapons fears

© Photograph: Jim Hollander/EPAIsraeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu is believed to be in talks over a possible response to the movement of chemical weapons
Unconfirmed report of attack comes as Israel monitors region for possible chemical weapons convoys leaving Syria for Lebanon

Israeli warplanes have attacked a target on the Syrian-Lebanese border, according to unconfirmed reports, after several days of heightened warnings from government officials over Syria's stockpiles of chemical weapons.

The Reuters news agency cited a western diplomat and a security source as saying there had been "a hit" in the border area. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said it had no comment on the report.

The report followed claims in the Lebanese media that IDF fighter planes had flown sorties over Lebanon's airspace from Tuesday afternoon until Wednesday morning.

A Lebanese army statement, quoted by local news agencies, said: "Four Israeli planes entered Lebanese airspace at 4.30pm on Tuesday. They were replaced four hours later by another group of planes, which overflew southern Lebanon until 2am, and a third mission took over, finally leaving at 7.55am on Wednesday morning." The IDF also declined to comment on these reports.


Beijing flexes naval might in western Pacific

© Reuters / Guang Niu
Three Chinese warships have been deployed for "routine" drills in the west Pacific, where Beijing is embroiled in a territorial dispute with Japan. The move follows Tokyo's creation of a naval task force to protect its disputed territory.

Advanced Chinese warships will visit the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, the South China Sea, the Miyako Strait, the Bashi Channel and the seas to the east of Taiwan, state news agency Xinhua reported. The fleet will carry out more than 20 separate exercises, the Chinese Defense Ministry said.

Though Chinese media has claimed the naval drills are routine, they are set to take place in a part of the Pacific Ocean where China has a number of unsettled border disputes with its neighbors. The drills come as China is engaged in a territorial dispute with Tokyo over a small uninhabited archipelago owned by Japan, which is known as the Senkaku Islands.


Russia, Kazakhstan agree on joint air defense system

© AFP Photo / Andrey SmirnovS-400 Triumf.
Moscow and Astana have signed a deal to establish a regional defense system, which will also include missile defense.

The document was signed on Wednesday during a meeting between Kazakh Defense Minister Adilbek Dzhaksybekov and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who is paying an official visit to Astana, the Kazakh capital.

The agreement between the two leading members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) comes as Russia attempts to cooperate with the US and NATO on a sea-based US-built missile defense system in Eastern Europe. Thus far, negotiations between Russia and the US over the system, which Moscow has called a potential threat to strategic balance, have produced little results.

Snakes in Suits

McCain: LGBT protections for immigrants is like taxpayer-funded 'free abortions'

Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) says that it would be a mistake to provide protections for bi-national same sex couples in a comprehensive immigration reform bill because it is as controversial as guaranteeing a "free abortion" to taxpayers.

During a discussion about immigration reform on Tuesday, Politico's Mike Allen asked McCain about President Barack Obama's proposal to include a path to citizenship for same sex partners of American citizens.