Staff Sergeant Frank Ronghi from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, pleaded guilty to forcibly sodomizing and then murdering an 11-year-old girl during early 2000
British Police torture least likely suspects Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr from Soham Village, while deliberately ignoring thousands of more likely suspects from nearby American Air Force bases
When British police arrested Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr [pictured left and right above] during the early hours of Saturday 17 August, on suspicion of the abduction and murder of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, they did so in the certain knowledge that absolutely no hard evidence existed incriminating either suspect. The reason for the rapid arrests was very simple: Just hours earlier, two small bodies had been found near the perimeter fence at USAF Lakenheath, and the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street was terrified of a massive political scandal involving American servicemen based in, or transiting through, the United Kingdom.
Shortly after the arrests, British and American media organizations demonized Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr so successfully that public attention was diverted away from Lakenheath completely, and focused instead on the young couple from Soham who had earlier willingly spoken to television crews about their concerns for the well being of the two missing 10-year-old girls. Both knew the girls reasonably well. Ian Huntley was the caretaker at their school, and Maxine Carr was a former teaching auxiliary in their class.
Millions of viewers around the world watched Ian and Maxine being interviewed by the media, and most were impressed by the openness of their statements and their genuine willingness to help if possible. Experts in non-verbal communication also noticed that Ian and Maxine's involuntary body and eye movements perfectly matched what they were saying verbally to the journalists.
In other words, both appeared to be telling the truth both verbally and non-verbally, an almost impossible feat for even a trained liar to fabricate. It is critical to note here also that both came across on television as perfectly normal, sane individuals, a reality later to be inexplicably challenged by police and psychiatrists in Cambridgeshire.
Comment: "Committed to advancing human rights." Really?! Israel's hypocrisy would be unfathomable if its leaders weren't complete psychopaths:
War Crimes: Israel Pillaging Palestinian Resources
Israel Won't Cooperate With UN Probe of West Bank Settlements
Israel stripped 140,000 Palestinians of residency rights engaging in a systematic policy of illegal displacement
UN official: Israel engaging in ethnic cleansing
Leaked Document: Israeli Forces Train And Arm Settlers To Attack Palestinian Protesters
Israel to Bar UN Fact-Finding Team from Entering Country for Investigation Into Jewish Settlements