© Duncan Long
No matter who "wins", humanity loses.
Every four years, the deck chairs of the political Titanic
that is the American empire get rearranged in the choreographed spectacle of another presidential "election". The 2012 charade is particularly disgusting; the lies more blatant and shrill, as the world continues to burn.It is critical to focus on the cold, ugly reality facing the world with either prospective White House occupant.
On one side, the Obama administration, and the traditional brand of neoliberal imperialism and international consensus, and false domestic populism. On the other side with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, militant right-wing extremism, an
apocalyptic war agenda and
the politics of sadism at home.
The interests of the elite (Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberger, etc.) is dutifully served with either Obama or Romney in the White House. The question for the elite is purely over style and execution.
Obama has been a servile facilitator and protector of the political establishment; an insidious capitulator and "consensus man". For Wall Street's billionaires, the Pentagon's warmongers, and Washington's most shamelessly corrupt, there has been no greater gift than Obama and his presidency. But with Romney and Ryan, the agenda simply speeds up and destroys faster, more violently, with true theocratic maniacal fervor.
The final choice will not be made by voters (who will be disenfranchised again, via electronic vote fraud and other manipulations), but by the criminal elements who seize final control of the apparatus over the final month of the "contest".
The "children" are being allowed to fight it out amongst themselves. The side with ultimate command of the corporate media propaganda, the most effective back door deals, and the most effective dirty tricks and election night shenanigans, will prevail, the pre-determined result promptly encrypted into the software of controlled Diebold voting machines.
Comment: Given the war zone's proximity to Israel, which is massively invested in the illegal organ-harvesting trade, what is the chance that Israel is not taking advantage of 'favorable market conditions' in Syria?
Remember this?
Organ Trafficking: Israeli Police Arrest 10 'Body Snatchers'
Israel & South Africa: Netcare coughs up about illegal organ trafficking
Israeli-linked organ dealers busted in South Africa's largest healthcare firm
Very interesting bedfellows, these Syrian freedom fighters (sic) and the Israeli global crime syndicate...