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Mitt Romney Keeps $30+ Million, Tax-Free, in Cayman Islands

© Reuters
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney keeps at least $30 million, probably more, in the tax-free Cayman Islands, Vanity Fair reported on Tuesday.

The Romney campaign claims that the candidate has not exploited offshore havens to avoid paying necessary U.S. taxes, but the Vanity Fair report detailed how Romney continues to have interests in at least 12 of the 138 funds, organized by his company Bain Capital, in the Cayman Islands.

Cayman Islands investments are hidden behind confidentiality disclaimers, making the total amount of Romney's true wealth virtually impossible.

Romney also holds a Swiss bank account, with $3 million in it, according to 2010 tax returns, and other money in tax havens such as Bermuda, according to the report in the August issue of Vanity Fair.


Former Scientologist Jenna Miscavige Hill Says Katie Holmes is Right to be Afraid

Katie Holmes
© unknown
Former Scientologist Jenna Miscavige Hill wrote on the web site ExScientologyKids.com that Katie Holmes has reason to be afraid of what could happen to her daughter Suri.

Miscavige Hill, who is the estranged niece of Scientologist church leader David Miscavige, wrote: "My experience in growing up in Scientology is that it is both mentally and at times physically abusive. As a mother myself, I offer my support to Katie and wish for her all of the strength she will need to do what is best for her and her daughter."

According to the New York Daily News, Miscavige Hill recalled how she endured forced labor at a Scientology boarding school, confessions, detention and isolation from her excommunicated parents.

However, Miscavige Hill did not mention that Holmes was fully aware of Cruise's ties to Scientology, but chose to date, marry and have a child with him regardless.

Holmes, who filed for divorce in New York, is seeking sole legal custody of Suri.



Is Monsanto Behind Stealing Local Hero's Bee Hives? 15 Years of Research Destroyed

© iStockphoto.com
An Illinois beekeeper whose bee hives were stolen and allegedly destroyed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture has stirred up a hornet's nest with his questions on why the state did this, and most importantly, what they did with his bees.

The state claims the bees were destroyed because they were infected with a disease called foulbrood.

But when the 58-year apiary keeper had his hearing - three weeks after the removal of his bees without his knowledge - the state's "evidence" had disappeared, leaving more questions than answers about the raid on the beekeeper's hives.

Some people, including the beekeeper, Terrence Ingram, suspect the raid has more to do with Ingram's 15 years of research on Monsanto's Roundup and his documented evidence that Roundup kills bees, than it does about any concerns about his hives.

Interestingly, the state's theft targeted the queen bee and hive he'd been using to conduct the research.


Cover up of pedophile child sexual abuse by Scientology

When reading the stories of child sexual abuse and how Scientology management tried to cover them up, then remember there's a Scientology policy stating that scientologists who are "upstat" - those doing very well, and/or making a lot of money for Scientology - should never be punished, while those who are "downstat" should be investigated. Gabriel Scott Williams reportedly was such an "upstat" person who was making lots of money for Scientology and so victim Jennifer was to be stopped filing a complaint about the gruesome sexual and psychological abuse of Gabe Wiliams.

Source: HCOPL 1 September 1965, "Ethics Protection":
In short a staff member can get away with murder so long as his statistic is up and can't sneeze without a chop if it's down. ... When people do start reporting a staff member with a high statistic, what you investigate is the person who turned in the report.
Child rapist Gabriel Williams
Scientology Sex Assault Nightmare
New York Post, 2 October 2005
A former Scientology staffer is breaking her silence about being sexually assaulted 100 times at ages 16 and 17 by the church supervisor [Gabriel Williams] she was "ordered" to live with, and then receiving threats and intimidating phone calls when she reported the abuse... In a related civil suit brought by Stewart against Williams and the church, she recently received as part of the settlement a "generous monetary resolution," said her attorney. Although the church admitted no wrongdoing, it forked over about $700,000, sources say.
Gabriel Scott Williams' California Registered Sex Offender Profile Display. Other files which were placed on this page temporally and the police files about the harassment the Gorman family received plus copies of the complaint against scientologist rapist Gabriel Williams, who was convicted of sexual battery and sodomy, are now collected on a dedicated page.



Flashback The Church Of Scientology's Child Labor Abuse Exposed

Australia's Channel 7 reporter Brian Seymour did a brilliant expose on the Church of Scientology's long-standing child labor abuse, and their wide-spread deprivation of education to children of staff members. The expose, done in conjunction with an ex-child Sea Org member, exposes children being forced to work over 40 hour weeks and not providing these children with basic education.

Of course Scientology's response to the report was typical. They accused the reporter of being an agent who is working with Anonymous, because of course, no one in their right mind would question a sinister cult which seeks to undermine families, rob people of their money AND their dignity, and violate both moral and legal codes of conduct. Right?

WRONG. Thank you to Brian Seymour for having the courage and to Channel 7 for backing him up. Also, many thanks to WS for forwarding this story.

Also, Anonymous will be staging their SIXTH protest this weekend, Saturday, July 12th. Clearly, their efforts are hammering away at the crumbling facade of deception Scientology has precariously built on its web of lies.

Glosslip will have more on the next protest later this week.



L Ron Hubbard's son exposed psychopathic origins of Scientology

In the late 1970s, L. Ron Hubbard's son (Ron deWolf) disclosed the extensive criminal activity, occult practices, pedophilia, illegal drug-taking and human sacrifices perpetrated by his father and his minions in the Cult of Scientology. Here is an excerpt of the interview he gave to US TV show Morning Break on WDVM-TV in Washington, D.C.:



Death of the US Constitution: Can Americans Escape the Deception?

© N/A
Hot Air Day is upon us. On July 4 hot air will spew forth all over the country as dignitaries deliver homilies to our "freedom and democracy" and praise "our brave troops" who are protecting our freedom by "killing them over there before they come over here."

Not a single one of these speeches will contain one word of truth. No speaker will lament the death of the US Constitution or urge his audience to action to restore the only document that protects their liberty. No speaker will acknowledge that in the 21st century the Bush/Obama Regime, with the complicity of the Department of Justice, federal courts, Congress, presstitute media, law schools, bar associations, and an insouciant public have murdered the Constitution in the name of the "war on terror."

As in medieval times, American citizens can be thrown into dungeons and never accounted for. No evidence or charges need be presented to a court. No trial is required, and no conviction.

As in tyrannies, US citizens can be executed at the sole discretion of the despot in the Oval Office, who sits there drawing up lists of people to be murdered.

Protestors exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights to freedom of speech and freedom of association are attacked by armed police, beaten, tasered, tear-gassed, pepper sprayed, and arrested.

Whistleblowers who report the government's crimes are prosecuted despite the statute that protects them.


The 99 Percent Spring and Extreme Inequality

© Signs of the Times
The people aren't powerless in the face of extreme inequality.

In the coming weeks, millions of Americans will take to the streets as part of the "99 Percent Spring," echoing last year's "Arab Spring."

At the root of this discontent are the extreme inequalities of income, wealth, and opportunity that have emerged over the last four decades.

The richest 1 percent now owns over 36 percent of all the wealth in the United States. That's more than the net worth of the bottom 95 percent combined. This 1 percent has pocketed almost all of the wealth gains of the last decade.

In 2010, the 1 percent earned 21 percent of all income, up from only 8 percent in mid-1970s. The 400 wealthiest individuals on the Forbes 400 list have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans.

These trends among the 1 percent are bad for the rest of us. Concentrated wealth translates into political clout -- the power to use campaign contributions to rent politicians and tilt the rules of the economy in their favor.

Websites dramatizing the "We are the 99 percent" movement are full of personal stories of young people who are saddled with debt and no futures, and middle class families that have seen the American Dream collapse around them, losing jobs, homes, and hopes for the future.

"I used to dream about becoming the first woman president," one woman wrote. "Now I dream about getting a job with health insurance."

Reading these stories, I'm struck that the underlying conditions that have squeezed millions of Americans aren't going away. The current political system, captured by large corporations and the wealthy, is incapable of responding to their needs.


Is Wal-Mart Destroying America? 20 Facts About Wal-Mart That Will Absolutely Shock You

© The Economic Collpase
America absolutely loves Wal-Mart. 100 million customers visit Wal-Mart every single week in this country. But is Wal-Mart good for America? That is a question that most people never stop and ask. Most of us love shopping in big, clean stores that are packed with super cheap merchandise, but the truth is that Wal-Mart is destroying America in a lot of ways.

As you will see below, Wal-Mart has destroyed tens of thousands of small businesses and countless manufacturing jobs over the past couple of decades. Wal-Mart has become a gigantic retail behemoth that sells five times more stuff than any other retailer in the United States. Unfortunately, about 85 percent of all the stuff sold at Wal-Mart is made overseas.

What that is costing the U.S. economy in terms of lost jobs and lost revenue is incalculable. But Wal-Mart is a perfect example of where our economic system is headed. Our economy is becoming completely and totally dominated by highly centralized monolithic predator corporations that ruthlessly crush all competition and that will stoop to just about anything in order to cut costs.

In the future, will we all be working for gigantic communal entities that funnel all of the wealth and economic rewards to a very tiny elite? That sounds very much like how communist China works, and red-blooded Americans should want no part of that. America is supposed to be about free enterprise and competition and working together to build up this country, and Wal-Mart is destroying all of that.

The following are 20 facts about Wal-Mart that will absolutely shock you....


What Katie Holmes is Saving Suri From: Scientology's Interrogation of Children

Katie Holmes
© Village Voice
Secrets of Scientology marriage counseling-- Katie was right to stay far away from it.

There seemed to be more public derision than sorrow yesterday greeting the news that Katie Holmes had filed divorce papers in New York while her husband Tom Cruise was in Iceland filming a movie.

There was consensus among the tabloids that this split is over Katie's concerns about the couple's child, Suri, and Tom's religion, Scientology. She's seeking sole custody, which suggests this could be a long, tough fight between the celebrity duo.

If Katie is attempting to pull Suri out of Tom's strange world before the girl gets any older, we asked several of our ex-Scientologist sources to explain what, at 6 years old, Suri was about to get into.

We talked with them about the oddities of Scientology schooling, and about the religion's form of counseling -- called auditing -- which can begin as young as Suri's age. But what may have convinced Katie to run was the frightening prospect that faces all Scientology kids beginning at 6 years old: a form of interrogation known as "sec checking."

[See also: there was more blockbuster Scientology news yesterday, involving the defections of L. Ron Hubbard's granddaughter, Roanne Horwich, and the father of church leader David Miscavige, Ron Sr., who each have escaped from Scientology's secretive international headquarters -- "Int Base" -- east of Los Angeles. And: Our open letter to Tom Cruise.]

There are many things that set Scientology apart from other organizations. Its "auditing," for example, was developed by founder L. Ron Hubbard when he published Dianetics in 1950. That summer, it became a brief fad in the United Sta tes to use Hubbard's technique of counseling to help another person go into a kind of semi-trance and "remember" the experience of their birth. Within a couple of years, Hubbard was encouraging people to go back even farther and remember past lives, and the process was enhanced with the introduction of a device called an "e-meter" that measures skin galvanic reaction.

At the same time, Hubbard was building Scientology as a highly regimented, formal organization, and some of the techniques he had developed to counsel people were turning out to be very effective as measures of control.
