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'Miracle' if France keeps triple-A rating

© Agence France-Presse Cranes over the construction site of the third-generation European Pressurised Water nuclear reactor (EPR) in the French northwestern city of Flamanville. Ratings agencies have warned that France is exposed to the sovereign debt crisis gripping southern Europe and have threatened to downgrade its hitherto perfect rating.
It would be a miracle for France to retain its triple-A credit rating, threatened by the eurozone debt crisis, the head of its main market regulator said on Tuesday.

"Keeping it would amount to a miracle, but I'd still like to believe it," said Jean-Pierre Jouyet, the outspoken head of the AMF regulation agency.

Ratings agencies have warned that France is exposed to the sovereign debt crisis gripping southern Europe and have threatened to downgrade its hitherto perfect rating.

The government has protested that it has embarked on an austerity programme backed by a pact with fellow eurozone members to guarantee deficit reduction.

"I find it wholly regrettable that we are accepting the loss of our triple-A with a kind of fatalism. This loss is not banal, because it will have an effect on the interest rates the state pays," he said.


Is Poland's Premier Leading his Country into a New Slavery?

© 2.bp.blogspot.com
As most Polish citizens can hardly fail to notice, Europe is experiencing a time of growing economic turmoil. So much so, that leaders of Euro zone countries are now desperately searching for ways to prop up their tottering national economies as well as to maintain commitments to what is termed 'monetary union' - the euro zone holy grail.

Countries outside the euro zone also find themselves caught up by the effects of the gathering financial storm and are attempting to pitch their camps as appropriately as possible to deal with it.

But one thing that countries both inside and outside the euro zone share is a common problem of 'debt'. Levels of national borrowing (sovereign debt) have, over the past decade, exceeded the ability of many countries to pay back the ensuing interest and capital within permitted time zones, thus catalysing the 'restructuring' of these loans by the lenders and the setting of new terms for repayment. The 'lenders' are thus put in a position of great power: they can pull the strings and set the agenda - so long as the countries which are borrowing wish to maintain their particular monetary policies and ambitions for 'economic growth'.

Poland, however, finds herself in a position of reasonable resilience to the euro zone storm. With a an economy that is largely internally stimulated and not overtly reliant on exports, the Country looks in fair shape to resist at least the worst consequences of the black hole which the euro zone is rapidly turning into.

All the more bizarre then, is the determination of prime minister Tusk to throw his Country right into the centre of the black hole and to thereby surrender Poland's hard won independence to a bunch of unelected technocrats who are the puppet masters of the European Commission and its various agencies.

Donald Tusk
© AFP Photo / Janek SkarzynskiPremier Donald Tusk
Donald Tusk is making a name for himself by singing the praises of the European Union at every opportunity. A few months ago he he was quoted as saying that "The European Union is the greatest institution in the World." He has now been joined by the foreign minister Radoslaw Sikorski, who seems particularly keen on supporting German leadership of radical reforms to the euro zone. Tusk and Sikorski are, it seems, absolutely determined to hook Poland into the euro and 'monetary union' within four years - "provided the euro zone undergoes necessary reforms" (Sikorsky).


Secrecy Defines Obama's Drone War

© Agence France-Presse/Getty Images/Thir KhanPakistani tribesmen carry the coffin of a person allegedly killed in a U.S. drone attack, claiming that innocent civilians were killed during a June 15 strike in North Waziristan village of Tapi. Around 300 tribesmen gathered at the demonstration.
Since September, at least 60 people have died in 14 reported CIA drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal regions. The Obama administration has named only one of the dead, hailing the elimination of Janbaz Zadran, a top official in the Haqqani insurgent network, as a counterterrorism victory.

The identities of the rest remain classified, as does the existence of the drone program itself. Because the names of the dead and the threat they were believed to pose are secret, it is impossible for anyone without access to U.S. intelligence to assess whether the deaths were justified.

The administration has said that its covert, targeted killings with remote-controlled aircraft in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and potentially beyond are proper under both domestic and international law. It has said that the targets are chosen under strict criteria, with rigorous internal oversight.

It has parried reports of collateral damage and the alleged killing of innocents by saying that drones, with their surveillance capabilities and precision missiles, result in far fewer mistakes than less sophisticated weapons.

Yet in carrying out hundreds of strikes over three years - resulting in an estimated 1,350 to 2,250 deaths in Pakistan - it has provided virtually no details to support those assertions.

In outlining its legal reasoning, the administration has cited broad congressional authorizations and presidential approvals, the international laws of war and the right to self-defense. But it has not offered the American public, uneasy allies or international authorities any specifics that would make it possible to judge how it is applying those laws.

Star of David

UN Security Council Members Line up to Criticize Israel

© Eric Thayer / Reuters
Britain, France, Germany and Portugal say settler violence damaging prospects of renewed peace talks; Russia, Palestinians slam US silence on recently announced West Bank building plans.

Members of the UN Security Council voiced deep concerns on Tuesday about the impasse in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, and criticized Israel for pressing ahead with the construction of new settlements.

Council members were reacting to a briefing by UN assistant secretary-general for political affairs, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, who told them the search for peace "remained elusive in a context of tensions on the ground, deep mistrust between the parties and volatile regional dynamics."


Iran Says Invites UN Nuclear Agency To Visit

© The Associated PressIranian Ambassador to the IAEA Ali Asghar Soltanieh
Iran says it has invited the UN nuclear watchdog to visit for talks and would be ready to discuss concerns about its disputed atomic ambitions.

Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran's ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said Iran sent a letter to IAEA chief Yukiya Amano on December 9.

Earlier this year, Amano made clear that any new IAEA visit to Tehran must address its growing concerns about potential military aims of the nuclear program, which Iran says is strictly peaceful.

Soltanieh said that Iran was "going to discuss any questions and to work towards removing the ambiguities and resolving the issue."

He said the UN agency had given a positive response to the invitation.

There was no immediate comment from the IAEA.


For Two Days, North Korea's Best-Kept Secret

© Agence France-Presse/Getty ImagesThe body of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il lies in state in a glass coffin at the Kumsusan Memorial Palace in Pyongyang on December 20, 2011.
When South Korean President Lee Myung-bak left on a state visit for Japan last week, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il had been dead for about four hours, indicating that neither Seoul nor Tokyo -- or Washington -- had any inkling of his death.

North Korean state media announced Kim's death two days later, on Monday, apparently catching governments around the world by surprise and plunging the region into uncertainty over the stability of the unpredictable state that is trying to build a nuclear arsenal.

Lee held talks in Tokyo with Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and returned home on Sunday afternoon, apparently still unaware of the cover-up by the North, with which South Korea is still technically at war. If Washington had known, it appears likely it would have tipped off South Korea and Japan, its closest allies in Asia.

"It seems everyone learned about Kim Jong-il's death after (the announcement)," said Kim Jin-pyo, head of the intelligence committee for South Korea's parliament after discussions with officials from the National Intelligence Service.


Best of the Web: Three Myths About the Detention Bill

Condemnation of President Obama is intense, and growing, as a result of his announced intent to sign into law the indefinite detention bill embedded in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). These denunciations come not only from the nation's leading civil liberties and human rights groups, but also from the pro-Obama New York Times Editorial Page, which today has a scathing Editorial describing Obama's stance as "a complete political cave-in, one that reinforces the impression of a fumbling presidency" and lamenting that "the bill has so many other objectionable aspects that we can't go into them all," as well as from vocal Obama supporters such as Andrew Sullivan, who wrote yesterday that this episode is "another sign that his campaign pledge to be vigilant about civil liberties in the war on terror was a lie." In damage control mode, White-House-allied groups are now trying to ride to the rescue with attacks on the ACLU and dismissive belittling of the bill's dangers.

For that reason, it is very worthwhile to briefly examine - and debunk - the three principal myths being spread by supporters of this bill, and to do so very simply: by citing the relevant provisions of the bill, as well as the relevant passages of the original 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF), so that everyone can judge for themselves what this bill actually includes (this is all above and beyond the evidence I assembled in writing about this bill yesterday):


Julian Assange's IM Handle and Other Revelations from the Manning Trial

Julian Assange, Bradley Manning
© Reuters
It was an eventful day at the fourth hearing of alleged WikiLeaker PFC Bradley Manning in Ft. Meade, Maryland Monday. Military prosecutors are attempting to court martial the former military analyst on 22 charges of violating military law in relation to his alleged disclosure of hundreds of thousands of secret government documents.

Manning's defense caught a potential break during the cross-examination of a Special Agent David Shaver, a forensic investigator with the Computer Crimes Investigations Unit. On Sunday, Shaver testified that he found 10,000 U.S. cables on Manning's computer. But in today's cross-examination Shaver said none of those cables matched the cables that WikiLeaks published. "If the cables found on Manning's computer don't match the ones WikiLeaks has, the defense can argue that Julian Assange's outfit may have had a different source for the documents," observes The Atlantic's Alexis Madrigal, saying it could become a "lynchpin of the defense's case."


Egypt: Despite Footage of Violence, Military General Denies Use of Excessive Force

© Ahmed Almasry
Despite photos and video footage that show military personnel using violence against protesters, a member of Egypt's military council addressed the media on Monday, affirming that the armed forces have exercised self-restraint in the weekend's clashes and accused forces - which he failed to name - of plotting to instigate "chaos," thwart the state and drive wedges between the military and the people.

In a televised news conference, General Adel Emara, member of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), offered the generals' version of the violence that erupted on Friday in downtown Cairo, which left at least 11 killed and more than 500 injured.

He denied reports of the military using "excessive force" against protesters, accusing the media of falsifying reports.

"The armed forces does not use violence systematically," said Emara. "We exercise a level of self-restraint that others envy. We do not do that out of weakness but out of concern for national interests."

The general said that violence erupted on Friday when demonstrators who had been holding a sit-in in outside the cabinet's headquarters for the last three weeks attacked a military officer. Military personnel guarding the cabinet's building came to the officer's rescue, but they were subjected to "deliberate humiliation and provocation," continued Emara, who affirmed later that the armed forces had no intention of dispersing the protest.

Bad Guys

US: '60 Minutes' Edits Out Obama's Claim That He's the Fourth Best President

President Barack Obama sat for an extensive interview with CBS's 60 Minutes last week, though it appears the portion of the interview actually broadcast on TV left out a statement where Obama essentially declared himself the fourth best president in terms of his accomplishments.

The statement was only made available online as part of the full interview on 60 Minutes Overtime.

According to a transcript posted on the 60 Minutes website, Obama said he would hold his accomplishments so far as president against those of Lyndon B. Johnson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

"I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president - with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln - just in terms of what we've gotten done in modern history," Obama told CBS's Steve Kroft.