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Argentina, the country that Monsanto poisoned with agrochemicals

© AP/Natacha PisarenkoIn this March 31, 2013, photo, Camila Veron, 2, born with multiple organ problems and severely disabled, stands outside her home in Avia Terai, in Chaco province, Argentina. Doctors told Camila’s mother, Silvia Achaval that agrochemicals may be to blame. It’s nearly impossible to prove that exposure to a specific chemical caused an individual’s cancer or birth defect, but doctors say these cases merit a rigorous government investigation. “They told me that the water made this happen, because they spray a lot of poison here,” said Achaval.
American biotechnology has turned Argentina into the world's third-largest soybean producer, but the chemicals powering the boom aren't confined to soy and cotton and corn fields. They routinely contaminate homes and classrooms and drinking water. A growing chorus of doctors and scientists is warning that their uncontrolled use could be responsible for the increasing number of health problems turning up in hospitals across the South American nation. In the heart of Argentina's soybean business, house-to-house surveys of 65,000 people in farming communities found cancer rates two to four times higher than the national average, as well as higher rates of hypothyroidism and chronic respiratory illnesses. Associated Press photographer Natacha Pisarenko spent months documenting the issue in farming communities across Argentina.

Most provinces in Argentina forbid spraying pesticides and other agrochemicals next to homes and schools, with bans ranging in distance from 50 meters to as much as several kilometers from populated areas. The Associated Press found many cases of soybeans planted only a few feet from homes and schools, and of chemicals mixed and loaded onto tractors inside residential neighborhoods. In the last 20 years, agrochemical spraying has increased eightfold in Argentina- from 9 million gallons in 1990 to 84 million gallons today. Glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto's Round Up products, is used roughly eight to ten times more per acre than in the United States. Yet Argentina doesn't apply national standards for farm chemicals, leaving rule-making to the provinces and enforcement to the municipalities. The result is a hodgepodge of widely ignored regulations that leave people dangerously exposed.

Just came across more info about this story.
© OvergrowthesystemIn this March 29, 2013, photo, former farmworker Fabian Tomasi, 47, shows the condition of his emaciated body as he stands inside his home in Basavilbaso, in Entre Rios province, Argentina. Tomasi’s job was to keep the crop dusters flying by quickly filling their tanks but he says he was never trained to handle pesticides. Now he is near death from polyneuropathy.
BASAVILBASO, Argentina (AP) - Argentine farmworker Fabian Tomasi was never trained to handle pesticides. His job was to keep the crop-dusters flying by filling their tanks as quickly as possible, although it often meant getting drenched in poison.

Now, at 47, he's a living skeleton, so weak he can hardly swallow or go to the bathroom on his own.

Comment: Like every psychopathic corporation, what counts for Monsanto is making money - regardless of the cost to human lives.

Red Flag

Germany considers implementing 'Jihadist identity cards'


Comment: How long will it be before all Muslims are forced to wear an armband with insignia that notifies everyone they are Muslims? And then where do we go from there? Does Europe really wish to repeat history and become like Nazi Germany?

Despite confiscating passports, Germany has found Jihadists have still been able to leave the country to fight and get training abroad by using their Federal identity cards, so the state has proposed to replace them, with specially designed 'Jihadi' cards.

Having an identity document has been compulsory for many Germans since 1938 when the authoritarian Nazi Party introduced papers for adult men and Jews. The identity card programme has since expanded and covers all adult Germans, providing them with a convenient document for quick identification and travel within the European Union open borders area.

Because the cards are valid travel documents, Germany has seen a number of suspected terrorists who have already had their passports revoked easily slip away to Turkey, with whom Germany has a borders agreement. From there, crossing into the Islamic State is relatively easy and can be arranged by any one of a number of smugglers for a small fee.

Evil Rays

The recharged anti-Muslim campaign and the 'war on terror'

If only.
Early Wednesday morning, the new edition of Charlie Hebdo went on sale across France, with the press run ramped up from the usual 60,000 to 5 million. The new issue, with a degrading cartoon of the prophet Muhammad on its cover, is not a monument to "press freedom," as portrayed in media accounts, but rather a state-supported provocation.

Through this publication and its echoes throughout the media, millions of French citizens are being bombarded by an anti-Muslim campaign that was, until recently, the province of the neo-fascist National Front. These sentiments are being deliberately whipped up to provide a base of support for renewed military operations by French imperialism.

The conduct of the "war on terror" is acquiring ever more openly a racist character.

That the campaign is being very carefully coordinated is evident in the fact that the French government paid for the enormously expanded press run, while leading journals of the French bourgeoisie made it possible: Le Monde supplied computers, Libération opened its offices to the surviving Charlie Hebdo staff. Prime Minister Manuel Valls dropped by to show his support.

Comment: Sadly, the Paris Shootings have opened up the floodgates for France's worst and most destructive political, social and militaristic inclinations towards its own - and the world's - Islamic people. They have basically taken the false flag events of recent days and ran with it; much to the approval of the failing Western Empire, and much to the horror of anyone anywhere who can see what this means and where this is all going.


Former Guantanamo guard: 'CIA killed prisoners, made it look like suicide'

© Reuters / Stringer / Files
A former Guantanamo Bay prison guard and Marine has spoken to the press for the first time about what he claims were the CIA murders of three problematic detainees, covered up as a triple suicide.

Army Staff Sergeant Joseph Hickman was on duty at the notorious prison camp when the three men died, and insists the official version of events is "impossible," he told Vice News.

The three men were Salah Ahmed Al-Salami, 37, from Yemen, Mani Shaman Al-Utaybi, 30, from Saudi Arabia, and Yasser Talal Al-Zahrani, 22, also from Saudi Arabia. None of them had been charged with any crime.

He explained in an incendiary interview with Vice News that the three men would have had to have committed suicide at exactly the same time in a cellblock where guards check on detainees every four minutes.

"They would have had to all three tie their hands and feet together, shove rags down their throats, put a mask over their face, made a noose, hung it from the ceiling on the side of the cellblock, jumped into the noose and hung themselves simultaneously," he said.

Comment: Of course the senators don't want those prisoners released because it would shed more light on what is going on at Guantanamo.


Iran to begin construction of two nuclear plants

© APHassan Rouhani
Iran has begun construction on two new nuclear plants as negotiations with America over its contested program continue in Geneva, according to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Construction of the nuclear plants, which Iran claims are for peaceful energy purposes, was revealed on Tuesday, the day before Secretary of State John Kerry was to meet with his Iranian counterpart for talks in Geneva.

News of the two new nuclear plants come on the heels of reports that Iran has been operating advanced missile sites in Syria and also building a secret nuclear plant there.

Rouhani touted the new nuclear construction following a meeting with investors in Iran's southern Bushehr province, where the nuclear facilities are being built.

"Construction of two new power plants will increase the capacity of Bushehr province's power generation to 2,000 megawatts," Rouhani was quoted as saying by the country's state-run Fars News Agency.

Comment: So what if Iran were to build nuclear sites that were for military purposes? How many nuclear bombs does the U.S. have? How about Israel, the UK, Germany? Why is it ok for those countries to have nuclear weapons but when Iran even mentions building a nuclear plant, it's turned into a narrative about Iran building weapons to destroy the world. Something's not right here.

Snowflake Cold

Left in the cold: Russia responds to European Commissioner for Energy Union

GAZPROM - EU: 6 - 0

Yesterday on Wednesday the EU negotiated with Gazprom in Moscow. The EU negotiators had three aims:
  1. Pressure Russia into extending the special winter pricing on gas supplies to Ukrainian due to end in March,
  2. Force Russia to further unilateral concessions by forcing all European energy purchases to happen through a new "European Energy Union",
  3. Pressure Russia to resurrect the canceled South Stream gas pipeline project and build it in accordance with the restrictive rules of the Third Energy Package.
The Russian response was a cold shower.

Comment: Anyone who understands Russians should have seen this coming. See also:


Propaganda: Lithuania publishes survival manual in case of Russian attack

© Reuters/INTS KalninsCars wait to enter Lithuania from Russia at a border crossing in Kybartai December 16, 2014.
Lithuania is publishing a manual to advise its citizens on how to survive a war on its soil as concerns grow that Russia's intervention in Ukraine heralds increased assertiveness in its tiny Baltic neighbors.

"Keep a sound mind, don't panic and don't lose clear thinking," the manual explains. "Gunshots just outside your window are not the end of the world."

The manual, which the Defence Ministry will send to libraries next week and also distribute at army events, says Lithuanians should resist foreign occupation with demonstrations and strikes, "or at least doing your job worse than usual".

In the event of invasion, the manual says Lithuanians should organize themselves through Twitter and Facebook and attempt cyber attacks against the enemy.

Better Earth

UN to Israel: Give the Palestinians their money!

© AFP Photo / Mohamed El-ShahedPalestinian president Mahmud Abbas (C-L) sits next to Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sabah al-Khaled al-Sabah during an Arab foreign ministers urgent meeting at the Arab League headquarters in the Egyptian capital Cairo on January 15, 2015 to discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the situation in Libya.
The United Nations has called on Israel to resume the transfer of tax revenue to the Palestinian Authority, which it withheld in retaliation following Palestinian efforts to join the International Criminal Court (ICC).

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is concerned that the Israelis and Palestinians are locked into a tit-for-tat exchange of actions and counter actions which are making existing divisions worse and peace impossible to achieve, according to a senior UN official.

Comment: How can Israelis uphold the farce that their government wants 'peace' when that same government engages in such juvenile and malicious actions, obviously forestalling a peace the world should have seen decades ago? The only reason to punish Palestine for wishing to join the ICC is if Israel risks facing legitimate prosecution for actual crimes. As the "only democracy in the Middle East", they should welcome the chance to prove it in a court of law. Does the lady protest too much?


Belgian counter-terrorism raid leaves two dead


Comment: Expect more of these operations in Europe in the next few weeks and months. In most cases, these kinds of operations are centered on going after groups whom the authorities were already well aware of. The reason for the raids is to appease the public that "something is being done" in the wake of the Paris attacks and to keep people afraid and willing to accept draconian surveillance laws.

At least two people were killed when Belgian counter-terrorist police raided an apartment used by suspected Islamist radicals on Thursday, local media said, describing a coordinated, national operation related to last week's attacks in Paris.

Judiciary officials confirmed only that a counter-terrorism operation took place near the centre of Verviers, a town in the east of the country between the city of Liege and the German border. They plan a news briefing at 8 p.m. (2.00 p.m. EST).

Public radio RTBF, which reported a number of other police actions in and around Brussels, said there were no casualties among the security forces. Two unidentified people were killed and a third seriously wounded. Several others were detained.

Earlier, prosecutors said they had detained a man in Belgium whom they suspected of supplying weaponry to Amedy Coulibaly, killer of four people at a Paris Jewish grocery last week.

In a report that could not be immediately confirmed, the Web site of La Meuse newspaper quoted an unidentified police officer saying: "We've averted a Belgian Charlie Hebdo."

Comment: That's always a nice claim to make, it makes for a good quote in the papers. It's quite convenient for the authorities to say that after they've completed their raids and without anything actually happening that would prove that to be true. It seems more than anything that this was done to keep the fear of the public high that there are still "Muslim radicals" operating in Europe so as to keep justifying the encroaching surveillance and security laws that are being touted around the EU as the way to solve the "terrorist problem".


France arrests 54 people for exercising free speech just days after free speech rally

© (Photo: Alexandre Hervaud/cc/flickr)Anti-Elite and anti-Zionist Dieudonné, arrested Wednesday morning for a Facebook post.
In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre last week and just days since the historic Paris unity rally when world leaders stood shoulder-to-shoulder and declared their support for freedom of speech, French authorities have arrested 54 people on charges of "glorifying" or "defending" terrorism.

The French Justice Ministry said that of those arrested, four are minors and several had already been convicted under special measures for immediate sentencing, AP reports. Individuals charged with "inciting terrorism" face a possible 5-year prison term, or up to 7 years for inciting terrorism online. None of those arrested have been linked to the attacks.

Comment: One would think that this level of hypocrisy is enough to make even the most ardent authoritarian follower wake up. However, history shows it not to be the case.

We can only hope that at such a late stage in the game, the insane machinations of the Western elite have become transparent enough for the average person to figure it out, if they choose to do so. We should not give up on spreading the light of truth in any way we can (without being locked up). And be sure to check out Sebastian Haffner's excellent book, Defying Hitler.

hope soap