For years, the US executed Israel's regional destabilization program using phantom terrorists as justification for the 'War on Terror.' But 7 October 2023 killed Washington's never-ending war project - with a flip of the switch, US adversaries have now turned the 'Long War' on Israel.
© The Cradle
Colonization ... is the best affair of business in which the capital of an old and wealthy country can engage ... the same rules of international morality do not apply ... between civilized nations and barbarians.
- John Stuart Mill, quoted by Eileen Sullivan in "Liberalism and Imperialism: JS Mill's Defense of the British Empire," Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 44, 1983.
The events of 11 September 2001 were intended to impose and enshrine a new Exceptionalist paradigm on the young 21st century. History, though, ruled otherwise.
Cast as an attack on the US Homeland, 11 September 2001, immediately generated the Global War on Terror (GWOT), launched at 11 pm on the same day. Initially christened "The Long War" by the Pentagon, the term was later sanitized by the administration of Barack Obama as "Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)."
The US-manufactured War on Terror spent a notoriously
un-trackable eight trillion dollars defeating a phantom enemy, killed
over half a million people - overwhelmingly Muslims - and branched out into illegal wars against seven Muslim-majority states. All of this was relentlessly justified on "humanitarian grounds" and allegedly supported by the "international community" - before that term, too, was renamed as the "rules-based international order."
Cui Bono? (who stands to gain) remains the paramount question related to all matters related to 11 September 2001.
A tight network of fervently Israel-first neocons strategically positioned across the defense and national security establishments by Vice President Dick Cheney - who had served as secretary of defense in the administration of George W Bush's father - sprang into action to impose the
long-planned agenda of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). That far-reaching agenda had waited in the wings for the right trigger - a "new Pearl Harbor" - to justify a slew of regime-change operations and wars across much of West Asia and other Muslim states,
reshaping global geopolitics for the benefit of Israel.US General Wesley Clark's notorious revelation of a secret Cheney regime plot
to destroy seven major Islamic countries over five years, from Iraq, Syria, and Libya all the way to Iran, showed us that the planning had already been done in advance.
These targeted nations had one thing in common: they were resolute enemies of the occupation state and firm supporters of Palestinian rights.The sweet deal, from Tel Aviv's perspective, was that the War on Terror would have the US and its western allies fighting all these serial Israeli-profiting wars on behalf of "civilization" and against the "barbarians." The Israelis couldn't have been more happy or smug about the direction this was going.
It's no wonder that 7 October 2023 is a mirror image of 11 September 2001. The occupation state itself advertised this as Israel's own "11 September." Parallels abound in more ways than one, but certainly not in the way Israel-firsters and the cabal of extremists leading Tel Aviv expected.
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