© UnknownUAP and jet aircraft
Since about mid-November of 2024, an incursion of aerial 'drones' on the East Coast (primarily in New Jersey and New York) has been spotted by hundreds if not thousands of witnesses. They are seen mostly at night and have been repeatedly observed in the airspace above sensitive military bases and installments, such as the Picatinny Arsenal Military Base and the Naval Weapons Station Earle (NJ). The drones have been so persistent in the skies above some of our military bases that the FAA was compelled to issue a temporary flight restriction, something which the drones have chosen to ignore.

Due to public pressure, the Morris County Prosecutor's Office (NJ) issued a statement on November 19th declaring that the drones pose "no known threat to public safety." How they can be certain of this without knowing precisely the nature and capabilities of these so-called 'drones' seems rather premature.

Interestingly, the flurry of drone activity did not just begin in November of 2024 in New Jersey, but in December of 2023 at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia for a period of 17 days!

According to an article in The Hill:
"The Pentagon has confirmed a number of 'unauthorized' drone flights last year in restricted airspace over a Virginia base that houses the nation's most advanced fighter jets. The Wall Street Journal first reported that for 17 days in December, a fleet of the unidentified aircraft flew over Langley Air Force Base as well as over the area that includes the Navy's SEAL Team Six home base and Naval Station Norfolk, the world's largest naval port. Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh on Tuesday confirmed Langley "did experience incursions of unauthorized unmanned aerial systems last year in December 2023".

- 'Pentagon Confirms Incursion of Unauthorized Drones Over Air Force Base,' by Ellen Mitchell, 10/16/2024
These same drones have been observed in other states within the U.S., such as Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Ohio. To make matters even stranger, they have been seen at air force bases in the UK. According to the BBC:
"A number of unidentified drones have been spotted over three airbases in Britain, the United States Air Force (USAF) has confirmed. The incidents, which occurred between Wednesday and Friday, saw 'small unmanned aerial systems' spotted over RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall, in Suffolk, and RAF Feltwell in the neighboring county of Norfolk. The USAF, which uses the bases, said it was unclear at this stage whether the drones were considered hostile. It also declined to comment on whether any defense mechanisms were used, but said it retained 'the right to protect' installations."

- 'Mystery Drones Seen Over Three US Air Bases in UK,' 11/23/2024
The article goes on to describe the drones as fluctuating, and as ranging in size and configuration.

This is precisely what many people are witnessing - namely, drones varying in size, some with bright white lights (some with red and green lights), some with what appear to be propellors of sorts, while others emit a sound very similar to a plane's engine. When approached by police and military helicopters, the drones go dark, and they quickly dart off at a high rate of speed. Many of the drones have been described about as large as an SUV which contradicts the gaslighting explanations of some government officials who state that the drones are merely 'private personal drones.' How many private citizens do you know who fly drones as large as an SUV, especially over highly sensitive military bases?

The drones are able to hover in the air for many hours at a time. They have also been observed making extremely sharp angle turns, something no known conventional drone is able to do. Private drones that are sent up to investigate the suspicious drones quickly lose their power and fall to the earth. Efforts to remove the power source of the drones has also proven ineffectual.

The drones are often accompanied by pulsating 'orbs' that some have termed 'plasmoids' which are bright, self-illuminating plasma-like UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena). The 'orbs' display electromagnetic energy and frequently engage in swarming behavior. I'm not sure anyone really knows the exact nature of these 'orbs,' and how they are connected to the current phenomena. Yet this is what people are seeing.

The drones have also been reported as coming from the ocean. This is exactly what Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) has reported. He has publicly stated that he became "deeply concerned" after a police video recorded a group of 55 drones coming from New Jersey's ocean coast. The drones also trailed a U.S. Coast Guard vessel that was on patrol at the time.
"Smith said that police body cam video captured 55 drones coming in from the ocean off Island Beach State Park on Sunday night. The commanding officer for the Barnegat Coast Guard station, James Corbisiero, told Smith that between 20 and 30 of them followed one of the station's 47-foot rescue boats. Smith said that given the Coast Guard deals with drug runners what would be the rules of engagement with the drone. "This isn't some amateur out there flying a few of these things. There's so many, and they're so big," Smith said. "You just don't know the intent of these drones."
There does seem to be a fair amount of evidence that the drones/UAPs are coming from the ocean. UAPs, in fact, are so frequently seen underwater by U.S. submarine operators that they are formally given the name of "Fastmovers" by the Navy. Some have been reported as moving as fast as 800 knots - which is approximately 921 miles per hour! Contrast that to our fastest U.S. Navy submarine, which can approach a speed of approximately 50 knots, equivalent to only about 58 miles per hour. If one is interested in what high-ranking U.S. Navy officials, military contractors, U.S. Navy pilots, and eyewitnesses have to say about UFOs coming and going out of the ocean, I recommend the documentary: "Transmedium: Fastmovers and USOs" (available on Amazon Prime). The "Fastmover" phenomenon is not something new and it occurs more frequently than most people imagine.

We are now into early January 2025, and the drones are still flying over our restricted air bases, and no official government entity or spokesperson has declared what they are and why all of this is occurring. The government seems happy to provide its citizens with nothing conclusive about them except that they don't pose any real harm to the American people. How they know this we're never told.

I doubt that government authorities are certain of this since a host of airports have had to be temporarily closed as a direct result of a flurry of drones zipping about in their restricted airspaces (e.g., New York's Stewart International Airport, Boston's Logan International Airport, including the U.S. Air Force base at Ramstein in Germany). If the drones are U.S. military property, why would they risk the likelihood of a collision with civilian aircraft by directly flying them at high-traffic airports? None of this makes a whole lot of sense.

Mind you, I would not completely rule out the drones as belonging to our military. We very well could be witnessing a highly advanced, man-made technology previously unknown. But the government doesn't want to tell us for whatever reason. The problem is that these drones appear to have caught our government officials off guard. Government spokesmen, including law enforcement and military officials, seem to be uncertain and surprised - perhaps even embarrassed - by what's occurring in our skies. They are saying very little other than what seems obvious to the casual observer.

The government's lack of response may be akin to the person who has been caught doing something wrong or ethically questionable, but instead of admitting it or even lying, the person chooses to say nothing hoping that it will not get him or her into deeper trouble. If the government were to say these drones are ours, it may create greater problems and present a whole new set of questions they will have to face. If they were to admit that the drones are UFOs and beyond our military's ability to control, it would suggest that our government is unable to secure its own military bases and thus protect the American people. If this were in fact the case, it might be more prudent for the government to keep quiet and hope that things settle down. They know that Americans have a short memory and are preoccupied with more important personal matters, such as the economy, healthcare, etc. Soon they will forget all about it just as they have on prior occasions when the same sort of phenomena occurred at U.S. military bases and throughout the planet.

The government and media have termed the aerial objects "drones." Yet, this might not be the most accurate term because whatever similarity they have to conventional drones is superficial at best. Again, the 'drones' seem to shift their shapes, appear to mimic man-made airplanes, are able to speed off at high rates of speed, avoid being captured by military planes and helicopters, able to spend numerous hours in the air just hovering, and often accompanied by swarms of pulsating 'orbs.' Calling them 'drones' is a safe and convenient way of disarming the public's fear of what we may really be dealing with.
© UnknownUAP
Some have surmised that these drones are sniffing for hazardous nuclear waste or a dirty bomb that has been shipped into the U.S. I wouldn't completely rule out this possibility either, but it seems unlikely to me, especially when there are more efficient ways to find them. The National Nuclear Security Administration's emergency team, in fact, has confirmed that they don't employ drones to look for nuclear or radiological material. According to ABC News:
"A spokesperson at the National Nuclear Security Administration, an agency within the federal energy department that works on the nuclear stockpile, told ABC News the administration's Nuclear Emergency Support Team does not use drones for nuclear detection missions."
('Fact Check: Drones Were Not Tracking Missing Radioactive Material in New Jersey,' by Matthew Glasser & Leah Sarnoff, 12/17/2024).

Besides, the drones don't seem to have any particular search route but instead appear to be operating about in the skies in a somewhat random manner, appearing here and there with no discernible pattern. They appear to be more interested in just being seen which only serves to deepen the mystery of what they're doing here in the first place.

Some have suspected that the drones are being sent by hostile nations, such as Russia or China. If so, the U.S. government seems rather indifferent to it. This is probably because they know the drones haven't originated from either Russia, China, or even Iran as one U.S. congressman claimed. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.) has publicly stated that the drones are from Iran, and they're being launched by a mothership parked off the East Coast:
"I'm going to tell you the real deal. Iran launched a mothership that contains these drones. It's off the East Coast of the United States of America. They've launched drones."

- 'Mystery NJ Drones Are Coming from Iranian Mothership, Congressman Suggests: Should Be Shot Down,' New York Post, by Alex Oliveira & Craig McCarthy, 12/11/2024
The military has denied the congressman's claims. I view Rep. Van Drew's allegations as just another attempt on the part of congressional neocons to justify a war against Iran.

Also, if a hostile foreign nation were to dispatch these drones to the U.S., they inevitably risk the likelihood that if shot down their technology would become discoverable to us. We would be able to easily reverse engineer their technology and use it to our advantage. Sending over a mass of foreign drones to just fly around doesn't seem to be a carefully thought-out plan.

Others have said that this entire drone debacle is a massive Deep-State 'psyop.' The government is preparing the public for a fake alien invasion in order to unite Americans and to garner greater government control over them as a result. This is certainly possible, and I wouldn't put it past the Biden administration to attempt such a scheme. But, again, this seems unlikely to me, especially when given this administration's persistent habit of being totally incompetent at whatever it touches.

Moreover, the UFO/UAP phenomenon, including all the strange lights in the sky hovering above our U.S. military bases isn't of recent origin. This sort of thing has been going on for numerous decades to varying degrees and frequency, most often at our nuclear bases and silos. For instance, in October and November of 1975, there was a systematic incursion of U.S. military bases by UFOs along both sides of the US-Canadian border. This occurred at Loring Air Force Base in northern Maine in which an object hovered for seven long hours. A similar incident occurred at Wurtsmith Air Force Base in Michigan, including at Malstrom Air Force Base in Montana in 1967 where a UFO disabled ten warheads! There is also the 1966 case at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota in which UFOs directly interfered with the nuclear launch capabilities of our missiles. They seem to toy with our missiles, turning them on and off at will. Perhaps their purpose in interfering at such sites is demonstrate that we are not ultimately in control of such destructive weapons that have the potential of vaporizing the entire planet?

The presence of UFOs, then, at U.S. military installations has occurred more frequently than most of us know and it seems unlikely that such incidents were random and pointless. There appears to be a message they seek to convey in all of this. And perhaps the best analogy to describe what they are doing is akin to a responsible adult removing matches from the hands of a baby.

In 1952 from July 12th to the 29th, an incursion of UFOs flew over the Capitol in Washington, D.C. that was seen by hundreds and reported in all the major newspapers at the time. It later became known as the Washington flap, the Washington National Airport Sightings, or simply as the Invasion of Washington.

Then there is the 1997 Phoenix Lights incident of March 13th in which hundreds of residents witnessed a massive, brightly lit UFO in the shape of a boomerang that flew slowly over the city. Whatever the craft was, it apparently wanted to be seen. Numerous residents videotaped the occurrence as well. These are only a small compilation of such incidents in both the U.S. and abroad (for a collection of these accounts, see Richard M. Dolan, UFOs for the 21st Century Mind: The Definitive Guide to the UFO Mystery [Richard Dolan Press, 2022]).
5 lights object
© unknownUFO Phoenix Lights incident
The only difference between those events and what is occurring now in New Jersey, are that the drones continue to reveal themselves for protracted periods of time over several states on the East Coast, including sensitive military bases overseas. This has been on-going night after night, week after week for about two months. What we are presently witnessing then, is not something totally unique or new. Still, it's very alarming.

The so-called government 'psyop,' then, is not the one seeking to manipulate the American people into believing in a coming alien invasion, but the almost 80-year government psyop or propaganda that ridiculed Americans for believing in UFOs and worked tirelessly to prevent us from knowing about the truth of alien crash retrievals, their accompanying biologics (alien bodies), and black budget aerospace projects that sought to reverse engineer these same crafts.

So, what in the world is going on with these incursions of drones? How do we explain all of this?

I'm going to posit a view of these drones that may sound a little crazy or far-fetched. I say it with some apprehension too because I know how bizarre it may sound to some readers. Regardless, I'm inclined to see these drones not as U.S. military drones, but as UFOs or alien craft that are monitoring our nuclear bases and sensitive military facilities. And why would they be doing this? The answer, in short, is because the U.S. is on the brink of nuclear war with Russia and perhaps soon with China. There is also an on-going series of wars and conflicts occurring in the Middle East that the U.S. has played a major role in. There is open talk by both American and Russian officials of employing their nuclear arsenals against each other. We are perhaps closer now to nuclear war than we were in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Anyone who is aware of the subject of Ufology knows that there's a long and documented history of UFOs swarming around our nuclear bases. On some occasions, they have temporarily disabled our ability to launch nuclear missiles, and in other cases they have temporarily activated them as they did in Russia several years back. They seem to be very interested in our nuclear technology, but perhaps not to use it for its own sake, but to prevent humans from completely annihilating themselves and the entire planet.

If anyone doubts that UFOs are interested in our nuclear capabilities, I urge them to read Robert Hastings book, UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites (Second Edition, 2017). Hastings has meticulously documented all of the cases in which UFOs brazenly appear at U.S. military bases, particularly at locations where nuclear bombs have been tested. He has also interviewed more than 150 military veterans who were involved in various UFO-related incidents at U.S. missile sites, including incidents that occurred at weapons storage facilities.

If Hastings is correct is his assessment (and I think he is), it may explain why there has been so many 'drones' or UFOs appearing at our most sensitive Air Force bases for the past two years. If the UFOs are coming from our oceans as a growing number of investigators think, then it makes sense that they would have a vested interest in humans not blowing up the planet.

All of this, of course, is conjecture on my part. I don't really know with any absolute certainty what these 'drones' are. But something highly unusual is occurring on the East Coast that we ought not to ignore. My own prediction is that these drones will probably go away relatively soon, and most people will forget it about it. The federal government and its complicit media will also drop the story - that is, until it happens again which if the historical record and pattern of UFOs appearing at U.S. military installations are true, more accounts of aerial incursions, strange lights and 'orbs' will be resurrected.

It's easy to dismiss the subject of UFOs/UAPs, but inevitably we will have to face the question of whether all those who claim to have seen them are lying. Are the numerous military personnel who have witnessed UFOs, both high-ranking officers as well as enlisted, all exaggerating or telling fibs? Are all these people falling prey to mass hallucinations? How about the former civilian military contractors who have either witnessed or who have knowledge of black budget alien crash retrieval programs - are they all lying too? What are we to make of those who have come out of official Pentagon projects investigating UAPs and who are now whistleblowers? Are they lying to the American people too or just seeking their proverbial 15 minutes of fame?

In my estimation, UFO disclosure is a process, and a soft one at that. Disclosure is occurring, no doubt, but it's occurring slowly and incrementally for a host of reasons. I suspect that the government at the highest levels will eventually concede the reality of UFO's and ET's (in some ways they already have), but any advancements in technology and reverse engineering discoveries will be kept hidden from the public for national defense reasons (and rightly so!).