US moderate goons for regime change
One can hardly believe it anymore. The West has dropped all pretense of their sacred cow of 'democracy', used for generations as an instrument of moral superiority with which to browbeat the rest of the world.

Romanian candidate Calin Georgescu larruped his opponent in the first round of presidential elections, only for the entire result to be 'nullified' by a Romanian court, absurdly citing "Russian interference on TikTok" — with no real evidence. (See here for a deep dive on said 'evidence'.)

A few context-setting reactions:
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On top of that, current Romanian president Klaus Iohannis — taking a page out of Zelensky's playbook — has declared he will illegally stay past his term's constitutional deadline to absolutely no outrage, calls to action, or even criticism from his Western partners:

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As the West finally unravels, we are witness to a veritable string of shocking perversions of the so-called 'democratic' process. A while back Imran Khan had experienced the same thing, promptly being jailed and put out to pasture for daring to gaze east toward Russia and China. In more recent memory, Venezuala's election was deemed undemocratically 'stolen' with no offered evidence — by the same people behind the immaculate 'Rule of Law'.

Moldova's election itself was then actually rigged after Sandu was saved only by a questionable diaspora vote from abroad, a fact admitted to even by Georgia's own globalist stick figure of a president:
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The EU's acceptance of the results in Moldova but not in Georgia is the continuation of an established politics of double standards and the blatant use of democracy as a slogan only when it suits them," said Ivan Katchanovsky, a professor at the University of Ottawa and author of The Maidan Massacre in Ukraine. -Source
Reality was the opposite of what she claims: in Moldova's election a host of "irregularities" and other cheating tactics prevailed — for instance, disenfranchising the Moldovan diaspora living in Moscow by giving them only one small polling station, resulting in many not being able to vote for Sandu's pro-Russian opponent.

Abkhazia and Georgia came next, with massive Western interference to subvert real democracy, with NGO-bought crowds attempting to create new Maidans to intimidate leadership and subvert the political process.

Even in South Korea, Western-backed president Yoon Suk Yeol threw up a sudden military coup that saw armed special forces storming the parliament building.

In France, meanwhile, Macron yesterday announced his refusal to resign after collapse of his government and the resignation of his PM Barnier, sparking a historic political crisis. Just like in the case of Germany's Scholz: European leaders have lost the mandate of the people.
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The short-term obsessed West considers the various CIA-sponsored subversions of the democratic processes as "winning": but have these people given any thought to what precedent they're setting? They are burning their foundations, lighting their entire house on fire. In the hopes of smoking out a few ostensible 'wasps' they now stand to destroy their entire order within a generation.

The perception of the West's miserable 'Rules Based Order' will never be repaired after this — the rest of the free world is watching and learning precisely how 'Rule of Law' hews to principle; the West will never regain their trust, and its institutions will forever carry the stench and stain of political interference and hidden hatred for true democracy — which has always been a token byword meant to excuse the Western order's imperialistic overreach.

The Western order has turned into an odor, and the global south can't pinch its nostrils hard enough.

Long concealed beneath the hypnotic glitz and glam of the hegemon's 'magic show' was that the 'indivisible' idol of democracy has always been apportioned into 'good' and 'bad' forms, as necessity dictates. It was hidden well at one time, with Western leaders who at least made attempts at pretenses to maintain the fable. Now things have spiralled down the drain so quickly that desperate measures are required — with all precautions tossed out with the bath water, to reveal the ugly face of the Western political system kept buried in the ash of its conquests for so long.

In short: they don't have the time to construct elaborate myths and schemes any longer, instead forced to merely act on instinct to save their foundering empire. But in doing so, they have hastened its decline by revealing just how illiberal and despotic it has been all this time.

Comment: The secret control and manipulation of global affairs which used to be done behind the curtain and the prying eye of the public is now gone and the true uglyness of the beast is out in plain view for all with eyes to see.

One illuminating example of just how things have gotten this way comes by way of author Peter Herling's X thread, which uses his expertise of France's idiosyncratic system to give insight into how the globalist apparatus subverts the political processes in each country. The more digestible thread reader version.
France's foreign policy has never been this shallow, reflexive and incoherent, detached from any national interest, slave to the news cycle.

I've witnessed this evolution over 25 years, during my own career. It carries lessons about diplomacy more broadly 🧵
Note what he says next, while juxtaposing it to the US and its infamous State Department takeover of policy:
The most obvious shift is: presidentialization. Policy used to take shape within the ministry (the Quai d'Orsay), home to solid intellectual traditions, a robust corps of civil servants, and strong leadership figures.

Gradually, it moved to the presidential palace (the Elysee).

Within the Elysee, policy was formed at first by a small team of technical advisors who hailed from the Quai d'Orsay, and coordinated closely with it.

Even that changed, as the president's political staff and the president himself took over.

That also opened the door to all sorts of "late-night" whisperers, and the impulses, intuitions, and influences coming from the president's personal networks.
In short, we can understand this as a sort of subtle, inbuilt system of internal checks and balances, which saw experts from outside the president's direct control retain a strong hand in policymaking. But little by little, as the Davos globalist cult's demands for more manipulation, suppression, and hardline policies increased, a natural process took shape: one which saw the gradual side-lining of this previously-effective system of counterbalances, in favor of the hand-placed president and his small shadow circle of gray eminence handlers.

This is the same process which saw the US presidency become coopted by a handful of powerful globalist agents working in the State Department and Cabinet, who essentially began to run the presidency, controlling all direct information flow to him, in and out.
This leads to abrupt, mystifying decisions that foreign policy professionals sometimes learn about through the news.

In this increasingly ad hoc process, what was lost was exactly what makes foreign policy: intellectual frameworks, institutional memory, long-term strategies, hard-earned technical experience.

They subsist, but all too often in catch-up mode.

Formal diplomatic circles haven't just been left behind.


This means that what used to structure foreign policy has degraded. What's left is the paraphernalia of diplomacy: statements, envoys, and conferences with little substance and less consistency still.

For much the same reasons as France, the US, the UK, Germany, and others display foreign policies shaped by ordinary prejudice.

Because politicians are free from professionalized structures, their personal whims and biases, and that of their coterie of advisors, win the day.
This is the quintessential centralization of power by internal shadowy globalist structures.
This may help explain the ongoing collapse of Western-inspired international norms, in the context of Gaza.

It also sheds light on what these standards are being replaced by: base instincts, through which resurface so much of our unresolved past.
Getting back:

The latest example of this great decline comes by way of the West's sudden whitewashing of ISIS deputy and Al-Qaeda leader Al-Joulani. The mind-boggling CNN softball interview is one for the ages:

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Comment: Tucker Carlson interviewing President Putin or the Foreign minister of Russia, Lavrov, is seen in the West as outrageous and of being of very bad taste. CNN interviewing an ISIS/Al-qaeda/HTS leader (the guy has worn many hats over the years), is seen as totally normal and applauded. The guy still has a $10 million bounty on his head by the US.
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The pre-scripted questions were designed merely as platform for the terrorist leader to pitch his new rebrand to a Western audience. It's a classic setup and knock-down play: the shill-host pretends to "challenge" the terrorist leader only to feed him precisely the question that allows him to frame his PR facelift with the prepared answer.

Some of the unbelievable highlights include his intimating that he has put his ISIS past behind him, being that he was a young man and people "change" as they grow through those mercurial phases of life — we can all relate, can't we?
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Just gander at this guy's CV for goodness' sake:
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Al-Qaeda, you know, the guys that supposedly killed thousands of Americans on 9/11, according to the official GWOT hagiography? The guy who as we speak maintains a ten million dollar bounty at the FBI?
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Yes, that guy is being courted by CNN, pitched softballs and offered no challenge whatsoever to the lyrical rhapsodizing of his ISIS teenage angst phase. What can we say, the CIA has built their perfect 'redeemed terrorist folk hero' archetype.

Democracy for the New World — the Western way!
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The media's complicity is born of the fact that no challenge is issued to any of these illiberal or undemocratic travesties. If it were Russia, China, North Korea, or Iran, language specially developed for the cause would be immediately harnessed to challenge, litigate, and incriminate these countries via headlines purposed to the task. But when a streak of Western-backed countries outright cancel their presidential elections, MSM reverts to playing dumb, lying by omission, and issuing 'neutral' sounding headlines with passive language that point no fingers nor insinuate any wrongdoing. Where's the hysterical outcries over a NATO and EU country literally cancelling its presidential elections on a mere whim? That's not to mention the lack of due diligence and journalistic digging into rumors that a mystery American Bombardier flew to Romania on the eve of the cancellation:
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As stated in the beginning, the West's naked hypocrisy has been witnessed by the globe, and will echo down the generations. Western leaders only see the short-term gains and are willing to do anything in their power to prop up their decaying system, kicking the can down the road, which is only increasing the catastrophic 'bubble' which will have to inevitably pop at some point. It's no different than the utilization of the US dollar as economic weapon, now leading to global dedollarization and the creation of parallel financial systems within the global south.

The EU in particular has reached a point of no return, becoming the 'prison of nations', of the earlier commentator's witty coinage. The harder the globalist EU technocrats push, the more obdurate the growing opposition and EU skeptic class becomes. For every one Georgescu they destroy and illegally suppress, they open the eyes of several other ones to rise in the near future. Technocrats never think things through, always grabbing for the quickest and most convenient sword to hand. This lack of foresight has led them to vastly energize the bloc's censorship complex, resulting in unheard of transgressions against citizens' rights. Recent stories from the UK and Germany attest to people repeatedly arrested for innocuous memes or political jests targeting officials:
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After a 64-year-old pensioner retweeted a meme of Green Economy Minister Robert Habeck, in which Habeck was described as an "idiot," Bavarian police raided the man's house and arrested him. The crime has even been recorded as a "politically motivated right-wing crime."
In short: it's total information lockdown or bust.

Now on the heels of the Romanian electoral 'blip', naturally the only calls being made are for more censorship, with several prominent European figures not only militating for 'action' against social media, but openly condoning the whimsical abrogation of elections based on hearsay. A sitting member of the European Parliament:
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Note the blasé fashion with which the cancellation of a presidential election is given full pass, as if it's not something that has shaken the very bedrock of political trust and the social compact with society. The precedent set is that any election can henceforth be entirely liquidated based mere circumstantial rumors of "Russian interference". Most haven't even bothered to consider that 'social media interference' is a fallacious slippery slope to begin with:
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Again, the revolting hypocrisy of the West rears its head: AIPAC openly brags to funding its preferred Congressional candidates to victory. Then just days ago, sitting German Bundestag MP Michael Roth from the SPD party traveled to Tbilisi to openly engage in a coup attempt, even giving a speech to incite protestors:
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In the speech, he even mocks accusations of "interference", displaying the typical Western hubris by willfully flouting the very hypocrisy that will be their downfall.

Imagine if the late Russian Duma MP Zhirinovsky had traveled to the Capitol on J6 to incite crowds against Congress with fiery bullhorn rhetoric from a stage. How would that have been received?

Comment: In the very beginning he says: "...we are friends of a free and democratic Georgia in the very heart of Europe..."
Does he even know where Georgia is even though he is speaking there or did he have the same geography teacher as the German Foreign minister.
Here is a map for reference:

The West is eating itself like a snake with its own tail in its mouth. The latest raft of desperate last-ditch policies are exactly that: they are merely accelerating the blowback. Western elites are scrambling to buy time to keep the entire order, which includes the EU, from crumbling. Like a wounded man slowly bleeding out pounding down glass after glass of water, Europe and NATO reflexively gobble up new nations at a record pace, as if the sheer gluttonous girth of their sickened empire can offset the flyblown decay within.

But the entire system walks a thin line because the people have slowly figured it out, and the globalist technocrats' political duplicity is already revving at max thresholds; they simply cannot afford to steal every future election without the system collapsing beneath the weight of its runaway tyranny. It is already buckling, and a handful of rouged up globalist finger puppets are fain to put up a smiling facade of normalcy before cameras, while the foundations groan beneath them.
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This political order is not just a sick man of Europe, but the veritable sick man of the world, coughing up his infectious spume onto all nearby. This is the cynical twilight of the West, which has chosen terror, oppression, and political manipulation against its own citizens as a way of coping with the slow loss of its imperial entitlements. It's only inevitable that the rising tide of anti-establishment political parties continues to sweep this canker away. But before this happens for good, Europe will likely see a destabilizing political paralysis for several years, as a kind of final death throes of the globalist holdouts and political hacks like Starmer, Macron, Scholz, and co., whose only jobs will be to delay the fall as long as possible.

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