Every one rushes elsewhere and into the future, because no one wants to face one's own inner self.- Michel de MontaigneThere it is again your coined term 'inner standing'(awesome contrast to the word 'understanding'/'worshiper' or 'overstanding'/'lord'/'boss'(s) rules etc. to persist. I thought! ). That may be the only thing that we can truly "own" if we can see it instead of merely the image of the creature(of the cosmic creation - I don't think 'God' is a deity) 'our ego' and what our heart wants. That is what(our 'inner standing') we need to fall and we need to stand up for(our 'inner standing' I think) - truly serving ourselves(STS). Not just materially falling into a hole (for example) and navigating around that next time...
Let the best ideas prevail!
Let the best ideas prevail!Yes. And those "best" ideas will survive death regardless of being deemed 'good' or 'evil' - best does not imply either do you not agree? Be 'good' or be 'good at it'! Jacob was a 'heel catcher or deceiver'(according to the bible) and they named "god's people", "Israel" after him Jacob. Jacob represents: God's struggle or Jacob struggled with God. So let us not decide to be under anything or anyone, and lower our bar to climb over I say. Of course in that struggle we can learn what is "good" and "evil" first hand. Second hand through a deity god or only begotten son Jesus (with declarations from said deity about rules, morals, ethics etc.) , makes us stay mortal forever(at best I think). Your thoughts on that?
- as for surviving death - after one goes through the forest passage - that sort of thinking becomes somewhat meaningless.Agree with that. I think giving up on salvation for our earthly selves(thinking we will survive death as a crash test dummy) is very liberating in the meaning of that statement. I bookmarked your sub stack to be read hopefully sooner rather than later.
Comment: Roof over head or eat...your choice. Perhaps Bill Gates will let us camp on his empty ranches and fallow farms.