Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
It's only useful for information that can't be easily politicised or distorted - otherwise, the bias is often very obvious.
No plastic in his brain?
Drew Donaldson has angered Zeus!
There's that darn Bull figure again. Keeps popping up all over the place. I wonder if the text on the coin is decipherable?
The Bruce Willis movie 'Armageddon' was on the tube this afternoon. Who would have thought, when that movie came out, that China would eventually...
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Reader Comments
We don't like Ukraine's murderous tactics ... wink wink... meanwhile we are sending them tons of weapons and supporting them in every way.
Total garbage.
Risible, farcical & absurd.
China is not going to slit it’s
own throat & let the 4th Reich empire drive a wedge in the Silk Road - & MacKinger’s “Heartland” breadbaskets of commerce between Russia & China.
Maybe the Norwegians learned something from Nazi’s of WWIl or since they are already part of NAZI NATO they could just be playing that role as actors.
Clown show theatrics either way. 🤡💩🎪🐐