An October 18 article by Nick Allen in London's Daily Mail confirms that the U.S. had "foreknowledge" of the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack directed against Israeli civilians.
The report acknowledges that:
"Within hours of the horrific onslaught on Israel by Hamas on Oct. 7 the U.S. began moving warships, jets and special forces to the region."Known to military analysts, such a deployment requires considerable advanced preparation and cannot be improvised "within hours."
This fits in with the scenario that the Hamas attack initiated on October 7, 2023 was a "false flag" operation on behalf of Israel's military and intelligence apparatus (which also coordinates such actions with the U.S.).
Amply documented, Hamas was created by Israel in 1987 and funded by hundreds of millions of dollars via Qatar, a transfer facilitated by Israel.
"The Hamas Partnership" is confirmed by Netanyahu
Netanyahu told a meeting of his Likud party's Knesset members in March 2019:
"Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.""Transferring Money to Hamas" on behalf of Netanyahu is confirmed by a Times of Israel October 8, 2023 Report:
-Haaretz, October 9, 2023
"Hamas was treated as a partner to the detriment of the Palestinian Authority to prevent Abbas from moving towards creating a Palestinian State. Hamas was promoted from a terrorist group to an organization with which Israel conducted negotiations through Egypt, and which was allowed to receive suitcases containing millions of dollars from Qatar through the Gaza crossings."These facts have been detailed in articles by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Dr. Philip Giraldi (former intelligence officer for the CIA) and veteran reporter Seymour Hersh:
An arrangement was made with Qatar, which began sending hundreds of millions of dollars to the Hamas leadership with Israeli approval. The insider told me that "Bibi was convinced that he would have more control over Hamas with the Qatari money" — let them occasionally fire rockets into southern Israel and have access to jobs inside Israel — than he would with the Palestinian Authority. He took that risk. - Seymour HershThe Daily Mail article is titled:
"How the U.S. is ramping up firepower in the Middle East to deter Iran from starting WW III - with an armada of 13 warships, over 100 fighter jets, cruise missiles, spy planes and 2,000 amphibious special forces massing in the region."The first sentence of the report reads:
"The United States is amassing a war machine in the Middle East in a clear message to Iran to stay on the sidelines as Israel prepares to launch a ground invasion into Gaza to destroy the terror group Hamas."So the very quick, dangerous and aggressive massive deployment of U.S. forces to the Israel area is presented in the Daily Mail article as a defensive measure aimed at deterring Iran. Even for the obedient pro-imperialist Western mainstream media, this is an incredible stretch.
However, if one reads the body of the article carefully it becomes clear that it is the U.S. that is starting World War III not Iran. The content of the article contradicts the title which happens sometimes in the mainstream press given its well-known editorial restrictions on telling the truth.
Massive U.S. Military Deployment
The article details massive military escalation by the U.S. that is so extremely provocative as to almost guarantee World War III.
In contrast, the article fails to point out even one single deployment of troops or ships by Iran aimed at Israel or the U.S. after October 7.
The Daily Mail describes Washington's war machine build-up and deployment as:
"Two aircraft carriers including the world's largest - the USS Gerald R. Ford - have been sent to the eastern Mediterranean, along with scores of planes that could carry out air strikes.Who is Planning to Start World War III: America or Iran?
The carrier, which has a nuclear reactor, is replete with an arsenal of weapons like Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles and the Mk-15 Phalanx Close-In Weapon System, which is used to fire armor piercing bullets.
Many more aircraft, including F-15 and F-16 fighter jet squadrons, have been dispatched to US military bases in the region, doubling the number available in the Persian Gulf.
Around 2,000 U.S. Marines trained in special operations and amphibious landings have also been redirected from an exercise in Kuwait, and are now on board two warships somewhere off the coast of Bahrain.
The Pentagon is also preparing an additional 2,000 Army and Air Force personnel as a potential rapid response force.
The main aim of the U.S. military ramp up is to deter Iran and its proxies from making any aggressive move.
A second aircraft carrier, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, will arrive in the eastern Mediterranean in about a week, also accompanied by four other warships.
The carrier, also known as the 'Ike,' has 5,000 sailors and can bring up to nine squadrons of aircraft including fighter jets and helicopters.
Even before the new influx of firepower the U.S. had over 30,000 troops in the region. That includes 13,000 in Qatar, 7,000 in Bahrain, at least 3,000 each in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Kuwait, 2,500 in Iraq, and 2,500 in Turkey.
Incirlik Air Base in Turkey is also home to 50 American B61 nuclear bombs.
Additonally, around 2,000 U.S Marines with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit had just arrived in Kuwait for an exercise when the Hamas attack in Israel happened."
So which country is going to start World War III, the U.S. that is sending not one but two aircraft carriers bristling with attack aircraft and soldiers to the Israel area or Iran that is sending nothing significant to the same region presently?
Obviously, the alarming U.S. military escalation is aimed at starting a war not preventing one and the Orwellian language of the Daily Mail article fits in well with the standard CIA technique of blaming Washington's enemies for "what it wants to do itself'.
About the Author:
Asad Ismi is an award-winning writer on international politics and an expert on U.S. imperialism. He has written on the politics of 70 countries including nine in the Middle East. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization CRG). For his publications and documentaries visit
Reader Comments
That was much appreciated.
A lot of really useful information in there.
Especially as regards the future necessity of coming off "the Microsoft grid".
If you cannot post properly why post. Ya tit!
No time for fruitless engagements with charmless psychotics over the internet.
Waste of my time and yours.
BTW, have you ever thought have having your blood pressure taken?
It's free, and the nearest GP practice is only in the next village (About 200 miles thataway).
If you do find interacting with folk outside the parameters of your wee sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous hamlet 'causes you stress, tension and overwhelming feelings of unquenchable hostility, you could always hit the exit button and sign up to The Purple-Faced Sheep Shaggers Action Group on Facebook.
I had to get an iPhone for a job I had a few years ago. It's wrapped up in tin foil now and I don't use it at all.
I was looking at satellite phones just in case the grid got attacked or went down, But the "Above Phone" site, that she suggested is available, may be good for going online using their softwared smart phone. But as far as computers go, I have got to get going on a non Microsoft, non Google system which isn't mined for data and isn't censored; or, I am just going to have to leave the web completely. But how to access the mass info that we all have come to depend on with the web? I may just have to become a luddite in my old age, rather than having too succum to the online controls coming. F*ck the digital ID and currency. If it means foraging the forests and streams to survive, then so be it.
I really like the idea of going web + server + hardware indie as suggested in that WW interview though.
Looks like a Sunday school teacher circa 1965 but has a brain the size of two football pitches.
Or rise to my level.
Listen, haven't you got a nice whist drive to go to in your village or something?
You might win a prize.
A jar of Brylcreem.
A nest of Tupperware containers.
'Old Spice' shaving kit for men.
A bottle of Pomagne.
If you don't win anything at all, it'll be more than you'll get from me.
On the other hand, your American English. Enough said.
That said, Biden recently recognized that the US-dominated world order (the famous "New World Order" of people like G H W Bush) since WW2 has "run out of steam", and that there's a "new, new world order" emerging, by which he meant the China/Russia multi-polar world initiative. The US thinks it can shape this "new new world order" at least to the extent of not being completely undone by it.
But rather than wait for the multi-polar world to roll over the US and take what comes, the Washington policy makers figure they should "stir things up" a bit in advance of it in order to be better able to shape it to their liking.
And by "stir things up" they mean have a nice large-scale war in the very strategic (resource and geopolitically-wise) ME. If they can come out on top of such a war, they'll be in a good position to shape the emerging multi-polar world to their liking.
Or so they think.
In reality, it's more likely they'll just precipitate a global collapse.
Fun times, eh?
Mass murder or assassination of the same nations based on the same lies.
You have nothing to offer humanity other than perversion, death and slavery!
Ooh I understand why. Politicians and judiciary rotten to the core. And a nation who are neutered and deaf
On the other hand, larger ambitions are at play here. My CIA contact told me a secret, then has not answered any of my phone calls since. He said that Erdogan made a secret visit to the Pentagon about 2 weeks ago, just before all this started. I said that Erdogan Pasha was either coming as a supplicant, or to receive instructions about his future. Perhaps both. Perhaps secret deals were made. Putting that together with Assad leaving his family behind in China gives me a bad feeling, which I elaborated on below.
Bottom line is, the Neocons running Washington, and their Jewish-controlled media, and the Zionists running Israel, hate Russia worse than Iran or Syria or any other country in the world. From recent mentions in news stories, I think some people in Russia, (not including Putin the Israelophile - yet,) are beginning to understand this. The fanatic branches of Judaism are determined to destroy Russia, whatever it takes in terms of destruction of the rest of Christian civilization. This is the underlying constant that apparently no other commentator will acknowledge - and that goal is the basis of my hypothesis below.
Anyway, there are many agendas in play - the Talmudists, the Neocons, the oligarchs, the industrialists, the bankers, the MIC - and if my scenario is correct, all of them hope to get something out of the coming war. None of them wants the war to go nuclear, but war never goes according to plan, ever, and that could happen by accident. Let us say, in this second front against Russia in Syria, American or Israeli planes shoot down Russian planes. Quite possible, either deliberately or unintentionally. Would Russia sink the American aircraft carrier in the Med that had launched the planes? Quite possible. What would America do then? The largest loss of life since WWII. Would it double down against Russia in Syria with ground attacks? Quite possible. Would Turkey get involved against Russia, say, if Erdogan had been offered the huge Kurdish territory in Syria, with its oil and gas, now occupied by America? Would he, as a belligerent, close the Bosporus to Russian ships, which the treaties entitle him to do? What would the Russian reaction be then?
All these questions are not predictions, just illustrations of how a hot war in Syria could escalate in unforeseen ways. Your thoughts?
Finally, your view of a much better and finer world over the horizon after all this goes down is also my own.
Here’s a more accurate answer.
Ever notice the education or religious systems don’t/doesn’t teach about secret societies ?
If it all good why the need for secrecy or lack of transparency ?
Wouldn’t that mean that teachers / educators / priests in that system are useful idiots for the Secret Societies who rule & run that system behind the veil ?
Logos / Pathos / Ethos
What, are they going to try and walk and chew gum at the same time?
In my humble opinion, the war in Gaza is intended to draw in, not Iran, but Syria , and thereby to open a second front involving Russia in a shooting war with the USA, Israel, and Turkey, the latter of which has the power to bottle up the Russian fleet in the Black Sea, if it was in an armed conflict with Russia. I believe Erdogan has been promised that he may seize the Kurdish areas of Syria, and their oil fields, if he goes along with this war against Russia in Syria. Assad will flee to join his family in China, to be replaced by a pro-American and pro-Israeli puppet who will agree to the dismemberment of Syria.
THAT, dear children, is what I see coming in that region of the world. This war will escalate to involve the USA, Lebanon (Hezbollah,) Syria and Turkey. And most importantly, Russia. Critical question: Would Russia escalate to nuclear war over a proxy conflict with the USA in Syria? IMHO, I do not believe so. Russia will not commit suicide over Syria, and Russia's naval base in Tartus. I am sure the Pentagon concurs with that assessment.
The whole brouhaha over Iran and its possible involvement is a red herring , a distraction, a diversion, to draw public attention away from the REAL agenda, until it is suddenly sprung on an unsuspecting world, including an unsuspecting Kremlin.
In other news, if the USA is distracted and involved in a hot war with Russia in the Middle East, this would be the perfect time for China to make its move on Taiwan. The Pentagon has probably NOT foreseen that.
We live in interesting times.
Horror is about to unfold. Hold on to your hats, people.
Is USA trying to start WWIII? A case can be made that WWIII started with the "First Gulf War" in 1990, and is ongoing. That said, the Israeli massive civilian bombing response to the Hamas attacks (which they provoked by allowing settler attacks on Al Aqsa mosque) is now provoking an area wide Islamic response against Israel. USA is obviously trying to deter that response. If they fail to deter and must counter it then it is quite possible WWIII will intensify, if not go nuclear. A great time to be in the bomb shelter business.
I took a screen shot of a segment in a video that pointed out this little gem (below) which I’m sure can be verified one way or the other as the sources name is included.
“Congress buys up war stocks ahead of Hamas attack on Israel” Source Finbold
PS Don't leave us now.
So why now?
America and Israel are going to work together to remove all ever single Arab from Gaza, dead or alive then Gaza becomes part of Israel.
When you see these demonstrations, please understand that these are not "illegal immigrants" coming to take your jobs and radicalize your granny, and have nothing to do with recent immigration to Europe.
There has been a large and vocal pro-Palestinian element in most European countries for FORTY YEARS. And it is mostly made up of INDIGENOUS EUROPEANS. Over the course of those years, they have raised their voices EVERY time Israel has decided to go all Norman Bates on Palestine.
This is nothing new.
As for scare mongering about them taking your jobs, god what a petty moron. The business managers who take these refugees into England America are making money from slavery. Yes human slavery. Aye but your perverts rekey on getting there hands on the kids.
Let’s see your high moral stance back stabbing hypocrite.
If I can reach out to hear and read the truth, you can do exactly what’s necessary instead of being treated like a mushroom by your politicians. . Kept in the dark and fed on keich.
It’s easy to smear me while avoiding there nations slaughter of babies.
But the naivety and your pitiful excuses and avoidance of the obvious is inexcusable.
People are being slaughtered by your bombs and your government. And you are paying for the privilege to those that are enemies both foreign and domestic of the American people. And you haven’t a back bone to get off your cowardly belly to remedy
This simple fact. No it’s not anger it’s shame on your behalf.
Try - I challenge you - to get a face-to-face interview with your MP, or in my case, Representative or Senator. Unless you come bearing a check for $10,000 or more in your hand, all you will see and talk to is some staffer or intern, who will toss your letter in the trash the moment you leave the office, and forget about you instantly.
Try to do this, dear heart, as in this photo, and see how far you get: [Link]
And if you join some protest in the street, you will be arrested and held for days or months or years, without even a trial. Does the name Julian Assange ring a bell? If I do not take my medications every day without fail, my prostate cancer will return and kill me. I do not want to die in jail - I'm too old to endure that. I leave such heroics to the young and robust, who instead, party and drink and make merry every night. Go shout at them, Mr. Highlander, not at me.
Everyone here on SOTT is singing from the same hymn book you are. The best you can do for us is acknowledge that the world is fucked up, and be optimistic about it. The darkest night comes before the dawn. If you survive, it will be a far better and wiser world on the other side, I promise you. The coming times will be endurable.
Meanwhile, try to educate the ignorant. Explain to them how the money system works - most of them don't know. Explain to them with examples, how corrupt the politicians are. Explain to them how greed is self-defeating. Explain to them how eating a healthy diet will make them feel better. Plant some seeds in their minds. But do it gently, not calling them assholes and wishing them a swift death. That is guaranteed to shut their minds up tight.
I hope you take that walk with the dog. It will do you a world of good.
I agree there is little we can do as individuals but one lone voice can become a crescendo of human voices the only thing that frightens these criminals. That’s the power of the masses and these vermin know and fear.
Might as well, 'cause the end result is likely to be the same whether the entity pumping out pointless verbiage is one or not.
It probably wouldn't be all that difficult to instruct an AI programme to create a chat bot using Fat Bastard out of Austin Powers as a model.
Such is the corruption of the judicial system. A system which has been imported here into England and these nations. Aims of industry, marginalising individuals in there place of employment using fear as there main weapon. Unemployment, no I have standards some like yourself are prepared to accept. Solicitors using phycologists in the workplace, I’ve experienced the intimidation myself. To the phycologists fear! I set case law, after being time barred by any be solicitor and another solicitor taking thousands from me, who said the day before the he tribunal, I couldn’t win my case.
I won my case. And the law society, my complaint, they protected both lying solicitors.
But my point, you don’t lay down, not ever, it’s called being a man! Or women like Clare Daly.
What’s worse, I know you just don’t understand.
But if I was a 77th Brigade Chat Bot Operative, I'd be on it like a bonnet with a website like this one.
May I say, LG, that I have a great appreciation for your knowledge, and ability to put things in perspective. You have helped me repeatedly to understand situations, and for that I thank you. So please don't stop. Take good care.
I only endeavoured to show you by example.
But you can lead a horse to water!
Why would a Fat Bastard soundalike insult a thank you note?
I used to pick up a lot of my global gossip through interactions on the comments sections of various alternative news websites.
Nowadays, most of them are completely overrun with bots,
It is on the one hand, a bit like being in a room full of mosquitoes.
Or on the other, a massively intertwined traffic interchange in which most of the roads lead to nowhere.
You can gauge a lot by studying at crowds, both in every day life and online.
It seems to me, the point of online bots is to break up clusters, divert signals, make circuit-shorts and create so much noise and chaos that no one can work out WTF is going on anymore and it's impossible to gauge the mood of the crowd.
Repeating a mantra helps. Make one up, such as "Creator God, (or Father God,) Reveal your love to me, or Let my heart be at peace." Or anything that is meaningful to you. Repeat it over and over as long as you are meditating. Focus on your feelings, not your thoughts. FEEL the peace and silence within yourself. Ignore the mental chaos and noise of your mind. Imagine feelings of peace and love in your heart instead.
Try it. Tell yourself the world and all its chaos will not go away if you withdraw from it for 5 minutes or more. Try to totally ignore it for that time, while you focus on your mantra, and on how you feel inside, and the world will most surely still be there when you get up from your meditation. You don't need to run away from the world for years into a cave in the Himalayas - just withdraw from it into your own feelings for a few minutes. You will be surprised how effective that is.
As for the posture, any comfortable position is fine - cross-legged on the floor, or on a cushion, or in a straight chair. Relaxed and comfortable, no strain. The spine should be straight and upright, all the way to your head - that is important, as it is the most comfortable and also allows the nervous system to flow without the constriction which happens when you slouch.
Give this a try, really, for a while every day, starting with 5 minutes and increasing it to 30 minutes or an hour a day. You will find you naturally want to sit for longer. Don't force it , (very important - it should be enjoyable,) or you will build up a resistance to it. Stop whenever you have had enough. Scratch any itches that occur, don't try to tough them out, and then just forget about them.
You will come to enjoy it more and more. Early morning or late at night are the best times, as there is less noise and less risk of interruption. I think you will find your mind calmer, more focused, and less influenced by other people's craziness. Copy and paste these suggestions, print them and read them each day until the meditation becomes natural for you. Please try it, for your own benefit and happiness. Good luck!