© unknown
I don't know where to start. People like me and others have warned that this was going to happen, and sadly we were correct in our predictions.
This is a horrible, horrible story. Yet it is not anywhere near as big of a story in the mainstream media as it should be.
In 2022, Britain had the HIGHEST number of excess deaths since 1951 if you exclude the covid pandemic years of 2020 and 2021.There was a whopping 50,000 excess deaths in the country for the whole year.Remember when they told you to wear a mask and lock yourself inside for two years to save grandma? Remember how they had covid death trackers constantly on the TV to scare people into compliance?
But now when people are dying in massive numbers,
they are more or less completely ignoring it.
Makeshift morgues.Things are so bad that they are having to store bodies in
makeshift morgues set up in car parks and business parks as hospitals are overflowing with all the dead bodies.
We saw similar stories in Norway, with funeral homes seeing 30% more dead people than normal, and they had to store bodies in extra space reserved only for crisis emergencies.
Surprisingly, the
BBC did write a short article on it! But their reporting is laughable. They seem to try and blame this on "the crisis in healthcare". So why would other countries all over Europe (who just happened to take the certain thing...) also be having sky high excess mortality?
And get this, the BBC also tries to explain that
the increase in heart problems could be related to getting covid! And of course, they say that there is "no evidence of vaccine effect".
Obviously, very important to point out that the mRNA shots have nothing to do with this. Nothing to see here.The data.I touched upon this in my previous article, but let's look at it again. Some people might say the excess deaths is because of covid, but that is not the case at all. In week 51, there was 2,493 excess deaths in England and Wales, with only 429 of those involving covid.
This is a whopping 20.7% higher than normal.In other words,
there was over 2000 non-covid related excess deaths in just 1 week alone.Look at this
graph here showing the rate of excess deaths. The blue lines are with covid, and the green lines are without covid. As you can see, the non-covid excess deaths has been increasing in 2022, with the worst week in December.
This is not just happening in Britain, it is happening all over Europe in the countries that were heavily vaccinated with the mRNA shots.
Take a look at this map showing
excess mortality in Europe for week 51 of 2022.
This map doesn't show the number of excess deaths for many Eastern European countries, but I did find some
data on it anyway. It turns out that in October 2022, the countries with the lowest excess deaths were Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Sweden.
I wonder what Romania, Bulgaria and Slovakia has in common...
Oh, that's right.
They have very low mRNA vaccination rates compared with Western European countries like Germany and Britain that have for some reason been seeing extremely high excess death rates.In October, Romania had a -7% excess death rate. In other words, less deaths than normal. Meanwhile, highly vaccinated Britain had an excess death rate of over 20% in week 51 of December.
Sweden is interesting, they have high vaccination rates. But, they also didn't have much of lockdown restrictions which I would guess has helped a lot. Sweden is the main outlier of excess deaths among highly mRNA vaccinated countries.
What is killing people?I have written numerous articles in this earlier. It turns out that there is a certain health problem that has been seeing a massive increase in the number of deaths. Since the pandemic began, there has been over
30 000 heart related excess deaths in Britain.
For the month of May in 2022, deaths from abnormal heart rhythm were a whopping 39% higher than normal in Britain.
If only there was something that has happened lately that could be the explanation for this. I did some research on this earlier and found SMOKING GUN evidence showing that SUDDEN DEATHS from myocarditis was linked to a certain thing that has been almost forcibly pushed on the population...
British politician Andrew Bridgen also warned that there had been a massive cover up of heart related side effects of the mRNA shots, with information from a whistleblower. Guess what happened to him for exposing this? He was kicked out of the so called Conservative party.
We know now that the mRNA shots have been a massive failure, as we are seeing a pandemic of the vaccinated. As I showed in the
data from Australia, the more doses you have had, the higher your chance of being hospitalized with covid.
So they don't protect against covid, but we are also seeing insane levels of excess deaths happening.
Somebody needs to speak up for these people, which is why I am writing this article.
Reader Comments
And don't be upset if the 'anti-vaxxers' make jokes about it, we earned it. [Link]
professionindustry is doing in Canada.But I finally understand now why my vaxxed work mates get "Covid" so often lately ...
I don't see the brouhaha reflecting poorly upon antivaxxers. I see the great subterfuge of states/nations, who continue obfuscating, pushing vaxxes, and doubling down on censorship, brought forward for more public inspection.
Pike's letter is interesting but apparently outdated. As we've progress, timelines continue changing. From his viewpoint in 1871, he correctly predicted the first two wars (if, indeed, the letter was written by Pike as authorship appears uncertain), but obviously, they've been unable to ignite another great war between Jews and Muslims thus far...which is why they've instigated the Ukraine War. Also, I would think many Freemasons hold enmity toward any furthering of cordiality between Germany and Russia who have been predicted to birth the new epoch or Golden Age evidently on the cosmic horizon.
I believe the letter (written by Pike or not) refers more aptly to the end of this epoch (many centuries in the future) with the War of All Against All.
So sorry, but I cannot lament over people who insist on committing slow suicide. Normally, a suicidal person is miserable, and welcomes sympathy and encouragement, but the pro-vaxxers respond with fury and hatred to anyone trying to save their lives.
It is very commendable that the author of this piece is upset and wants to help those who are living under a death sentence from the so-called "vaccine," but, for my part, I recall what Jesus said in the Bible: " Cast not your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, then turn again and rend you. " (Pigs being an unclean animal among the Jews to whom He was speaking, and wild boars being known for their ferocious aggression, and their huge tusks with which they can easily kill someone.)
I'm a compassionate guy, but I cannot waste my emotions and my sympathy on ignorant and violent people, who insist on believing those evil fucks who wish to kill them slowly, in pursuit of some insane climate agenda or in pursuit of world domination.
There's really no cure for stupid. I suggested that the shots obviously don't work as you wouldn't need five of them for protection, but I just got blank looks like I was the crazy one.
I'm afraid I'm all out of sympathy for those dumb enough to keep getting jabbed with a known poison, it's not as if we didn't warn them.
Darwin Award - to those who improve the human gene pool by removing themselves from it! Great film btw.
Because this outcome was predictable. Thus I expected a more consequential follow-through, perhaps even violently forced injections.
But perhaps they have another plan now - or got distracted...
So it looks like they'll have to regroup. It clearly wasn't possible to roll out such a delicate vaccine that required storing at such low temperatures, and have it arrive at the clinics in the correct state. Too many unskilled people in the chain of custody for this to work.
This is why some people dropped dead a few days after receiving the jab, and others appeared to have no ill effects.
UPDATE: Look up Sasha Latypova on substack, 'Nobody Knows What is in the Vials'. For some reason you can't link to this article.
Anyway ... I do not believe this played any significant role.
Because "pharmazeutical" production is very highly automated, with little human interaction except from pressing the start button and perhaps stack refill operations. As one article months ago here noted, the incidence rate in red, vaxx critical states of the US were significantly higher than those of blue (demo-crats) wiht the most drakonian measures. Which suggests a very deliberate operation, and assortment of toxic strength. Which reminds me of another point - not every of the "clot shots" demanded storage at -70°C. But as a group of independant investigators found, none of the commercial shot contained any "mRNA". But some microscopic parasites instead, which are usually preserved at such temperatures in labs.
The other main components (graphene oxide, heavy metals, nano lipides) are not so sensitive.
While the toxic content of the shots might vary, so does the health and resilience of the human lab rat.
The observed symptoms (and time until they occur) are a result of both variables - and a few more.
Look up Sasha Latypova on substack, 'Nobody Knows What is in the Vials'. (For some reason you can't link to this article).
She describes exactly how variables in manufacture caused this, she has done some very detailed research on the subject.
>While the toxic content of the shots might vary, so does the health and resilience of the human lab rat.< This is no doubt a very significant fact that is overlooked, people vary enormously in their ability to withstand toxins; good point.
The fact remains that the results of the vaxx programs have not been exactly what was intended (for the many reasons you outlined), and they'll surely be regrouping as we speak. Watch your back!
Makes you wonder what they're discussing at Davos this week. And why they felt they needed so much more security. Yes, re-grouping and scheming.
The reason, I think, was the miscalculated Ukraine war. Western pseudo "Russia experts" and whisful-thinking intelligence estimated the Russians have no red lines, and would quickly collapse militarily and economically after a military assault. So, on February 16.th the Ukrainian military started their softening-up artillery barrage on Donbas, with the full offensive to retake both the Donbas and Crimea scheduled for the start of March.
But to the tremendous shock of the Ukrainian military and their Nato/Pentagon masters, the Russians preempted them. And within one or two days, the crucial Ukrainian military infrastructure was destroyed to an extent that made a victory impossible. And it only wend downhill from there. Not only this, the Russians were able to keep it up, weather all sanctions, and draw most of the Global South on their side.
This, I think, is the greatest defeat of the WEF Great Reset plan, a setback they will not recover from. Not that I think we enter a paradisial period, but the Schwab minions who wanted all humans either dead or as propertyless bug eaters are done.