The Grande Prairie man
who verbally attacked Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland on Friday says he is "proud of his behaviour."
The man from the video is Elliott McDavid. Mainstream media reports have labeled him as a "Right-wing extremist" and that he is an "active organizer of freedom convoy events in his area."
McDavid said in a interview on Saturday that it is time for Canada to "wake up."
"Why did I do that? Because I want the rest of the country to wake up and realize that she is a traitor to the country. She is selling out the country," Elliot McDavid said in a phone interview to
The Tyee on Saturday.
Thousands of people denounced the "attack" on Freeland on Twitter saying it was "shameful" and "disgusting." While others on TicTok applauded Elliott for speaking his mind.
"This latest attack on Freeland is part of ongoing verbal harassment and physical intimidation of politicians by protesters, many of whom harbour far-right anti-vaccination conspiracy theories and believe the government is taking away their freedoms,"
The Tyee reported.
People's Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier fired back on social media and said: "
Over the past two years, the Trudeau Liberals have threatened, intimidated, and verbally, legally, financially, and physically assaulted peaceful Canadians."
The Tyee reported that McDavid ranted about the "Trudeau government being part of a conspiracy involving the World Economic Forum."
He also claimed the government was trying to starve the public by forcing fertilizer limitations on farmers and was killing thousands of people, including children, with vaccinations,
The Tyee reported.
"I'm a proud Canadian and I have had enough," McDavid said in the interview.
When The Tyee
asked McDavid what he would say to those people who are calling him a "thug," and a "bully" and "coward for attacking Freeland," McDavid said: "
They got problems. Tell them to go get another vaccine."
"I'm fighting for the country and the people,
unlike the media, unlike the government," he said, adding that people won't wake up until it is too late.
Arthur C. GreenArthur Green is the Alberta Legislative Reporter for the Western Standard and Alberta Report based in the Edmonton Bureau. He is an award-winning journalist and has worked for the CBC and Post Media.
Comment: The comment made in Alberta by to the Right, so-called Honorable Deputy Prime Minister, is thus: