The graphic is from a paper which was published in April 24, 2017: Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children
The point of this article is that the COVID vaccines are not the first unsafe vaccine. We've been doing this for years. The COVID vaccines are simply the latest manifestation of a problem which has been going on for over 20 years.
Key points from that paper:
- Vaccinated children were over four-fold more likely to be diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum
- Vaccinated children were 30-fold more likely to be diagnosed with allergic rhinitis (hay fever) than non-vaccinated children
- Vaccinated children were 22-fold more likely to require an allergy medication than unvaccinated children
- Vaccinated children were over five-fold more likely to be diagnosed with a learning disability than unvaccinated children
- Vaccinated children were 340 percent more likely to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder than unvaccinated children
- Vaccinated children were 5.9-fold more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia than unvaccinated children
- Vaccinated children were 3.8-fold more likely to be diagnosed with middle ear infection (otitis media) than unvaccinated children
- Vaccinated children were 700 percent more likely to have had surgery to insert ear drainage tubes than unvaccinated children
- Vaccinated children were 2.4-fold more likely to have been diagnosed with any chronic illness than unvaccinated children
- Liability protection is a must. Thank you Congress for that. We are the only industry in America without any liability. Perfect. This allows us to create customers for life.
- Parents should make sure to vaccinate all your kids with all possible vaccines. That way, there will not be a control group to compare the outcomes with so nobody will be able to prove that vaccines make things worse.
Next up on the agenda for Congress
- Passing laws that make it illegal to protest
- Mandating all children get all approved vaccines to create lifetime customers
- Criminalizing those evil people that try to warn America about what is really happening.
- Requiring by law social media companies to silence anyone who speaks out against the government agenda.
Reader Comments
Remember the vid of Fauci several years ago sitting on a stage with other "vaxx experts" lamenting that the U.S. public didn't have the good sense to rush and receive their flu vaccination that year? A year in which they had had a significant flu season? And what...I wonder...yes, I do wonder...would it take to get them to rush somewhere to get a vaccination? Not just that year but every year?
Yes. I wonder, wonder, wonder. [Link]
" Vax against no vax, the Italians have always hated each otherWITH COVID, IS OUR SOCIAL TISSUE DESTROYED? NO, IT NEVER EXISTED
His friend Porro rightly complains that our social fabric is disintegrating. Does Catholic singer-songwriter Povia get Covid? Well, that's okay with him, let's hope he dies. These are the "messages" of good wishes also sent to him by media doctors. Porro has my no small esteem also because he disagrees with the conformist line of the newspaper of which he too is deputy director. Journalists who do their job in good conscience and not for salary are few, alas. The pandemic itself intervened, evangelically, to "reveal the thoughts of many hearts". And, thank God, many have noticed it, with the great result that we no longer trust anyone, scientists, journalists, doctors and above all politicians.
In the Middle Ages the political leader was the king, before whose sacredness the knee was bowed. How many revolutions did it take to get political leaders greeted with raspberries when they pop up on TV? Twenty years ago, young and inexperienced, I published a book first for Mondadori, then for Bur: Duty praise of the Italians. Then, as I got older, I had experience. As is well known, experience is that thing that when you have it is no longer needed. I have never regretted a book of mine, and I'm about forty. Except that. He had just come out in bookstores that a threat of lawsuit has already reached him. From abroad. And who was he? An Italian. Completely unknown to the national letters. He said I had plagiarized him, rather than thanking me for mentioning him. It ended up that my publisher was forced to pay for an expertise, which proved me right. However, the cost of the expertise exceeded the collection and the publisher, branded me as someone who carried trouble, set aside my book, which was never reprinted.
In short, the Italians have never had the social fabric. It is from the time of Romulus and Remus that their specific is the civil war. Apart from Rome, the Crusades were born precisely because Pope Urban II, fed up with the constant wars between Christians, told them: but if you really want to lead your hands, go and do it somewhere else, where it is really useful. Fortunately, that time they listened to him. But then they started again. City against city. Neighborhood versus neighborhood (the Palio di Siena is still there today, for one thing). Does the fact that, by law, the mayor had to be an outsider say anything? And the vice of calling "the foreigner" to come to Italy to make his faction win? A vice that also remained in the Risorgimento, which was possible thanks to the English and French and finally Prussians.
The "Austrians" who fought against the Piedmontese were Venetians and Lombards. And what was the garibaldinata against the South if not a war between Italians? Not to mention the Napoleonic campaigns, with Jacobins (Italians, whose flag still stands on the Quirinale) who massacred the Insurgences. And then the "banditry". And then came Marxism and the Italians started giving them to themselves again. Red bienni, squadracce and so on. With the fall of fascism, here is a civil war in a big way. Does the fact that the largest Communist party of Soviet observance in the whole of the West was the Italian one says anything? And that '68 lasted ten years with us, and only with us? Not to mention the years of lead.
We Italians will be good at cooking, art, fashion. But otherwise we laugh. And we hate each other which is a pleasure. We always need someone to come and lead us from the outside, including Draghi. Therefore, there is no social fabric to safeguard. There has never been one. Alas.
Rino Cammilleri, December 18, 2021 "
Well, the teachers I've heard from are expressing big concerns about kids not being able to see others' faces. This all is biblical bad.
3) Our pills and drugs are the only viable treatment for the side effects of our vaccines
If the first drug causes a problem then we have an antidote, and another and another and another. All control but zero accountability. All in the name of health but to the detriment of societal health. The vaccination of our children is a big problem. [Link]