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ADHD is a controversial subject. While the psychiatric industry would have you believe that ADHD is a legitimate diagnosis, the truth is much more surprising.

In order to determine whether a child, or adult, has ADHD, only a vague set of parameters need to be met before medication is prescribed (and many of these parameters also describe normal childhood behavior). There are no brain scans, blood tests or hard scientific analyses associated with ADHD, only a checklist, subject to the biases of the psychiatrist or medical doctor. Possible causes of behavior issues are not considered and once a diagnosis is made, medication is the next step.

Even more problematic are that the drugs prescribed for ADHD are dangerous, and not only due to its side effects. Even when working properly, ADHD medications crush the creative spirit of children, turning them into obsessively obedient automatons. Being prescribed powerful, mind-altering psychotropic medications in childhood, when the brain is still developing, sets them up for a lifetime of problems. The fact that the medications are addictive is also problematic, to say the least.

Join us on this episode of Objective: Health as we look into the terrifying world of ADHD. What are we doing to our kids?

And stay tuned for Zoya's Pet Health Segment, as she looks at the many possible reasons a cat may be vomiting.

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Running Time: 01:01:32

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