The tremor had a magnitude of 3.2, the British Geological Survey said. While that is relatively weak, it can be enough to cause some damage to buildings.
Today's tremor is the second earthquake to hit the UK in as many weeks. Earlier this month, an earthquake near Swansea caused some confusion and problems, with shakes and noises spreading across the south-west.
The British Geological Survey confirmed that there was seismic activity felt in Cumbria. The earthquake was of the kind that happens once or twice a year, it said, and was 130 times weaker than the event in south Wales.
The organisation asked those affected by the tremor to fill in a survey, with the aim of getting a full picture of the event's impact.
ITV reports:
People in Cumbria have felt their homes shake as an earthquake has rocked the scenic county. The British Geological Society says it measured an earthquake of 3.2 on the Richter scale. The epicentre of the quake is thought to be at Mosser Bank, near Cockermouth.
It said that the quake was about '130 times smaller than the event in South Wales last week'.
BGS @BritGeoSurvey
The earthquake in Cumbria was magnitude 3.2, these occur in the UK about once or twice a year. It was about 130 tim...
09:15 - 28 February 2018
On Twitter, users reported feeling tremors just after 730 this morning.
kayleighmelissa @ennismore_
Just felt an earthquake tremor in Cumbria! The house shook for about 20 seconds 😱 #Cumbria #earthquake
07:48 - 28 February 2018
Malcolm allison @malcolmallison3
Just experienced our first earthquake #scary #cumbria
07:44 - 28 February 2018
Lewis Bowman @LewisBowman
Did anybody just feel an earthquake for a second? Me and my neighbours just went running out thinking somebody had...
07:39 - 28 February 2018
It's the second earthquake to happen in the UK this month. In Swansea people and homes were shaken by a 4.4 tremor on February 17th. That event was the biggest ground-based earthquake in a decade.
Comment: As noted in: UK struck by 21 earthquakes in 50 DAYS including biggest in 10 years Whether earthquakes, volcanoes, sinkholes or landslides, there appears to have been a surge in activity recently: