Forecasters say Moscow's snowfall hit a half-century record of 38 centimeters on the last day of January, causing massive flight delays and disruptions of the public transportation system.
But the biggest problem yet is for commuters who chose not to call in sick to defy massive snowbanks on the way to work. Let's hope there is enough fuel in the snow-clearing tractors to deal with what's to come.
NewsOK reports:
According to forecasts snowfalls and blizzard will continue in Moscow through the next several days with temperatures dropping down to -8 during the day and -13 at night.
Comment: Record breaking weather is being documented around the world and, contrary to the mainstream narrative, we're seeing signs of serious cooling:
- Record-cold wave recedes, but now ice jams are causing flooding in US northeast
- A dark December: In one month Moscow totals 6 minutes of sunlight while Belgium bears just 10.5 hours
- Cold weather kills 53 in Taiwan
- Wettest January in history in Broome, Western Australia
- At 144 inches and counting, Erie in Pennsylvania is nearing seasonal snowfall record
- 13,000 tourists trapped at ski resort in Switzerland after heavy snowfall (3.5 feet in 24 hours) blocks all roads and train line
- Heavy snowfall wreaks havoc in China: 1.5 million people affected, 21 killed and 700 homes destroyed
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