Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
I hate to break it to Mr. Hayen but all he wrote has happened in Ottawa during the trucker Freedom Convoy Protest, where even persons merely...
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Tangential. Here is an interview with Andy Schectman. He has been in the precious metals market area for 35 years. He says most of the big...
Buy it? With What? A freshly printed bag of AmeriKan dollars, that will soon be worthless? Best to send in the military and try and take it with...
Perhaps perhaps take your suppositioning to a private space instead of disturbing reality everywhere🤔
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Reader Comments
What I can't abide is when imminent domain is used by government to make room for commercial enterprises, claiming that the economic benefit exceeds the interests of the property owners. This flies in the face of a free market, where commercial interests pay what it costs to buy land based on what the market will bear.
Eminent domain issues are remarkably common and get remarkably little coverage. I thought the public would rise up when there was a city in the Midwest several years ago that condemned a large swath of a poor neighborhood, took the land for whatever price they determined was fair, and then sold the land to a developer to build a shopping mall. There was a brief uproar and then things marched on. Big profits and small jobs are for the greater good, but not home ownership, apparently.
At least they weren't indigenous Americans, or they wouldn't have been paid at all. Don't think that all only happened back in the 18th century either - look at what we did in the 1960s to the Seneca to build Kinzua Dam (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinzua_Dam...)
But fundamentally, it's taxpayers (plural) taking land (eminent domain) from a single taxpayer. How do you think all that land that lies under I-75, for example, was acquired? You don't really think that every single landowner was happy to sell it to the state highway department, do you?
In some cities (northeastern US, especially), entire neighborhoods disappeared for highway projects, but the odds of every homeowner agreeing to sell (without the principal of eminent domain being needed) are astronomical. Same for water and wastewater pipelines, electric power lines, dams, reservoirs, etc.
Hundreds of thousands of American taxpayers have been run off of their land for the common good by the use of eminent domain. Else major public works of any kind would be virtually impossible. Need a new city hall. Do you think the taxpayers should pay an exorbitant price for the land because the current owner knows he has them over a barrel? Not to worry - eminent domain will ensure that taxpayers pay what the property is worth, more or less, compared to similar properties on the open market...no windfall for landowners at taxpayer expense.
In theory. But only the hopelessly naive believe this how things actually work. You're telling me a small group of individuals, the council, can and should reduce a group of a million+ individuals into a signal unit, for whom the council can propose a one-size fits all solution for everything? This "greater good" idea is simply vague collectivist horseshit used to justify what amounts to theft.
Good thing dupes like you still believe in the legitimacy of democracy and government and crap like the "greater good". Otherwise cunts like this councilwoman would be out of business.
One world government with TPTB in control? No, thank you!
And it starts with emminent domain.
"In the end, we're settling because he'll probably win."
So she's admitting that Dallas has no legal claim on this man's property, but HE'S the bad guy.