Russian social media Mossad ad
The national intelligence agency of Israel, Mossad, has made its debut post on Russian social network VKontakte in order to recruit new agents.

Mossad is known for being a very secretive spy agency responsible for intelligence collection, covert operations and counterterrorism. Its director reports directly to the Prime Minister.

A new group called "Mossad" has appeared on Vkontakte. According to information on the group's page anyone who wants to "say something" should click on the link provided below.

There is also an online form available for volunteers who want to become agents of Mossad. Anyone can leave their information with the organization but users are strongly recommended not to use a personal computer for security purposes.

Mossad application on Russia social media
According to the founders of this online page, this is the only official web page of the Israeli intelligence service on the Russian social network.

The group has already published two posts in which the page administrators promise to reveal unique information about the most interesting events of our time. "We have something to say and we are confident that the world's fifth most popular website, which is used daily by tens of millions of people, will help us be heard," their press release read.

Mossad ad on Russian social media
© Mossad
According to the users of the social network, Mossad decided to withdraw from the shadows to unveil some important information in Russian.

Other intelligence services have also made their debut on social media. For example, back in 2014, the CIA posted a tweet which said, "We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet."

Government Communications Headquarters [GCHQ], the British intelligence and security organization responsible for providing signals intelligence [SIGINT] and information assurance to the British government and armed forces, joined Twitter in January 2016.

Their first tweet was short and sweet, "Hello, world." ​Andrew Pike, Director of Communications at GCHQ, said "In joining social media GCHQ can use its own voice to talk directly about the important work we do in keeping Britain safe." The news article by GCHQ explaining why the organization joined Twitter suggested that the reason for that is to be more accessible and to help the public understand more about their work. "We also want to reach out to the technical community and add our voice to social media conversations about technology, maths, cyber security, and other topics where we have a view."