Now, a new serious contamination problem with our vaccines has been identified.
Researcher Anthony Samsel has published five peer-reviewed articles on the herbicide Glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup). A yet-to-be published sixth paper found various commonly-used vaccines contaminated with the herbicide glyphosate.
Yes, you read that correctly: Our vaccines are contaminated with an herbicide that the World Health Organization characterized as"probably carcinogenic to humans."
How can this happen? That answer is easy.
Many vaccines contain animal byproducts such as gelatin, bovine casein, bovine serum, bovine calf serum, or chicken egg protein. The animals from which these products come from are fed grains sprayed with glyphosate. It does not take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that these animals, fed glyphosate in their diet, would contain glyphosate in their byproducts.
Samsel sent a letter to Congress that stated:
"I have run numerous groups of vaccines and identified several vectors of contamination. These include the excipient gelatins, egg protein and or similar substrates used to grow vaccines. I have found gelatins and egg proteins contaminated with Glyphosate-based herbicides from animals fed a glyphosate contaminated diet. This contamination carries into thousands of consumer products i.e. vitamins, protein powders, wine, beer and other consumables which use gelatins as part of the product or in fining and processing."What did Samsel hear back?
He heard nothing.
In other words, our do-nothing Congress, so far, has failed to respond. In his letter to Congress, Samsel also stated that Glyphosate is a synthetic amino acid. It bioaccumulates and is found in all tissue types, particularly the bone and marrow of animals fed a diet contaminated with Glyphosate residues.
You can see Dr. Samsel talk about his research by clicking here.
The following vaccines were found to be contaminated with the herbicide glyphosate:
1. MMR
2. Varicella (chicken pox)
3. Zostavax (shingles)
4. Proquad (MMR, rubella, varicella)
5. Fluzone Quad (flu vaccine)
6. Hepatitis B (B Energix-B)
Multiple vaccines from different manufactures were found to be contaminated. Folks, this is a big deal. Injecting a vaccine contaminated with a known herbicide that is "probably carcinogenic to humans" should be prohibited. We need a Congressional investigation into our vaccines.
We keep hearing the mantra that vaccines are safe. Injecting a vaccine containing an herbicide is safe? Give me a break!
It is time to call your Congressmen and women and tell them to investigate this matter.
I can assure you that it is not safe to inject a known neurotoxin such as mercury or aluminum. Nor is it safe to inject a known carcinogen such as formaldehyde.
Guess what? It is not safe to inject an herbicide that is a probable human carcinogen.
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The big pharmaceutical cartels, government cronies and medical "school" lackies already knew. Therefore, I expect those who did to be held liable for the injury, suffering and death associated with it...
That's right, thunderbolts, any moment now...
Que the crickets...