Mysterious footage has emerged of a bizarre triangular UFO
Mysterious footage has emerged of a bizarre triangular UFO
Mysterious footage has emerged of a bizarre triangular UFO that hovered silently in the sky for minutes.

Paranormal investigators are studying the clip, which shows three rear lights, with a flashing red light in the middle, appear to float in the sky.

A man, claiming to have shot the footage from his car, said he was certain it wasn't a plane , because it stopped "mid-air for three minutes and made no sound at all."

Him and his mum were driving in Charlottesville, Virginia, when they saw the "BIG as day triangle-looking UFO."

The mother can be heard repeatedly asking: "What is that? What is it?"

While people in the car suggest it could be an aeroplane or a drone, the videoer tells them he is adamant it is not.

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The Mutual UFO Network is now looking into the footage.

The man later said: "The UFO was first stationary and then moved to a northeast straight-line path and was gone."