For over 30 years the few scientists willing to publicly investigate para-psychological phenomena have been uncovering statistically significant evidence that paranormal abilities exist. However despite a majority of people believing these abilities are possible (including many scientists) there is a public taboo on para-psychological (or "Psi") research. This insightful video and article by Dr Dean Radin explain why.

Dr Dean Radin, the Chief Scientist of the Institute of Noetic Sciences is at the forefront of para-psychological research (commonly referred to as "Psi" research), having conducted empirical research in the field for 25 years. Dr Radin, along with many other researchers have uncovered recurring and statistically significant evidence for the existence of paranormal abilities, however their research is largely unknown.

In the following video and this article Dr Radin explains the evidence supporting paranormal abilities, and also the prevailing attitude towards Psi research in the academic community which causes this evidence to be discounted and the subject as a whole to be considered an untouchable taboo.