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From the beating of Rodney King to the murder of Kelly Thomas, police tactics in the U.S. have become so heavy-handed that people are regularly being murdered by those ostensibly sworn 'to protect and to serve' them.

The militarization of police forces - particularly since 9/11, the steady erosion of civil rights via draconian laws, and an atmosphere of hysteria generated by the 'War on Terror' have all combined to place the police 'above the law'.

But tyrannical and dictatorial repression is what 'those other countries' do, right? Why is it, then, that we constantly see headlines of people in the U.S. being beaten, tasered, and even shot to death for such minor infringements as traffic violations? Are cops 'out of control'? Are they 'just obeying orders'?

Running Time: 01:54:00

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