In his recent
interview for CBS' 60 Minutes, Putin flatly rejected Western media claims that the Syrian military commits war crimes, not least the incessantly repeated claim that the Syrian military is wantonly dropping 'barrel bombs' over civilian areas, telling American journalist Charlie Rose, "
Speaking in the professional language of the intelligence services, I can tell you that this kind of assessment is an 'active measure' by enemies of Assad. It is anti-Syrian propaganda." Since the conflict began,
many massacres have been blamed on Syrian forces, but later turned out to have either not taken place at all or have been carried out by so-called 'rebels' or 'terrorists'. Within a year of the so-called 'Syrian uprising' they told us the death toll was hitting 100,000. By late 2013 it was 200,000. And today Western media outlets throw around figures of 'over 320,000 dead'. The primary source for these figures throughout the 'civil war' - which is really a war of conquest by proxy mercenaries in the pay of Washington, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, - has been the '
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights', an opposition 'group' whose reports about what's happening in Syria have been taken at face value, despite its clear interest in portraying the Syrian government in the worst possible light. The information on which the figures are based are internationally considered so dubious that the UN
gave up trying to keep an accurate count almost two years ago.
Routinely cited by every single Western media outlet, and its reports taken as gospel truth,
the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has effectively been inventing a narrative of what's happening in Syria that fits Western foreign policy interests. With no real 'ears on the ground' in Syria, SOHR produces reports on troop movements, government policy, and public sentiment, all of which amount to so many lies that are uncritically swallowed and regurgitated by Western presstitutes. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) consists of one Syrian expat - Abdul Rahman, aka Rami Abdulrahman, aka Osama Suleiman - and his 'team of four activists in Syria'. Rahman, a three-term convicted criminal in Syria, found refuge in the West, where he
miraculously sees all in Syria from his two-bedroom house above a clothes shop in Coventry, England.
A more likely figure, based on information collected by the
Violations Documenting Center,
a group that is actually in Syria, suggests that some 120,000 people have been killed. This is the cumulative death toll from four years of the Syrian army, with modest support from Hezbollah, fighting off tens of thousands of religiously-demented, bloodthirsty, foreign mercenaries that have poured into Syria. This means that most of these deaths came
after the commencement of explicit Western, Turkish and Gulf states' military intervention - in the form of weapons, training, communications, and lately, airstrikes - in Syria. As with the 'humanitarian interventions' in Serbia and Libya,
the death toll from relatively low-level existing conflict was grossly exaggerated to support a casus belli for Western military action, which then made 'true' the lie that hundreds of thousands or millions of people were being killed or fleeing the conflict.

"Putin and Assad did it!" - Syrian refugees fleeing US-backed 'rebels'.
And yes, indeed, millions of people are
now fleeing Syria, but that's because the Syrian state is on the brink of collapse thanks to the US-led proxy war against Syria, not because Assad is 'a bad man killing his own people'. The same was true of Gaddafi's Libya. It really boggles the mind how the same infantile slander can be used time and again by Western Warmongers to justify the slaughter of innocents abroad, and yet the people never seem to catch on.
Then again, who would ever imagine that our vaunted 'democratic, peace-loving' leaders in the West could be so inhuman as to falsely accuse someone else of killing civilians to justify killing those same civilians.The one large number related to Syria that Western media rarely draws attention to is the total number of jihadists there (and still pouring into the country from Turkey and Jordan with ease). Based on the official numbers
listed here, and making no distinction between the different brands of terrorists because they all ultimately work for the same master,
we count an army of 123,000 terrorists - including the so-called 'Free Syrian Army', and excluding Kurdish fighters from Iraq because they're undecided as to which takes priority: eliminating the mercenaries or Assad.
'Dynamic Narratives' aka 'Make shit up as you go along'While horrific, no one can fail to be impressed by U.S. and European government officials' persistence in pursuing their aim of convincing Western populations to support the wholesale slaughter of civilians in foreign lands. Four years ago the public was bombarded with propaganda claiming that "Assad is killing his own people". This was followed by the equally bogus claim that "Assad is gassing his own people". Then ISIS appeared on the scene about two years ago, a mercenary army imported into Syria to both attack the Syrian military and population and
provide justification for Western military intervention to finish off Assad and empower a Syrian elite that will transform the country into a Western vassal. The macabre spectacle of ISIS atrocities, apparently stage-managed specifically to inflame European and American sensibilities, distracted attention from "evil Assad" because he too was fighting ISIS, but not for long.

Power engaging in a paramoralistic diatribe at the U.N.
The most recent line of outrageous BS from Western warmongers is that Assad is directly responsible for ISIS because, by not submitting to the West's proxy war against him and his people, he is, in the
words of the intolerably pusillanimous David Cameron: "one of the great recruiting sergeants for ISIS". This narrative that Assad, not the U.S., Turkey and Saudi Arabia, are to blame for the existence of ISIS appears to have become the 'new reality' about two weeks ago when U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Samantha Power,
told CNN correspondent (and likely CIA asset) Christiane Amanpour that Assad "attracts jihadis to the Syrian theater". Since then, several U.S., British and French politicians have all repeated the same mantra.
The irony that
'Mrs Genocide' Samantha Power would be one of the most vociferous cheerleaders for what amounts to genocide against the Syrian people is apparently lost on her. Then again, Power appears to be the type of person who, if she hadn't made her name in politics, would have ended up as a fundamentalist evangelical preacher, exhorting the faithful to be "washed in the blood". She's a "bomb them to save them" or "kill them all and let god sort them out" kind of gal. In mental health circles such people are known as
'asthenic' psychopaths.
Reader Comments
Niall Bradley and Joe Quinn, excellent article gentlemen. What continues to amaze me are the number of North Americans that live on the lies constantly regurgitated by our media, as though they were gospel and to question the official story is heretical, and arguments often times splitting apart families and friendships.
I don't believe Mr. Putin's speach today will have sunk in to many skulls because those dogmatic skulls have had our governments telling them for two years how evil Russia can do nothing but lie. To my cloistered kin, western stories are a comfort that eliminates the need for them to wander outside of the ever shrinking box of constructed reality.
I mean the lack-thereof, has become evermore a dietary soundbite norm for the West. Reading here tonight, releases angst that no one is really seeing or listening - so very good on you both for setting the record straight!
In the North, while keeping an eye on today's news analysis (in light of the UN speeches), the politicians, via their journalist clappers, continue playing out their fear cards - so Putin and al-Assad are very much on the agenda up here, and some people are struggling with it, struggling with how the cards look when it comes to this IS... theatrical, yet deadly thug mercenary fight, and they are struggling with the Ukraine question, too. And yet, the demonetization's continues against Putin (at home, the Ukraine or in Syria) unabated, and of course, it's the same for that evil man painted picture of al-Assad, yet there are cracks appearing. Looking at a commentary here [Link] from Sept 10, it was full of twisted logic and easily sourced from what you both discuss above in your article; sourced from that "two-bedroom house above a clothes shop in Coventry, England."
Looking further, the author from that link provides the usual mumbo-jumbo of "cloths shop" sourced facts intermixed with a large heaping pile of lies. He then references a retired colonel concerning Russia's involvement in Syria (and no one is mentioning China regarding Syria, China is being used exclusively for linkage to where our economic woes are concerned). Nonetheless, this retired colonel, George Petrolekas, writes:
"Paradoxically, if the increased Russian presence is true, it may in fact hasten an end to the conflict".
Well, indeed, the colonel is correct, so nice that he noticed (which cannot be tolerated), so perhaps no one has briefed this retired colonel yet on the true identity and payroll source of the thugs in the Syrian conflict? Maybe other people will start saying the same thing though, questioning the official narrative - butterfly effect.
PS. @Baybars - Yeah, I agree, Putin's speech will not have sunk into many skulls. This is not helped with the short and manipulated soundbites on the MSN frequency that makes sure of it. If not for SOTT and some other good sources, and journalists with a heart and mind, it would all be like that character Elliot Carver, in that crappy film, saying "there is no news like bad news" [Link] .
Lastly, having watched Poroshenko pour it on at the Ukrainian diaspora community, whereby he said "We urgently need Transatlantic unity. We need solidarity with Ukraine, because there is nothing more important than Ukraine in the world today. It is a civilizational struggle, not an internal conflict, as the aggressor is trying to show." I don't know how the worlds "civilizational struggle" can fair with neofascists running the show, and it makes one sick to the core that people do not want to see what's in right in front of their eyes - it must be a combination of cognitive dissonance and psychopathy at work against humanity in tandem?
Russia and possibly China, Iran, Hezbollah etc all have legitimate pretexts to enter Syria for genuine reasons, if requested. This is a super opportunity - especially with Israel openly involving itself in the attacks. The tables could be totally turned about, if a huge build up of forces use Syria as a base to clean up the whole mess in the middle east spontaneously! While they are at it they should take out the core of the the world's problems - ISRAHELL!! Then not only do we have checkmate, but also the potential to thoroughly and honestly bring in Putin's NWO and truly be on the way to some peace on our planet!! Here's always wishful thinking! (Yep, I know, things are never that simple).