My better half (a well known Osteopath) had the honor of interviewing Dr Nick Gonzalez several times before his death in several popular videos. I was fortunate to have known him this incredibly wise knowledgable healer.
It brought me no joy to stumble upon this unintended series that I broke (as gently as possible) about all the holistic doctors who died within a matter of weeks. We knew some of them which made it all the more difficult to write about it. I'd be writing one article as another doctor we knew died. It's tragic and painful and I truly hope no more die or are killed.
Vitaly Magazine published an article where Dr. Nick Gonzalez said that big pharma knows about his work and hopes he gets "hit by a bus". I tend to believe it, because someone very reputable who I know did the last interview ever with Dr. Gonzalez which will be out soon and shed more light on this. It appears there are others out there too where he said the same thing beyond the one in Vitality Magazine. I promise to share or link to the last interview whenever it does come out as, from what I hear, it's a very important to hear his final words.
Vitality Magazine:The keynote speaker at this year's Whole Life Expo is Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez of New York, one of a small number of doctors whose success in treating cancer exceeds that of mainstream oncology by a wide margin. His work thereby puts the lie to pharmaceutical propaganda that fuels a cancer industry bringing in hundreds of billions of dollars while fooling millions of desperate and bewildered patients. "I've been told drug companies know about my work but hope I get hit by a bus," Dr. Gonzalez observes wryly.
Dr. Gonzalez not only cured himself of pancreatic cancer (maybe the hardest cancer of all to survive or cure) but Suzanne Somers was also his patient (who was cured of breast cancer and refused chemotherapy) She has stated publicly that not only did she speak to him just days before he died, but that he was healthy and well. She also referenced my articles publicly that other doctors did die and it's all very "sinister" Suzanne Somers also tweeted me about the death and my better half had interviewed her as well just weeks before he died. Sadly, we no have ten doctors who have died within a few months with the most recent
being Mary Bovier, an Osteopath just found stabbed to death days ago in her home. They had a person of interest who was interviewed and released (allegedly a doctor too and her boyfriend) but he has not been arrested at this time.

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We have to wonder how many other times Dr. Gonzalez talked about big pharma wanting him to get "hit by a bus" (or whatever euphemism you want to give it) or how often he said publicly or privately that he'd heard that big pharma wanted him dead.
Again, this could be a total coincidence but I think this worthy of an article, especially with the people I've been talking to the last few days on the subject.
I'm doing a few TV shows I trust about the series of articles I wrote, including GAIAM TV (they make the Yoga mats!) but they have a whole TV network - like the alternative to Netflix - and I'm honored to do be flying out to do 2 separate shows with them with a live studio audience that will be heard by many when they air. I promise to post those air dates as soon as I know. I have been approached to do a few more as well, but want to make sure of their integrity like I trust GAIAM.
Suzanne somers also tweeted with me about the death of her beloved friend and doctor who really was what some called a miracle worker... (my twitter handle is
@unhealthytruth which she references to below )

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Since every friend patient and family member I've talked with thus far has told me they are questioning the death of their loved ones - I do sincerely hope they'll open full investigations. Some family members have even come forwarded publicly like the Bradstreets (family of Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet who I interviewed exclusively) and family/loved ones of Dr. Bruce Hedendal. They even appeared CBS channel 12 saying they want answers in light of the other doctors I've connected who have died around the same time. CBS approached me too, but I was doing another interview and couldn't do that one, but I think it's far more important the family did it and spoke their mind.
Between that and the local news calling the death and investigation of Dr. Jeffrey Whiteside (not to be confused with the death of Jeffrey Bradstreet) a total "mess" I think that we have not gotten to the bottom of this.
Both MD's named Jeffrey were found dead - one (the first Jeffrey Bradstreet MD) in a river with a gun shot wound to his chest and the other, Jeffrey Whiteside, in the woods (after 3 weeks of already searching that area which is mysterious) with found with a gunshot shot wound (reportedly to his head) Dr. Bradstreet's is still under investigation (though mainstream keeps saying apparent suicide) and Dr. Whiteside's was just called as a suicide but many of his peers and the public say the facts just don't add up.
Again, just because I've written articles on these doctors (almost all who had mutual friends or we knew personally) doesn't mean I know or believe they're connected. I don't know. But I can't say with certainty that they aren't.
I know many family members believe they weren't "natural" or accidental and want answers and investigations opened now (if they aren't already) and I hope they get the answers they deserve very soon!
telling the truth is dangerous. They kill activists because they are telling the truth. They are killing reporters for the same reason. They also murder good politicians that are real, human and intelligent. And why not doctors that work for health? Real doctors, not what we have in our hospitals or offices.... Good doctors that feel, have solutions and are heroes. So sad...