The demonstrators set rubbish containers on fire and threw stones at police who were guarding the building, during a rally calling for the resignation of Nikola Gruevski and his cabinet.
The interior ministry said at least 10 policemen were injured during and after the two-hour rally. Police in riot gear dispersed the crowd after the rally, a Reuters witness said.
Gruevski, a Conservative in power for nine years, has been involved in a conflict with Social Democrat opposition leader Zoran Zaev that threatens Macedonia's fragile democracy.
Zaev has in the last few months published wire-taps of voices purported to include those of Gruevski and senior officials discussing how to employ members of the ruling rightist VMRO-DPMNE party in state jobs, pick judges and massage elections.
Comment: And how did Zaev aquire these wire-taps? Well, according to reports it's none others than the 'fun and games' crew from the CIA.
Yes, we're in the middle of an attempted coup d'รฉtat for example in Macedonia, and pressure against many other countries against Anglo-American forces. First of all, by the wonder boy of American foreign policy, George Soros, who has been financing Color Revolution all over the area, and then by the State Department itself, with Melia, the Victoria Nuland's deputy, who has been defending the attempted coup d'รฉtat that has been going on in Macedonia, which you had described. Thomas Melia, Nuland's deputy, said he doesn't see any problem in the fact that the head of the opposition has received tapes, recordings, made illegally by a foreign intelligence agency, which everybody identifies with the CIA and American agencies, against the elected government of Macedonia. So the government of Macedonia, fortunately, came out very strongly and said that they will not accept that external forces will destroy their country. At this moment, the population is mobilized behind the Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, who's 'fault' is that he didn't accept the sanctions against Russia and is supporting this pipeline, so at this point, we're in the middle of this fight, and I hope that everyone from the East and West will support this fight against the destabilization in Macedonia.
Gruevski has denied the allegations and dismissed the wire-taps as a plot by foreign spies. A state prosecutor indicted Zaev on Thursday for "violence against representatives of the highest state bodies".
Zaev published a new set of audio files on Tuesday and accused Gruevski and his interior minister of attempting to cover up the death of a 22-year-old man, who was beaten to death by a police officer during a post-election celebration in 2011.
Comment: Just in time to fan the flames of the protests and make them seem legitimate?
The officer was later sentenced to 14 years in prison for murder.
The ministry denied the accusation against Gruevski and his minister and accused Zaev of exploiting a tragic death for political gain.
The protesters gathered outside the government building hours after Zaev's news conference.
Comment: A striking coincidence, no doubt.
The situation in Macedonia now is between 2 evils, and you must choose one. The opposition today in Macedonia is just a puppet and nothing more. They dont have capacity and integrity to lead the country or to make any positive reforms. They are western puppets and nothing else
On the other hand the current government is a highly corrupted. A lot of criminal is going in their lines. The only positive thing is that they refuse to be the blind followers of the west and have opened more to the east, to the Asia too. The Balkan stream is a good thing for Macedonia, and if it is realised then the puppet opposition as it is now will have no chances in near future to win any elections.
So the opposition is trying to be in the government in order to stop this valuable project for the country. I one interview the opposition leader said that Macedonia dont need the Balkan stream when we have the Trans Atlantic stream in front of our nose. So its a very clear what is his Mission.
They are playing psychologically with the people here , they are playing on their emotions. Its a tactical psychological operation. People are in a heavy economical situation and its getting worst each day. That is the reason why people protests and think that if this government goes that with the others will be better. They think that they are fighting for their better life. And again they are manipulated.
Fact is that it will be only worst. Whoever gets in government right now , it must fight with the corruption , economy , new jobs, and i dont see that kind of party, of force that can do that. Its just a wishfull thinking and nothing more.