Monday, a 72-year-old woman was still in the hospital after being attacked by the family rottweiler Sunday afternoon, according to neighbors.

Tawanna Wright said she heard screams from her neighbor's front yard. When she rushed out she saw her elderly neighbor being mauled by the family's rottweiler. She said the attack lasted at least 15 minutes, during which she tried to distract the rottweiler. Then family's other dog, a pit bull, would not let her get close. That is when she called 911.

"It was nerve-racking. The rottweiler had blood dripping from its mouth. I think everybody was a little freaked out," said Wright.

She said the victim's grandson returned home, and was able to get both dogs inside. She said she saw the victim had about 50 bite marks on her arms, and was rushed to the emergency room.

Residents said they are thankful no children out on spring break were nearby when the incident happened.

"I'm just glad that none of the kids actually, got hurt that live in the neighborhood." said Carla Davis, who lives across the street from where the incident allegedly occurred.

Wright said she could not imagine what would have happened if they had not heard the victim's cries for help.

"I'm thankful I actually heard her, and I could get to her," said Wright.

An Animal Control officer said the dog will be held at Rabies Control for 10 days to determine if it has the virus. Afterward, the family can request its return.