"Long live the White Races, and down with the Semite-led subhumans and interracial contacts".Look at that slogan. Should this be regarded as a great and laudable sentiment or call-to-action?
If you think so, then here are some equally laudable sentiments, provided by the same person and organisation:
"The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival. A crusade against the Semite-led subhumans".and
"Punish severely sexual perversions and any interracial contacts that lead to the extinction of the white man".and
"Prepare for further expansion and to struggle for the liberation of the entire White Race from the domination of the internationalist speculative capital".If you don't like or agree with these sentiments, then you are obviously not a citizen of any European Union country, or any NATO country, or of the United States of America.
That is because the person who said this - on his own behalf, and on behalf of his organisation "Patriots of Ukraine" - is the commander of the unit which is currently fighting under the banner of the glorious and heroic "Azov Battalion". The Azov battalion is - along with many other identically-orientated "Special Units" of the "National Guard" of Ukraine (established by the "Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine") - currently fighting to "liberate" Eastern Ukraine from "Semites" and "Semite-led subhumans"; with the full encouragement of the Ukrainian government.
The Ukrainian government, and all of the many organisations - such as the "Socialist-National Assembly", the "Patriots of Ukraine", the "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists", the "Tryzub", the "Swoboda" and other such organisations - have taken over the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Internal Affairs and other Key Ministries within the current post-coup government of Ukraine. They are also providing the personnel from within their political party structures to form the "Special Units" of the "National Guard" - tasked with liquidating the (in their words) Semites and Semite-led subhumans in Eastern Ukraine. In this "historic mission" of theirs, they are being completely supported to carry it out with impunity by the member states of the European Union and NATO, and the United States of America.
In fact, it is only the financial, diplomatic and military support provided by the European Union, NATO and the United States of America that has enabled these views to prevail with impunity in Ukraine, and enabled corresponding acts to be perpetrated with impunity in Eastern Ukraine by those who hold these views, against the people that they regard as "Semites" (aka Ukrainian citizens who have the Jewish faith) and "Semite-led subhumans" (aka Ukrainian citizens who are of Russian ethnicity, and all Asians, Africans, Latin Americans, Arabic people and "non-White races"); as well as against those who engage in "interracial contacts".
It is therefore worth noting that if you are a citizen of any European Union or NATO country, or of the United States of America; seeing as these are democratic countries where the governments are elected by you to represent and carry out the will of their people (i.e. your will), and where they are funded by you to carry out your will through the money paid in taxes by their people (i.e. your money); it is, in fact, you who is facilitating, condoning, supporting and encouraging these views.
Consequently, if you are a citizen of the European Union, a NATO country or the United States of America, the question is, therefore - do you feel satisfied, or proud of yourself, for your association with these views?
Moreover, the people whose speech and views are being facilitated, supported and condoned don't just talk. They translate their words into deeds and actions - rapidly, efficiently and thoroughly.
That is why in the last two months, far more "Semites and Semite-led subhumans" (including very many women and children) have been killed in Eastern Ukraine through indiscriminate shelling and bombing - including by ballistic missiles - or burnt alive, beaten to death, shot or starved, than were killed in Gaza over the corresponding period. Moreover, over seven hundred thousand have fled to refugee camps in the Russian Federation, while over one hundred thousand more are internally displaced within the Donbass region of South Eastern Ukraine. All this has been done most efficiently and premeditatedly, by the people that the EU and NATO country governments, and the government of the USA, are facilitating, supporting, condoning and paying for.
To illustrate the level of impunity which this support has now led the persons implementing this "solution" to their "problem" enjoy, please see here a recent public quote from the Prime Minister of Ukraine; who was installed in his post not according to the will of the Ukrainian people, but rather according to the will of the USA's Department of State:
"They lost their lives because they defended men and women, children and the elderly who found themselves in a situation facing a threat to be killed by invaders and sponsored by them subhumans. First, we will commemorate the heroes by wiping out those who killed them and then by cleaning our land from the evil". ~ Arseniy Yatsenyuk - Prime Minister of UkraineAccording to him, the heroes of the Azov Battalion and other "Special Units" of the "National Guard" will be honoured, and the subhumans will be wiped out, after which the land will be cleaned of the subhumans' evil. Although the written record of his public comment was re-written to change "subhuman" to "inhuman" to cater for the required public narrative, a screenshot of the posting of his original speech is here. In any event, as that speech was broadcast live to the "subhuman" inhabitants of Eastern Ukraine, they all got it first-hand themselves, and they therefore know what awaits them - if the government in Kiev has its their way.
It seems that once the "heroic" wiping out of the subhumans has been completed in the main, the post-coup Ukrainian government also has a plan in place for how to deal with the ones who're still there. Here it is:
"There will be a thorough filtration of people. There will be special filtration measures put in place. We will filter out people, including women, who are linked to separatism, who were committing crimes on Ukrainian territory. Crimes related to terrorist activities. We have a lot of information about this, and we have a formidable framework to combat this. Various power structures will carry out this operation. ~ Mykhailo Koval - Minister of Defence of UkraineRead this quote carefully. Especially look at the phrase "Special 'Filtration' Activities". One wonders what the Ukrainian government ministers and their advisors from other countries who formulated this plan had in mind. Perhaps if they closed their eyes and thought about it they could catch the faint sound of freight trains moving off into the dark of the night, travelling to parts unknown; full to the brim with an unusual cargo. It would not be the first time that something like this has happened in Ukraine.
The current post-coup government in Ukraine clearly has a problem with people that it perceives to be "Semite-led subhumans", and - according to Ukrainian political leaders - this problem must be attended to. In stirring up a section of their (presumably non-subhuman) population through rhetoric, it seems that they have driven many people to start "helping" with this, and helping most thoroughly. As such, their will will be done - in fact, it is currently being done. As for the survivors, it seems that they'll just be ethnically cleansed from the land (to make the land "clean", it seems).
As with all thorough plans, it also seems that the current Ukrainian government has already worked out how to recompense the people who are cleaning the land of the "evil of the subhumans". Here it is:
"Land parcels will be given out for free to the servicemen of the Armed Forces and other military formations, as well as to the employees of Interior Ministry and the Security Service that are defending territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country". ~ Land Agency of UkraineClearly, according to the current Ukrainian government, the land, possessions and businesses of the subhumans will be taken over and given away to the "heroic" personnel of the "Special Units" of the "National Guard" for free. It seems that in the "New Ukraine", those classified as subhumans have no rights, so ownership and title don't apply to them. Not anyway in the "New Europe" being forged within Ukraine.
If any Ukrainian speaks out against these acts too loudly, they are, more and more, just grabbed off the street and "disappeared". Also, if any Ukrainian wants to broadcast anything other than the required narrative on Television, such a person will be assaulted and forced to resign (in this case, being assaulted and forced to resign by the Member of Parliament of Ukraine responsible for "Free Speech") . Similarly, if any Ukrainian wants to speak out against this in the Ukrainian Parliament, they will similarly be silenced by force applied in the parliament building (and then have their political party banned).
The iron-clad priority of the current Ukrainian government - and their supporters - appears to be that at all costs they must project the required narrative to outsiders in order to justify their conduct. The required narrative is that the prevailing situation is a war between Russia and Ukraine, not that it is a civil war inside Ukraine between Ukrainian citizens - with the Ukrainian "Special Units", "National Guard" and army killing and ethnically cleansing the "subhuman" category of the Ukrainian civilian population in the Donbass Region of South-Eastern Ukraine.
As for the so-called "subhuman" section of the population trapped inside South Eastern Ukraine, it is not as though these acts are being carried out against them in silence. They are being done openly. However, although the people trapped inside the surrounded cities are crying out for help most publicly, nobody's listening. It seems to be that the narrative has been accepted that all 8 million of these "subhumans" are "terrorists", so their money can be taken from their bank accounts and from the money due for their pensions, insurance won't pay for their destroyed houses, businesses or possessions - and whatever's left can just be confiscated, and their water, electricity and gas supplies can be cut.
Moreover, it seems as though these people's residential houses can be rocketed and shelled and bombed with impunity, and their windows can be blown out and roofs destroyed. In that part of Europe this can force people to - in winter, with minus 40 degree centigrade weather - risk freezing to death or otherwise be forced to leave their homes.
Also, there are, apparently, no consequences incurred by the current Ukrainian government, their "National Guard" units, or their supporters for the daily contraventions of multiple Ukrainian and International Laws, including:
- Ukrainian Criminal Laws and its Constitution, or
- European Laws, or
- International Laws, or
- International War Crimes Laws, or
- International Law against the Bombing of Civilians, or
- Customary International Humanitarian Law , or
- the Geneva Conventions, or
- the law on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide , or
- International Refugee Law, or
- the Laws on Forced Evictions and Forced Displacement, or
- the Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, or
- The Convention against Torture, or
- Hate Crime Laws, or multiple International Human Rights Treaties, or
- Multiple other laws relating to Siege / Immunity of Civilians / Starvation / Blocking of Humanitarian Aid, or Destruction and Seizure of Property, or Wanton Destruction, or Crimes Against Humanity, or Corporate War Crimes, or Hate Speech, etc, etc, etc.
- any private persons, or
- any organisation leaders or members, or
- any military leaders or soldiers, or
- any private military company or organisation directors, leaders or members, or
- any political party leaders or members, or
- any government leaders or members,
- from any country involved with these acts directly or indirectly,
- for either their acts or their failures to act,
- or against any person (or spokesperson) for aiding, abetting or encouraging such acts, or concealing information on such acts,
- and although there is no statute of limitations for when these charges can be brought;
This is especially as very few foreign journalists are reporting from within the encircled cities or areas or the border of the Russian Federation; but also primarily because the "solution" being applied to this "subhuman terrorist" problem is being applied with the support and protection of the governments of the EU and NATO countries, and the USA. As a result, there is a total absence of balance when it comes to reporting of statements or to reporting of rebuttals from parties being mentioned in the media.
Other than this, all statements from the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and any other party that doesn't follow the required narrative appear to being kept out of the primary media in many countries. Other events that are contrary to the required narrative also appear to be left out of primary media reports in some countries.
In amongst this situation have also occurred some very irregular events which do not and could not pass muster if measured against any yardstick of probity or decency whatsoever.
Moreover, since early 2014, Ukraine has been teetering on the edge of bankruptcy due to default on tens-of-billions of dollars of debt. Where has that all suddenly disappeared to? Also, the requirement to pay back any of the other tens-of-billions of dollars in loans from multiple international creditors, or to pay for gas supplies, or any other normal requirement for any normal country in any normal situation seems to either have mysteriously disappeared, or be able to be totally ignored by the current government - primarily, it seems, due to external protection provided to Ukraine's current government by the governments of the EU and NATO countries, and the USA.
Similarly, despite Ukraine's financial bankruptcy, there is, however, suddenly and just as mysteriously - from thin air, it seems - a tremendous amount of money available for military spending. This is specifically for the current Ukrainian government to launch the very expensive and ongoing military operation against the eight million "subhuman terrorists". This includes money for the brand-new military equipment used by the "Special Units" of the "National Guard" to kill the terrorists, much of whose equipment does not come from Ukraine.
Perhaps it is time - as the "Watergate" saying went - to "follow the money", and see where it leads to.
For all of this, the citizens of EU and NATO countries, and of the USA - whose governments are covering for, or guaranteeing the cost of, this land-cleaning of the evil of subhuman terrorists - are morally co-responsible if you allow your governments to continue this policy of support, condoning or financing of these actions.
Therefore, look again at the headline of this article. Look at the quotes, in bold. Systematically review the documents and videos located at hyperlinks like this one in this article. Take your time and do it thoroughly. If they leave you cold, or if you agree with what is being done, well then - stand aside and let it happen, because then, you will never again have to concern yourself about it.
If, however, you are not in agreement with what is going on - whether you are a citizen of an EU or NATO country, the USA, or for that matter, any country - and it does not leave you cold, then there is some action required. You see, disagreeing but doing nothing is akin to consent. If you don't agree with what is being done, you have to actually do something to stop it. In doing so, you should take note of this very important point.
If you are a citizen of a democratic country, it is you who is the ruler. Your government is not elected to rule you, to tell you what to do or to do as it pleases. No indeed.
Your government - comprising citizens who are no better or worse than you, and no more or less worthy than you - is elected to serve you. To administer the affairs of your country on your behalf, according to your wishes. As such, you can compel them to accede to your will.
Regrettably, many of them lose sight of this fact once they are elected, and think they are kings or queens, so you may have to remind them of who, in fact, works for who.
One way to do this is through the use of the law.
Just as a company director can face legal consequences for reckless endangerment of a company, so can a political leader face legal consequences for reckless endangerment of a country or of people's lives. Just as a company director can face legal consequences for making false and misleading statements, so can a political leader. When a company director takes a company in a direction that the majority of its shareholders disagrees with, they can band together and force him out - and the same can be done with political leaders and citizens or voters. There are many avenues of recourse, and many intelligent and committed law firms and legal minds that know how to do this.
If this avenue is not open to you, then make your voice heard in any way that is possible. Doing anything - as long as it is non-violent and geared towards achieving positive change - is preferable to doing nothing.
Let your political leaders and governments know your thoughts. Make them comply with your will - for if you do not, they will condone or support the carrying out of these acts in your name.
Moreover, because this situation is being ignored or condoned by governments, and because many ordinary people think that the condoning of this situation by their governments is perverse, they are taking matters into their own hands, and what is happening in that region of Europe is starting to spread its tentacles far and wide - and very rapidly too.
Therefore, take note that as sure as night follows day, if you allow the Law of the Jungle to reign supreme in Ukraine today, you run the risk that tomorrow, when you open your front door, the jungle could be on your own doorstep.
A cold wind is blowing through Europe. It carries on it the sound of voices from the past - gone but not forgotten. Voices of people who cried out for help - but no help ever came. Mingling in are the sound of new voices, also crying out for help - but their cries too go unanswered.
Pay heed to this wind, and to the voices that it carries; for if you do not, this wind can become a storm; and if it does, you will find, when that storm arrives, that tomorrow belongs to you.
About the author
The writer is an executive at a multinational company based in Europe. Prior to his business career, he provided Strategic Geopolitical Consulting services to national and federal governments in Eastern and Western Europe and the CIS, as well as to international organisations. He is the author of geopolitical articles which are published in the press internationally, and is also a guest commentator on geopolitical affairs for international television stations. He has been a delegate and guest speaker at United Nations conferences. He has chaired a Humanitarian Organisation in Europe and a Military Veterans Organisation in South Africa as pro-bono activities. Prior to his career in Strategic Geopolitical Consulting, he was a Special Forces Operator and member of the Directorate of Special Tasks of Military Intelligence, and participated in the Angolan War, where he took part in combat operations against USSR and USSR-proxy forces during the Cold War.
Comment: While it's highly doubtful that voters can do anything about entrenched oligarchy in Western Europe and the US at this point, the author's warning - from last summer - about the forces that have been unleashed in Ukraine are all the more ominous given the quantum leap (downwards) towards fascism Western Europe underwent as a result of this 'Charlie Hebdo' affair. Now we have both Muslims and Russians earmarked for 'extermination'... how long before they come for YOU?