Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Nature at its best. +1
Are we putting an over-emphasis on a "maybe"? Well put LOL People are the word of God.... who abide by God.
Always enjoy reading vigilant citizen from time to time. He's ex advertising, so has seen that side of the biz. Who are these stars, never heard...
Isn't that one eye thing supposed to be connected with malign masonry?
There is a lot to what Hayen is saying here. But it brought to mind a picture in my head. We travel a lot, and everywhere we go around the world...
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13+ miles per second. I bet there is an unquoted tolerance on this. Worryingly (to me) it seems to be travelling on the SE to NW orbit (I have SSE to NNW) of Itys. Could this be a fragment that broke off last time 2011 as the big one left the atmosphere? This would result in an early reappearance of a fragment. Apparently it was at night but can not find a time.
OK I am always looking for such objects, slow and on this path and later in the day. Probably nothing but an unusual coincidence. Indeed the map shows it was far too E-W to be related...