It may have been the largest turnout in UK history with a majority vote of 'No', but thousands are demanding a revote because of "strange occurrences", that have already been dismissed as examples of vote rigging.
The petition states:
Countless evidences of fraud during the recent Scottish Referendum have come to light, including two counts of votes being moved in bulk into a No pile, Yes votes clearly being seen in no piles and strange occurrences with dual fire alarms and clear cut fraud in Glasgow. We demand a revote be taken of said referendum, where each vote shall be counted by two individuals, one of whom should be an international impartial party without a stake in the vote.The allegations of votes being miscounted refers to this video that nationalists have said "proves" the referendum was rigged:
But the conspiracy theory has been promptly dismissed by Yes Dundee who said it was nothing to worry about...
Comment: Keep in mind that just because someone claiming to represent the Yes Campaign says something, doesn't mean they're telling the truth:
Scots MP: Scottish National Party and Yes Campaign riddled with MI5 and other agents of British security state
It comes after Scottish nationalists were told to "get a grip" yesterday after angry pro-indy supporters vented their frustrations on social media after the result was announced.
Comment: "Get a grip" say the psychopaths who stole Scots' landslide victory and unleashed their mindless, fascist minions in Glasgow.
The angry reaction is somewhat unsurprising given the hostile nature of the debate from both the nationalist and unionist camps in the final days of the divisive campaign.
Comment: That is a completely inaccurate representation of how the campaign went. The nationalist campaign was festive and honorable. The Unionist campaign was pure fear-mongering. Scots' reaction is totally understandable: they have just been cheated by Perfidious Albion. Again.
So, what's the current count? It would be interesting if more signatures are received than the No vote.... and funny as well, and who couldn't use a good laugh these days?