Signs of the Times in July 2014

The seventh installment in our monthly series, the following video compiles footage of 'signs of the times' from around the world during July 2014 - 'earth changes', extreme weather and planetary upheaval.

As geo-political events took a crazy turn in July - with Israel launching its most destructive 'war' on Gaza on the Palestinians since the Nakba, agents of the Western Empire blowing Malaysian Airlines MH17 out of the sky to demonize Putin, and Kiev scaling up its massacre of Eastern Ukrainians - the planet reflected this chaos with even more extreme weather.

Numerous meteor fireballs were seen across swathes of the U.S. and Russia; intense electrical storms pounded the U.S. and Europe; enormous quantities of hail were dumped in places used to scorching heat this time of year; 'tornado season' continued its year-round cycle all over the world; devastating landslides killed hundreds in India and China; people and cattle everywhere were killed by lightning; hurricane-force winds left destruction in Southern Russia and Australia; and just about everywhere was inundated with deluges of rain.

Meanwhile, the planet's EM field has dropped significantly in recent months, while the Sun was practically spotless this month, despite the fact we're currently at Solar Max in Sunspot Cycle 24. July was the coldest in U.S. history, despite record-breaking wildfires and drought in the western half of the country. Between the hail, the downpours, the cold and the storms, farmers everywhere are facing severe losses from crop damage.

Inexplicable mass animal die-offs continue, with dead sea creatures washing up on lakeshores and coastlines around the world. More enormous sinkholes appeared, notably three 'crater-holes' in northern Russia and a 100-feet-wide sinkhole in Florida that witnesses say 'exploded up in the air'. Rounding out the month was an unbelievable series of explosions in Taiwan that gouged whole streets and injured hundreds of people.

Tornadoes in Boston, rivers and seas turning blood red, fire falling from the skies, snow in July, lakes appearing in the Sahara overnight... we are definitely NOT not in Kansas anymore!

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