In the West, on the other hand, where I live, I can say with confidence that our modern society, its political and social conventions, customs and morality, has passed its expiry date and is well and truly moribund. If I were a political or social cartoonist, the image would be a giant rotting corpse plastered in thick make up and doused in cheap perfume with a greedy banker's hand up its ass making it move and talk to fool the public into thinking that they actually have a future to look forward to.
Leading the cast in this tragicomedy (heavy on the tragi) we find our psychopathic leaders and their media whores trying extra hard to convince us that everything is just fine. But that smell, that stench of lies and the screaming contradiction between what they say and what we can all see (if we look) is making it increasingly hard to believe them, and even our own wishful thinking.
Consider that:
The pedophilia that has long existed in secret in 'high places' has, in recent years, come out of the closet in the form of a host of beloved British 'house-hold names' dragged into court on charges that they abused thousands of children in TV studio dressing rooms, hospitals and their homes, over the last several decades. In response to this revelation, the British media and British 'experts' have sought to either protect the offenders, or convince the public that they should accept pedophilia as a 'normal sexual orientation'.
The UK is the most surveilled state in the world, boasting one CCTV camera for every 11 citizens. CCTV cameras on Britain's roads capture 26 million images of civilians in their cars every day. There are only 34.5 million vehicles licensed for use on British roads. George Orwell had no idea.
A majority of British and American children don't play outside, they 'play' inside by hooking their brains up to (often) violent video games. This particular 'leisure' activity may not necessarily turn them into violent children and adults, but it certainly does affect their brains, hindering the development of empathy and leaving them 'morally immature', just like society at large. US and British courts have repeatedly struck down attempts to restrict children's access to violent video games, and yet, at Heathrow airport for example, 'security' guards will confiscate from the hand of a child's toy action figure, tiny, dangerous, plastic toy guns (made in China) .
In France, a popular comedian with a penchant for pointing out the corruption and vested interests and divided loyalties of politicians has been flagrantly censored by the politicians themselves. The censor-in-chief, French Interior Minister, Manuel Valls, is a rabid defender of 'Zionist' ideals. 'Zionist ideals', when stripped bare, are little more than the insatiable greed and blood lust of psychopaths.
In the US, with almost 50 million people on food stamps and poverty and unemployment at all-time highs, states have passed laws criminalizing the homeless, with Florida passing a law that forbids homeless people from covering themselves with a blanket. To solve the awkward food stamp problem in the 'land of opportunity', the US elite decided to cut food stamps to the tune of $5 billion late last year. Meanwhile, a US court has declared that rich people who kill poor people are not guilty of murder but are themselves the 'victims' of their own wealth and privilege that caused them to believe that the law does not apply to them, and therefore, the judge declared, the law does not apply to them. It shouldn't be too hard to see how that precedent can be used by 'elite' criminals of all stripes.
33% of Americans have diabetes or prediabetes. In the UK the figure is 17%. Diabetes is directly linked to the typical Western diet that is high in carbs and sugar. Both diabetes and sugar (carbs) may be linked to cancer. The number of cancer sufferers around the world is predicted to increase by 70% over the next 20 years. Despite these facts, and the obvious conclusions that can be drawn from them, Western governments continue to kowtow to big business interests and promote a high carb (sugar) diet for everyone.
70 million Americans are on mind-altering prescription drugs. I can't blame them. Although it's not helping anyone, except the big pharma corporations and their buddies in government. Meanwhile, tobacco, a significantly beneficial stress-reducing substance when additives are not added, is legislated against, supported by millions of clueless sheep.
Israel continues its 60-year experiment in running the world's biggest concentration camp in Palestine and gets away with it by constantly reminding everyone that Jewish suffering in the concentration camps trumps all other suffering, even though, by the numbers they harp on about so much, it doesn't. The Zionist state keeps European and American politicians on song via blackmail (see pedophilia networks above) and bribery, making sure that everyone agrees that the dominance of "that shitty little country" is necessary to 'safe-guard freedom and democracy' around the world. 'Never again!' means 'Never again unless the Israelis and the psychos in Western governments are doing it', in which case, fire away. Honestly, how are they meant to get the people to consent to them committing acts of genocide unless they shove a previous act of genocide in the people's collective face and conscience?
The US government and CIA have ushered in a brave new world where military drones indiscriminately murder innocent people in "far off lands" while 30,000 'civilian' versions of these grim reapers introduced back home will not be used to target and kill the American people, only to spy on them, at least for now, they say. Sure. But do check out this cool new psycho toy, coming to a patch of sky near you... soon.
US police forces have killed 5,000 American civilians since 2001, a result of the militarization of the same forces that was justified by the September 11th attacks, when the US government hooked up with Israel to murder 3,000 American citizens to justify the expansion of empire, the introduction of killer drones, and the militarization of the police forces to keep people back home down, or dead.
'Al-Qaeda' is a name given to the CIA's cadre of psychopathic Islamic thugs. They are used around the world by the CIA to carry out 'terrorist' attacks against civilian targets, which are, in turn, used to put pressure on foreign governments to either resign or comply with US government rules pertaining to US corporations' 'rights' to the natural resources of ostensibly sovereign nations. It's a play taken straight out of the mafia protection racket rule book, adjusted for international 'diplomacy' and it goes something like this:
"We'll keepSee?ourthe 'Islamic terrorists' off your back if you pay us protection money in the form of access to your nation's resources and allow us to install a military base in your country to protectour resourcesyou fromourthe Islamic terrorists."
If you try, even just a little, I'm sure you can come up with many more examples of just how high on the 'pathologically screwed-up' scale our Western 'civilization' has reached. But there's more to this situation than just a society on the brink of internal collapse. While we've been busy allowing psychopaths in power to royally bollix up our 'way of life', the environment has been busy mirroring back to us just how screwed up we are by acting all 'screwy' itself. (That's a technical term, by the way.)
'Climate change' is upon us, but that term doesn't do justice to the level of chaos that has been reigning in our biosphere over the last 10 years or so. Volcanic eruptions; earthquakes; hurricanes; tornadoes (and now in places where tornadoes never occurred previously); sinkholes swallowing people, vehicles, lakes and whole neighbourhoods; mass animal die-offs; record flooding; snows storms of epic proportions; and fireballs and meteorites raining down on our heads (literally) have all increased dramatically in intensity and frequency in recent years. To compound the problem, crop yields have fallen dramatically over the last few years as a result of the 'weird weather' and food shortages are already being discussed around the champagne cooler at the UN.
Unfortunately, the potential that these shocking events hold for normal human beings to sit up and take notice has been seriously suppressed by the interference of the usual psycho suspects who have waged a determined campaign to blame climate chaos, and the threat it poses, on humans themselves. Ironically enough, blaming human beings for our biosphere developing a personality disorder isn't far off the mark, but the source of the problem has nothing to do with our CO2 emissions.
The ponerizing effect of psychopaths in power has resulted in nobel prizes being offered to lying, psychopathic nutbags like Al Gore for his pathological enthusiasm in the promotion of the 'global warming' scam that serves to not only prevent people from understanding the true nature of 'climate change' (even on the GW level, it's cooling, not warming), but the true cause of it.
As above, so below (or vice versa) and as psychopathic ways of thinking and acting take hold of, and metastasize throughout a formerly normal human society and the 'death throes' ensue, our planet, of which we as a species are a part, reacts in a similarly dramatic way. It's hard to say which comes first though, and perhaps it is more true to say that the relationship between the human race and the planet (or the universe at large) takes the form of a feedback loop. As chaos increases in human society, so chaos is provoked in the environment, which provokes more chaos in human society... and on 'down' it goes.
The fact of the matter seems to be that, as an experiment in modern human civilization under the stewardship of psychopaths, our global society has gone as far as is possible and achieved the expected results: complete collapse looms and a cleaning of the slate is sure to follow.
I hope everyone enjoyed (and maybe even learned from) the experience.
p.s. Ya know things are pretty bad when you check "causes of societal collapse" on Wikipedia and it reads like today's run-down of breaking news.
"Common factors that may contribute to societal collapse are economic, environmental, social and cultural, but they manifest combined effects like a whole system out of balance. In some cases a natural disaster (e.g. tsunami, earthquake, massive fire or climate change) may seem to be an immediate cause. Other factors such as a Malthusian catastrophe, overpopulation or resource depletion might be the proximate cause of collapse. Significant inequity may combine with lack of loyalty to a central power structure and result in an oppressed lower class rising up and taking power from a smaller wealthy elite."
Reader Comments
Hopefully they will agree and forward the article to theirs as well.
This great article reminds me of a scene where a man had fell asleep in his row-boat, only to be waken by the loud sound of rushing waters .. frantically looking around he saw that the river was tapering off into a serious rapid stream which was followed by a possible death drop of a water fall … frantically he began to paddle as he felt the torrents of rapid water began to flow dangerously through sharp rocks and big boulders .. believing previous stories he’d heard, he considered he had a slim chance of surviving not only the dangerous rapid waters, but that death-drop of the water fall … he secured himself the best he could, laid back and prayed ..
And it seems that mainstream has awaken just in time to see the mouth of the rapid ..
Concerning the "big pharma corporations and their buddies in government" mentioned in the article ... I'd like to say that the same drugs, meds and foods they’ve addicted the people to, they formulate to either elevate blood pressure and diabetic levels … and/or formulate to attack major organs like kidneys, liver and heart … there are some diabolical and sinister psychopaths governing from behind the veil ..
I’ve gone from doctor to doctor, used pharmacy after pharmacy, even used maiden names and previous married names, I’ve paid hundreds of dollars hoping to get a better grade of meds than Medicaid would allow .. all in hopes to get ahead of these harmful meds that proves to follow me no matter where I go or what I do. Good meds did pretty well, but these harmful meds proven to follow in a ‘same prescription refill’ has now reached me at yet another pharmacy. Within an hour of taking the med, blood pressure shot up to 237/132
So thoroughly convinced that there is a diabolical and sinister plan working against me behind the veil, causing me to receive such harmful meds, I’ve decided to stop taking the meds all together and work that much harder to follow an extremely low-salt diet keeping around 600 calories a day ..
Even though pressure is still up, it’s not as high nor do I feel as bad, as when taking the meds. And though I’ve taken BP meds for over 40 yrs, in time, in faith, in Love, in hope, I believe my blood pressure will go down.
Nevertheless, one-way-or-the-other, I’m ready to leave this reality OR continue this life-mission, without the harm of bad medicines and harmful foods …
I’m trusting in the Master CREATOR, that GOD Source which laid and holds the very foundation of our Multi-Universal Planes in place.
You spelled it out pretty clearly, and you didn't even mention GMO's and Fukushima. Quite a party we have going on these days. Makes me want to light a cigarette and cheer on the comets.
Great article that puts it all together for those still willing to see.
" But that smell, that stench of lies and the screaming contradiction between what they say and what we can all see (if we look) is making it increasingly hard to believe them, and even our own wishful thinking."
That reminds me of what Sebastian Haffner wrote in 'Defying Hitler':
What saved me was - my nose. I have a fairly well-developed figurative sense of smell, or to put it differently, a sense of the worth (or worthlessness!) of human, moral, political views and attitudes. Most Germans unfortunately lack this sense almost completely. The cleverest of them are capable of discussing themselves stupid with their abstractions and deductions, when just using their noses would tell them that something stinks. I had already acquired the habit of using my nose to test the few opinion I held firmly.
As for the Nazis, my nose left me with no doubts. It was just tiresome to talk about which of their alleged goals and intentions were still acceptable, or even 'historically justified' when all of it stank. How it stank! That the Nazis were enemies, my enemies and the enemies of all I held dear, was crystal clear to me from the outset. What was not at all clear to me, was what terrible enemies they would turn out to be. I was inclined not to take them very seriously - a common attitude among their inexperienced opponents, which helped them a lot, and still helps them.
There are few things as comic as the calm, superior indifference with which I and those like me watched the beginnings of the Nazi revolution in Germany, as if from a box at the theatre. It was, after all, a movement with the declared intention of doing away with us. Perhaps the only comparably comic thing is the way that now, years later, Europe is permitting itself exactly the same indifferent attitude, as though it were a superior, amused onlooker, while the Nazis are already setting it alight at all four corners.
The olfactory system acts as a transducer for higher energies. See; pranayama; tongue-jag in microcosmic orbit. Don't take any writings or teachings on these subject as fact unless you've proven them to be so yourself.
"All initiation is self-initiation" - G.I. Gurdjieff.
To a point, "psychopaths in power" makes perfect sense, until you actually encounter one. They seem fine and upstanding at first, but after a while the mask of sanity wears thin and you can see the monster underneath. That's what they all have in common, that appearances must be upheld but they are incapable of doing it for long.
Furthermore, they are all extreme egots. That is what is shining through the mask first, their unashamed self-interest and disinterest in the damage they do to others. How, then, can they possibly co-operate with other psychopaths - given that they have a knack for recognizing one of their own? The answer is; they don't, not unless they know they have a clear advantage so that they can dominate, exploit or destroy and get away with it.
Bottom line is, the psychopaths in power are very very bad at giant conspiracies. Their first concern is their own advancement and the risk of involving other pathological liars who also are only concerned with their own advancement is too high. They are of course more than willing to take large risks, but not if the benefits are in the very long term... like the New World Order is.
Thus, we are left with two options if we are to understand what is going on:
A) The serve-the-self agendas of all successful psychopaths around the world are randomly intertwined, creating an ad-hoc advance into a Global Government surveillance state.
B) The psychopaths in power aren't actually psychopaths, but something else; a sub-species, or alien species.
I think that while A) is the more likely, B) serves as a more intriguing narrative. The idea of an alien invasion having already taken place a long time ago and the return of the human species to an obvious slave race instead of a subtle one is soon to take place due to an absolute control by a powerful minority... it certainly explains how such a huge conspiracy can be a reality, and why such cold-hearted individuals can possibly work together for a long-term goal.
What if the psychopaths are like beacons or transducers through which certain frequencies 'come into' 3D? Thus, a certain order can be produced *through* them, not *by* them.
This way, they can still be selfish psychopaths, AND work together, across time and space, without necessarily realizing it.
Mainstream experts on psychopathy have described them as 'biological reaction machines'. That right there says a lot. 'Aliens'? Sure, why not, although that term is already used for paranormal/UFO encounters. Heck, 'droids' and 'cyborgs' work too!
But them being conscious of what they're doing? I bet they'd like to *think* that they're the masters of the universe, and are more than happy for people to credit them as such, what with those giant egos to feed!
No "what if" about it.
Well, I wasn't using either "sub-species" or "aliens" as metaphors. After all, condones the existence of extraterrestrials, so the idea of actual aliens living with us here on earth shouldn't be too out there. As for "sub-species" I also here meant in a literal sense, with humanity and psychopaths separate.
It is typical of research into the unknown, like for instance the "Starchild Skull", that the scientists are looking for "non-human" DNA, expecting extraterrestrial genetic material to be radically different from that of humans. Given the origin of mankind, though, it is entirely possible that any extraterrestrial race is also human - which is why I don't raise eyebrows at claims of proof of alien DNA.
Throughout pre-history and history, people have claimed that the Gods have walked among us; it is only in the last millennium that the idea of non-corporeal deities has gained foothold in the general populace. Also here, I think that the literal interpretation proposes the most intriguing narrative.
Based on the tales our ancestors found important enough to go to great lengths passing on to us, there is no reason to eagerly anticipate this so-called Disclosure - dread is more pertinent. It is clear they were a master race and treated humans accordingly.
Thing is, who else thinks that God of the Old Testament was a psychopath? The first commandment; no Gods but me!? Worship me and you will be rewarded?
In context of what we know of the ruling elites of the Earth today, their likeness in ancient history is easy to spot. The question I pose is this: are they really human?
A very plausible scenario, Niall. I become more convinced of this by the day.
Well, SOTT acknowledges the experiences of those who report extraterrestrial experiences, but we don't believe that whatever intelligence(s) are responsible for this are actually 'beings travelling here from other planets'. We give a high degree of probability to the idea that there's an underlying reality *behind* this scenario (UFOs, aliens, etc), but don't for a minute believe that the form it appears to us in is the actual form it takes. It's an important distinction that keep things 'open' and accepts the limitations of 'what man can know' while incarnate in this realm.
The key to creating a just and productive society is to control the greed of its members.
Greed control would prevent psychopaths from attaining power.
If money and power greed were controlled by strict limitation on how much an individual could accumulate, most of the worlds problems would disappear.
Nice synopsis, Joe.
The road less travelled is just about blown away--to bits--good luck finding it (anymore, anyone).
The choppers (military helicopters) are out and they're picking up the various body parts now, to be recycled into asphalt.
Full speed ahead on the information superhighway!
Your article pretty well sums up the present condition of the human race.
And Mother Earth is pissed. She's not taking it anymore. She's even called in the heavy artillery of the Universe.
I would say that you are right on the money. Along with your replies, some of the comments are fascinating, as well.
Mind if I disagree?? Every major civilization has gone through this. Nothing new. 'Man' just doesn't learn. Greed, power, money has (almost) been around since the beginning of time. Corruption, moral degredation, exploitation too.
The only solution would be to start from scratch.
However, what enables psychopaths to gain control and thrive in any system, are authoritarian followers. Perhaps they are to blame then?
Authoritarian followers don't want to learn what is, deal with or change reality.
Perhaps tragifarce to be more specific? This would show that the comedy, though it produces a few laughs now and then, has turned towards the grave for self-expression, taking its audience along for the ride. Could put it down to bad parenting, if only that hadn't become Tradition eons ago, for you can't blame the child if never allowed to grow up.
The pathologicals seem merely a reflection from above, as they mirror the auto-pilot nature installed on humankind, but perhaps the same pattern is practiced on them? Either way, it seems this theatrical production is receiving bad reviews and it's only the out of town shows so far, guess it will never make it to the big time.
Oh well, if not for the choir to reflect our thoughts, the show would not seem necessary... so just a question of how many want to join the choir and listen to themselves think out loud as they awaken like a child screaming for air in a world where that is a very precious commodity indeed. So as the song goes.... breathe... just breathe..... perhaps that should be scream, just scream? at least until you learn to laugh.... though not very funny as the play shows almost nothing but its tragic plotpoints these days, we have to look for that silver lining as we make our sand castles at the seashore... and learn to see the cosmic point of view as the sea steals our castles away from us making us cry like a comic... and all for a laugh... and what a lesson that is.... if, like another song lyric, you learn to be brave... the psychos are always busy making sand... just to make sure we never run out... just like their masters, never realizing the hands that mold their forms until the sea takes it away once again. This must be where we giggle, laugh and start building again... after the tide goes back down..... it is a farce after all, isn't it?
A pretty expensive farce.
I am NOT looking forward to this 'greatest show on earth'... I'm going to be a grandmother for the first time at the end of April - I pity Emma-Rose coming into this dying world.
I have two grandbabies myself and I love them dearly. On that note, I remind myself that they chose to be here at this time, just like I did. We are here in this classroom to learn and perhaps graduate to a new level as this cycle closes.
Would like to say that until a significant number of normal people wake up to the reality of this intra species predator, its nature, modus operandi, and reason for being, history will repeat itself over and over again. This machine does not need
a set of instructions from 4d, it does what it does the same way a robot does. Its programmed to do what it does,
no doubt the" programmers" are 4d, 3d/4d. Thats not to say that programs originating from 4d sts cannot be downloaded into these "people", its just not necessary most of the time. These "people" are not capable of a long term conspiracy like a new world order.
The new world order is just political correct newspeak for ; psychopathic greed for power, control, money, conquest etc.
Anyone of influence who can awaken the masses to this predator knows they have a gun pointing at their head. Any leaks, threats etc are quickly" dealt" with and" cleaned up". They would like you to think they are super smart. ( they are in their own estimations). I think its just humanity is naive. The truth is they are nothing but thugs with lots of big guns and even bigger egos, loads of paper everyone thinks is worth something, plenty of nice words and fake smiles.
However as R Buckminster Fuller said," can't fool cosmic computer" ! Granted the future looks like a bumpy ride to say
the least, but will the coming destruction be in direct proportion to the resistance of the Universe seeking balance? i.e, a hell of a lot.
Done, Mr. Quinn.
YOU, the author (and SOTT as usual), are supporting the psycho-corruption.
Diabetes is not caused by sugar it is caused by trans fats. This article is a diversion from one of the major crimes being commited against the people. This makes YOU , the author (and SOTT as usual), part of this corruption, part of the deception. People with severe learning difficulties can work this one out. I have met them, they know what is going on in the world. Why? Because they cannot be taught belief systems!
Blessed are the poor in spirit....
OK folks. Take the blue pill and plug yourselves back in, switch off the brain and let them suck you dry.
Don't mix with sedatives.
I am not a licensed practitioner.
Yeh, makes perfect sense.
It's not because transfat is a cause for diabetes, that sugar is not. I would be very interested to see the data proving that sugar is not a cause for diabetes. Obviously they have escaped Pubmed scrutiny.
Joe wrote: "The censor-in-chief, French Interior Minister, Manuel Valls, is a rabid defender of 'Zionist' ideals. 'Zionist ideals', when stripped bare, are little more than the insatiable greed and blood lust of psychopaths. "
Very true and this reasoning is not limited to Zionism. As demonstrated in Lobaczewski's "Political Ponerology" (, ideologies (communism, capitalism, liberalism, or Zionism to name a few) are either created or infiltrated (primary and secondary ponerogenesis) by psychopathic individuals.
In the end those ideologies are not much more than masks behind which psychopaths hide, control and destroy.
kind of passé now, nobody knows who he is, but he recorded a really good album back in the day before music was listened to on 8 tracks, cassette tapes and now we have CD's, OH! showing my age we have MP3 and beyond, the opening is quite long and instrumental. In this day and age we want everything ASAP.
The most important line in the song he sings which was recorded in 1973 is and I quote "You have the Power to control destiny with your Mind".............Think about it, if we do this collectively.
The album BTW is Johnny Mathis I'm Coming Home for anyone interested, another track worth listening to is Foolish.
The only way we can change this reality is if we collectively dig our heads out of the sand, look around, shake the sand from our eyes an pay attention to what is really happening.
Thanks for the essay Joe, it really tells it like it is and it's horrific, for anyone with eyes to see. Just some thoughts.
Psychopaths, big problem, indeed, and you have a very good understanding of all the elemnts and how they come together/their relationships in this current crisis, that is evident into how you mange to cover these areas in a relatively short piece. I think the inaction by working people is not so much apathy or that they are unaware that things are serious, I believe 70 years of disinformation, manipulation, the re writing of history, the transformation of the unions as industrial policeman of the elites and the introduction of draconian laws, have had the effect of leaving workers in a state of paralysis as, they have no rallying point, no realization that these were the prevailing circumstances prior to WW2, and of the uprisings and their orientation that attempted to overthrow capitalist rule.
When I hear comments regarding greed and human nature that preclude the possibility of socialist internationalism, all i can say is they know very little about human nature. I work on allot of admin sites on face book and I have been invited to do so each time on the basis of my orientation to the working class, internationalism and the hostility to parliamentary politics by those that post on these sites, numbers that grow each day. The human nature I experience is that of patience tolerance and people reaching out that are delighted to know they are not isolated in how they feel. I am surprised at how readily they accept the idea of internationalism, not to say that there is a red army awaiting the word to go...let the skeptics talk, this system cannot see out the decade, I am booking my tickets now, I don't want to miss a thing.