Financial analyst Rob Kirby says, "There is colossal fraud and price control going on. There are no free markets." Kirby goes on to say, "What we've seen over the last six months is a ramp-up in interest rate swaps to the tune of $12 trillion . . . . What the build in these interest rate swaps is achieving, it's stemming the rise in interest rates." Kirby, who has 15 years experience in trading derivatives, says these complicated derivatives overseen by the U.S. Treasury control the price of virtually everything. Kirby contends, "I refer to this as a price control grid. They are able to dictate and arbitrarily set the price of all strategic goods in the market, whether it's capitol, whether it's energy or whether it's precious metals." As an example of control, Kirby explains, "We have 10-year U.S. bond rates under 3%, and I would say the United States is actually insolvent, and we have countries like Greece where 10-year bonds are yielding over 9%." When does this end? Kirby points to the finite physical gold market and massive Chinese global buying for a clue. Kirby says,
"When China doesn't get their gold, that's when this ends, and that might be when we have a war."Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Rob Kirby of
ZeroHedge covers this stuff every day, and it seems with the recent purchase of the old HQ of GOldman and their underground vault, that the recent increase in holdings is held there in denominations the Chinese prefer, thus the GS helps the Chinese get a good cheap price while keeping their own illusionary tactics rolling along for a few more weeks.
Strange bedfellows? Or just the way empire-buildings do business. Engineered collapse and chaos as the clowns are called in... only these clowns like to wear uniforms with badges and 'license to kill' whenever they want. Welcome to the real world.