Now, Summers' mother said she feels her daughter's rights were violated.
According to KATU-TV, R.A. Brown Middle School administrators took Summers' phone, on which she had filmed a confrontation between a student and staff member Friday. When she got her phone back the video was gone. She also reviewed her recently opened apps and found they had gone through her messages and photos as well, presumably to see if information about the confrontation had been sent elsewhere.
"Clearly I don't feel like my daughter did anything wrong. I feel like her rights were violated by going through her phone and text messages. As a parent that's my job," Melissa Siegel, Summers' mother, told KATU.
Watch KATU-TV's report:
The mother of the student involved in the confrontation, who ended up being arrested, now wants to know why the videos were deleted.
"Deleting videos after accusing someone, that's just suspicious behavior," Celia Watt, the suspended boy's mother, told the news station. "For adults to do that, that's suspicious."
The school's spokesperson told KATU its Standards of Student Conduct handbook permits staff to confiscate property that could be "injurious or detrimental to the safety and welfare of the students and staff."
When I was in school, phones were the kind that required a quarter or you had to go to the office to use theirs.
The world didn't explode and we got along fine.