Police believe the snake may be someone's pet that got loose

© TORONTO POLICE A Toronto police officer with the metre-long snakediscovered slithering Tuesday near Port Royal Public School in the Midland Ave. and Steeles Ave. E. area.
A roughly metre-long snake was discovered slithering Tuesday near Port Royal Public School in the Midland Ave. and Steeles Ave. E. area.

Toronto Police officer Stephane St. George tweeted a picture of the spotted snake at around 6 a.m.

"Pets are a responsibility. Prevent lost or escaped pets and contact the right agencies for unwanted pets," he wrote on Twitter.

Police said they believe the snake is not native to the area, is nonvenomous and that it may be someone's pet that got loose. They said they "very rarely" deal with these types of calls.

Toronto Animal Services was called in to remove the creature.