Comment: Are you sick of the lies? Share your rant on today's The Truth Perspective - Ranting for truth Blog Talk Radio show!
Are you sick of the lies yet?
This US woman certainly is. Does what she say here strike a chord with you?
Then say it loud along with her!
You know what they say, 'If you're not outraged, then you haven't been paying attention.'
The personal is political, the political personal.
When you see the big picture, you see how everything is connected, and you see how all the dominoes are set in place to trap you inside an eternal nightmare of your own making.
If you want to get out while you still can, step one is to see the lies.
debate the issue of striking Syria. I applaud that proposal. But I wonder: while this is a statement that will bring praise, it is not the path the US has chosen in our past military responses from Regan to Bush, et al. How is this different I wonder? IS it possible that this proposed debate will never happen? That some unforseen crisis will present itself BEFORE the debate and justify the immediate military strike on Syria? And of course, what will be remembered is the proposed discussion and elevate our president's decisions just as if he had actually done so instead of proposed to.
This psychological factor is ever present in appearing to be used almost continually. The legislation that is supposed to be advantageous but actually turns out to be detrimental. I have on my refrigerator this new clipping: ECONOMY The average US household has a long way to go to recover the wealth it lost to the recession, a report by the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis concludes. The typical household has regained less than half its lost wealth, the analysis says. THATS FAR BELOW THE ESTIMATE IN A FEDERAL RESERVE REPORT IN MARCH THAT CALCULATED THAT AMERICANS AS A WHOLE HAD REGAINED 91 PERCENT OF THEIR LOSSES.
A culling of news briefs follows this pattern. A misdirection leads off in big headlines with the correction weeks later in the fine print far back in the pages. This is not an unusual pattern, rather it is the common way we are presented information.
Mark Twain was quoted as saying a LIE can get half way around the world while TRUTH was still getting its pants on.