Carotta: 'Everything of the Story of Jesus can be Found in the Biography of Caesar.'
The Italian-German linguist and philosopher Francesco Carotta proves in his book Jesus was Caesar that the story of Jesus Christ has its origin in Roman sources. After more than fifteen years of investigation Carotta has found the traces which lead to the Julian origin of Christianity. He concludes that the story of Jesus is based on the narrative of the life of Julius Caesar.
Carotta: ''The Gospel proves to be the history of the Roman Civil war, a 'mis-telling' of the life of Caesar-from the Rubicon to his assassination-mutated into the narrative of Jesus, from the Jordan to his crucifixion. Jesus is a true historical figure, he lived as Gaius Julius Caesar, and ressurected as Divus Julius.''
The cult surrounding Jesus Christ, son of God and originator of Christianity appeared during the second century. Early historians, however, never mentioned Jesus and even to this day there has been no historical proof of his existence. Julius Caesar, 'son of Venus' and founder of the Roman Empire, was elevated to the status of Imperial God, Divus Julius, after his violent death. The cult that surrounded him dissolved as Christianity surfaced.

Carotta's new evidence leads to such an overwhelming amount of similarities between the biography of Caesar and the story of Jesus that coincidence can be ruled out.
  • Both Caesar and Jesus start their rising careers in neighboring states in the north: Gallia and Galilee.
  • Both have to cross a fateful river: the Rubicon and the Jordan. Once across the rivers, they both come across a patron/rival: Pompeius and John the Baptist, and their first followers: Antonius and Curio on the one hand and Peter and Andrew on the other.
  • Both are continually on the move, finally arriving at the capital, Rome and Jerusalem, where they at first triumph, yet subsequently undergo their passion.
  • Both have good relationships with women and have a special relationship with one particular woman, Caesar with Cleopatra and Jesus with Magdalene.
  • Both have encounters at night, Caesar with Nicomedes of Bithynia, Jesus with Nicodemus of Bethany.
  • Both have an affinity to ordinary people-and both run afoul of the highest authorities: Caesar with the Senate, Jesus with the Sanhedrin.
  • Both are contentious characters, but show praiseworthy clemency as well: the clementia Caesaris and Jesus' Love-thy-enemy.
  • Both have a traitor: Brutus and Judas. And an assassin who at first gets away: the other Brutus and Barabbas. And one who washes his hands of it: Lepidus and Pilate.
  • Both are accused of making themselves kings: King of the Romans and King of the Jews. Both are dressed in red royal robes and wear a crown on their heads: a laurel wreath and a crown of thorns.
  • Both get killed: Caesar is stabbed with daggers, Jesus is crucified, but with a stab wound in his side.
  • Jesus as well as Caesar hang on a cross. For a reconstruction of the crucifixion of Caesar, see here.
  • Both die on the same respective dates of the year: Caesar on the Ides (15 th) of March, Jesus on the 15 th of Nisan.
  • Both are deified posthumously: as Divus Iulius and as Jesus Christ.
  • Caesar and Jesus also use the same words, e.g.: Caesar's famous Latin 'Veni, vidi, vici' - I came, I saw, I conquered - is in the Gospel transmitted into: 'I came, washed and saw', whereby Greek enipsa, 'I washed', replaces enikisa, 'I conquered'.
Prominent European scholars and intellectuals are jubilant:
'This report is of the same order of importance as the scientific discoveries of Darwin and Galileo.'

¬ Paul Cliteur, Ph. D., University of Leiden, The Netherlands
'Reading Francesco Carotta's book has fascinated me, ...leading the mind of the reader step by step to the solution of an obscure intrigue. This voyage was like a liberating and exhilarating breath of fresh air.'

¬ Fotis Kavoukopoulos Ph. D., an international expert in linguistics, Athens, Greece
'New connections which have never been seen that way'.

¬ Erika Simon Ph.D. Germany
Francesco Carotta, Jesus was Caesar. On the Julian Origin of Christianity, available from Amazon.