© Aaron Tang
We might never learn the motive behind the Boston Marathon bomb attack on Monday, April 15, which is reported to have killed three people and injured more than 170. It could be as simple as an unhinged individual going postal on tax day or a sinister message to Americans from a foreign national illustrating the proverb "You can run, but you can't hide." In any case, the improvised explosive devices (IED) were amateurish and ineffective at causing maximum casualty. According to investigators, the crude IED were made from rigged pressure cookers loaded with gunpowder, nails plus ball bearings, and triggered by egg timers. The clumsy work suggests an unbalanced individual rather than an organization. Nevertheless, all day Monday and Tuesday the United States and world media talked about a "terrorist attack," and the story became the only story. What matters more, however, is the way the incident will be exploited worldwide by policy makers and their media sycophants.

© Aaron Tang
Boosting fear and paranoia to reinforce the global police stateOverall, the tragedy is a minor incident in the scope of world affairs, but it has already raised the level of
fear and paranoia. Just like 9/11 was used to justify the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the start of the global war on terror,
the Boston Marathon incident will be exploited by repressive governments to justify an ever-growing war economy that benefits the industrial-military complex. Private security and surveillance companies will thrive even more, and US citizens may expect the Department of Homeland Security to grow into a bigger monstrosity. One can easily foresee that, at upcoming big crowd gatherings such as sporting events,
drones of all functions, shapes and sizes - some presumably designed to look like hummingbirds - will fly overhead to protect us from ourselves. In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, many young Americans joined the military with the fervor of naive patriotism. With unemployment still high, it is likely that the Boston marathon incident will lure more young men and women into becoming cannon fodder for the war machine.

© Aaron Tang
A story to hide others: Guantanamo, CISPA and Bradley ManningBefore the Marathon incident, the top news stories in the United States suggested that Americans might be regaining their senses and worrying about the erosion of their civil liberties. A foremost concern was the free
dissemination of information and protection of privacy. Earlier this year, the Cyber Intelligence Protection Act (CISPA) was reset into motion by an executive order and a vow from President Barack Obama, during his State of the Union address, to "strengthen cyber defenses by increasing information sharing."
CISPA is about to be put to a vote in the House of Representatives. If passed in its current state, it will allow companies to collect the confidential e-mail and web-browsing histories of private individuals and share the information with the government, including its military and intelligence agencies, ostensibly to counter cyber threats.

© Aaron Tang
To the US government, the epitome of a cyber threat is
Pfc Bradley Manning. Mr. Manning has been detained for over a year without trial and more than 1,000 days without a conviction for blowing the whistle about US attacks on Iraqi and Afghan civilians. He is charged with espionage, not because he knowingly shared classified information with a foreign agent but because some of his information was published online and might have been used by a hostile foreign agent for some unspecified nefarious purpose. Mr. Manning enjoys considerable sympathy, and it is not lost on the internet community that some of the charges against him represent an attack on all online publishers, who obviously have no control over who uses their information.

© Aaron Tang
For what seemed to be the first time since 9/11, Americans began again to express publicly their sympathy toward some Muslim foreign nationals. In a
New York Times editorial of April 14 that was exceptional for allowing an incarcerated Muslim to present his plight directly to the US public,
Samir Naji al Hasan Moqbel detailed some of the horrors he suffered in Guantanamo during his 11 years of detention there without trial. The story was damning. For several weeks, over 40 prisoners in Guantanamo, including Moqbel, have been on a little-publicized hunger strike, and they are currently being force fed. One man weighs only 77 pounds. Moqbel, whose weight has dropped to 132 pounds, describes that:
"During one force-feeding the nurse pushed the tube about 18 inches into my stomach, hurting me more than usual.... It was so painful that I begged them to stop feeding me. The nurse refused.... When they come to force me into the chair, if I refuse to be tied up, they call the E.R.F. [Extreme Reaction Force] team. So I have a choice. Either I can exercise my right to protest my detention, and be beaten up, or I can submit to painful force-feeding."

© Aaron Tang
Comments about the editorial were overwhelmingly sympathetic; the readers recognized, not only that prisoners everywhere are entitled to decent treatment, but also that Moqbel, in particular, has never been charged with or found guilty of anything.
This outpouring of sympathy stopped as suddenly as the Boston Marathon explosions, which are presumed, without proof, to have been orchestrated by a Muslim.

© Aaron Tang
International ramifications either real or manufacturedThere are already some alarming signs of the ways the Boston Marathon tragedy might be used in a broader geopolitical context. On Wednesday, April 17,
The Times of Israel announced that police chief Yohanan Danino and "other police officers" left the Jewish state on Tuesday to help the FBI with the Boston Marathon investigation. This is the highest ranking police delegation ever sent overseas by Israel. President Shimon Peres, during a foreign diplomatic gathering, expressed his condolences and jumped on the opportunity to crank up the terror narrative.
"Today the real problem is terror, and terror is not an extension of policy: their policy is terror, their policy is to threaten. Terrorists divide people, they kill innocent people," said Peres.
This intrusion of Israel into an investigation that the FBI should handle with the Boston Police indicates that the case will likely expand. Allegations - legitimate or not - might soon materialize to link the case to Iran or organizations like Hezbollah. To keep the global war on terror in the limelight is to lull the public into docility despite the continuous assaults on its human rights and civil liberties. So long as terror can regain its place as the number one public-opinion priority, CISPA may be implemented with the blessings of a large majority of US citizens, Bradley Manning may stay in prison, and Guantanamo may remain open.
At What Really Happened today, Rivero has today collected some excellent videos. They will leave you wondering, big time.
Who WERE those guys in Black and Tan? (Especially the video of some guy, wearing the obligatorily matched pants and shoes and shirt, - jacket removed - and operating some high tech gadget thing. . . I don't know where in the time line it is, but it damn sure looks like he's trying to use it make something across the street (where he's staring) do SOMETHING..
(That video also points out that he had a gun holster on one or both ankles, (right next to his cute little matching hush puppy shoes.) Those who stayed were obviously "officials" but they're not helping anyone..And also, when all went "boom," you several of these "matching" guys reacting like criminals sneaking away from THEIR crime scene..)
Words don't do it justice. Yah gotta see it. ([Link] The post that says "The corporate media and FBI are waving yet more blurring photos and videos before us as suspects in the Bostom Bombing." posted 4/18/2013 @16:26.
P.s., Odds of False Flag still going up & getting near 99% So - oh well on that.
Sad!. Evil! (And beyond amazing - words must fail - how Idiotic Authoritarian-Follower-AmeriKans are WILFULLY refusing to see all this! Instead, they're saying: "Wow! Emperor Obysmal's clothes are particularly beautiful for this Spring Season." AAARRRRGGGHHH!)