For example, in March, storks are usually in a hurry to occupy the most optimal location for a nest. They are supposed to already start a family, but have nowhere to live.
- Birds, of course, have no awareness of our weather. They focus on the length of daylight hours. For example, 40 years in a row weather conditions at this time in Belarus were quite comfortable, so the birds are accustomed to that, knowing that having arrived first one can take the most profitable territory, - says Dmitry Vintchevski, a known ornithologist, professor of zoology and human and animal physiology in Grodno State University.
- In the Grodno region we spotted many of the returning singing thrushes, cranes, larks, starlings, wagtails and more... For many of them, the prolonged winter is a death sentence. After all, it's not the cold that is a killer, but the deep snow. They can't get to the food this way.
- Birds have spent all their energy on flying back and, of course, are no longer able to return to the wintering grounds. They also don't have their fat reserves anymore. Usually, the first birds to arrive are the strongest. But today, the winners will be the weaker ones, those who will arrive last. Well, sometimes natural selection is tricky, - says Dmitry Vintchevski.
There is no doubt, that starvation will affect the number of birds, but nature will restore the balance within couple of years, if human hand won't interfere with it. And it's unlikely for some far-reaching environmental effects to occur.
Comment: Not if the Ice Age is coming, and this year's "non-existent" spring isn't anomaly but the new normal.
Scientist predicts Earth is heading for another Ice Age - next year!
But we can help our feathered friends to pass the "wintery" spring. Don't forget about the bird feeders and fill them constantly. You can also leave fish waste to storks. Apples that are laid out on the snow can help to feed smaller birds. Even clearing a portion of the ground in the back garden or lawn can help.
For now, storks have concentrated around city dumps. But even this not always saves them. There are already recorded deaths of storks in Brest.
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