Within hours of the horrific mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, elements of the corporate controlled media, in conjunction with a majority of politicians in a position of power, launched an all out propaganda blitz to convince the American people to accept not only a severely limited 2nd Amendment, but possibly a total gun ban.
Whether it be by Senator Dianne Feinstein, billionaire eugenicist Michael Bloomberg or President Obama himself, calls for and plans to limit private firearm ownership in America have been outlined and, in some cases, already put into law.
During the propaganda blitz that has accompanied President Obama's task force and subsequent executive orders, each and every proponent of stricter gun control has claimed that they support the 2nd Amendment and do not want any sort of all out ban or confiscation.
Sadly, this couldn't be further from the truth.
Despite public claims from Obama and the corporate media that anyone who says the government is coming for their guns is nothing more than a right wing conspiracy theorist, the reality of the situation is that many different politicians and proponents of gun control have openly revealed their actual intentions for gun confiscation.
Multiple different statements that have either been made recently or surfaced and gone viral in the past month paint a clear picture as to what the powers that be actually want and are possibly planning to do.
On top of that, a bill introduced into the House of Representatives also pushes citizens to voluntarily turn in their guns in yet another move towards confiscation. Remember, the government doesn't have to go door to door confiscating firearms, they can easily use a series of laws that when combined would essentially equal confiscation for millions of Americans. (Although many will never turn them in.)
New York - Epicenter of Confiscation
A little over a week after the Sandy Hook Shooting, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told an Albany radio show that gun confiscation is an option being considered.
"Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option - keep your gun but permit it."Although this open call for illegal gun confiscation was downplayed after it was reported that the state might not even be able to pay for it, the fact remains that this admission by Cuomo shows that all out gun confiscation IS his eventual goal.
More recently, New York actually did pass what can be considered the most draconian gun law in the country.
Yesterday, the New York State Senate passed a law prohibiting assault rifles and limiting magazines to 7 rounds. The law will go in front of the State Assembly today, where it is expected to pass easily.Now, in the wake of the passing of the above noted bill, a video of New York State Assemblyman Republican Steven F. McLaughlin revealing the startling fact that a version of the bill favored by Democrats did indeed contain a provision for outright gun confiscation has surfaced.
Notably, the bill contains no grandfather clause for people who already own these weapons.
The short clip below is almost unbelievable. McLaughlin is basically told to shut his mouth, he then states that alright, he will not go there and then proceeds to smile while saying that yes gun confiscation would indeed damper a compromise.
As if the evidence above wasn't enough, in a stunning and open admission, former New York City Mayor Ed Koch recently revealed his belief that ALL guns should be banned throughout the country.
"I believe for example that when Washington DC passed a law that nobody could have a gun except law enforcement and it was strict down by the United States Supreme Court that we should overrule the United States Supreme Court with a Constitutional Amendment.
I don't believe in our society we should have guns."
This short interview with the former Mayor of New York City of perfectly illustrates the mindset of the gun grabbers as they push to take away the ability for individual Americans to protect themselves in favor of a group think collectivist mentality of depending on authorities for your every need.
Dianne Feinstein - Career Gun Grabber
Senator Dianne Feinstein, the woman behind the incoming semi automatic gun ban, has been a gun grabber from the onset who has herself publicly stated that her actual goal is the confiscation of all guns throughout the country, a literal full-scale ban.
"I hope and trust that in the next session of Congress there will be sustained and thoughtful debate about America's gun culture and our responsibility to prevent more loss of life," Feinstein said after the Sandy Hook Shooting.
"I will do another assault weapons ban."
"The legislation is open-ended and includes provisions to re-register firearms and submit the fingerprints of law-abiding Americans as if they're sex offenders.Despite her repeated claims (and what can now be confirmed as lies) that she supports the 2nd Amendment and only wants to protect children, the reality is that one of her goals during her entire career is the disarming of the American people.
Feinstein's bill will also include a buy-back provision that will allow the government to confiscate all firearms. Both Feinstein and New York governor Andrew Cuomo have said that is their plan."
In a clip taken from a 1995 episode of 60 Minutes, Feinstein is seen and heard making the startling declaration that the only reason she didn't pass a full-scale gun ban is because the votes in Congress simply weren't there.
"If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them.... Mr. and Mrs. American turn em all in. I would have done it."
A report by Aaron Dykes that detailed Feinstein's statements ended with an important quote from then President Bill Clinton that once again brings the mindset of the gun grabbers to center stage.
"When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans, it was assumed that the Americans who had that freedom would use it responsibly....House Resolution 226 - "Surrender Your Weapons"
[However, now] there's a lot of irresponsibility. And so a lot of people say there's too much freedom.
When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it."
In yet another end around gun confiscation type move since the Sandy Hook Shootings, Rep. Rosa DeLauro introduced H.R. 226 to the House of Representatives on January 13.
The bill, full of startlingly direct wording, would give Americans a tax credit if they "surrender" their weapons.
H. R. 226The timing of the bill perfectly coincides with the corporate medias all out push to convince the American people that the only way to do their part in honoring the dead children is to support gun control and really do just about anything the authorities tell them is necessary to protect the children.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against tax for surrendering to authorities certain assault weapons.
(a) Allowance of Credit. -
"(1) In general. - In the case of an individual who surrenders a specified assault weapon to the United States or a State or local government (or political subdivision thereof) as part of a Federal, State, or local public safety program to reduce the number of privately owned weapons, on the election of the taxpayer there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter an amount equal to $2,000.
Establishment Mockingbird Media
From the onset of the news that there had been a shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut, the corporate establishment media initiated a coordinated, all out propaganda blitz on private gun ownership in America.
Actual cable news anchors, countless "experts," and celebrity guests called for everything from semi auto bans to an across the board ban.
Perhaps the most prominent and disgusting pro confiscation establishment media hack, Piers Morgan has gone on a personal quest to broadcast propaganda piece after propaganda piece, doing everything he possibly can to paint him on the side of the children and pro 2nd Amendment activists on the side of death.
Just minutes after the news broke that a shooter in his 20โฒs had opened fire at an elementary school in Connecticut, Morgan, a CNN primetime host, began tweeting calls for stricter gun control.
As most of the country set glued to their TV or computer screen watching the horror unfold on TV, Morgan began posting a series of tweets that, among other things, implied the need for an across the board handgun ban.
This is America's Dunblane. We banned handguns in Britain after that appalling tragedy. What will the U.S. do? Inaction not an option. - Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 14, 2012Not wanting to stop after calling for what would amount to the end of the Second Amendment, Morgan, showing his complete disdain for everything American, then published a series of tweets that challenged Obama and others to EXPLOIT this tragedy to implement gun control.
Piers Morgan โ@piersmorgan - White House spokesman Jay Carney's right - today's not the day to debate gun control. YESTERDAY was the day to debate it.After the above initial tweets, Morgan has and continues to broadcast nightly attacks on the 2nd Amendment. On one particular night, he actually had on Alex Jones and was utterly destroyed.
Piers Morgan โ@piersmorgan - Don't just mourn these poor dead children America - get angry and do something to stop these senseless shootings happening.
Piers Morgan โ@piersmorgan -Last 2yrs: movie theatres, shopping malls, temples, a congresswoman, now an elementary school - when will America deal with its gun madness?
Piers Morgan โ@piersmorgan - Another day, another horrific shooting - this time at an elementary school in Connecticut. America's gun culture has to change.
Piers Morgan โ@piersmorgan -This is now President Obama's biggest test - will he have the courage to stand up to the American gun lobby?
Piers Morgan โ@piersmorgan -No more weasly words of 'comfort' Mr President. This is the latest, and worst, gun outrage on your watch. Time to act. #GunControl
Morgan is far from the only establishment media hack to attack the 2nd Amendment in the month since the shooting. From numerous celebrities in a video funded by globalist gun grabber and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to Michael Moore and various CNN and MSNBC news anchors, the so called elitist dinosaur media has been anything but unbiased.
Shortly after the Sandy Hook mass shooting, MSNBC host Ed Schultz tweeted his belief that all semi automatic weapons should be forcefully confiscated.
Just days later, Newsbuster documented CNN anchor Don Lemon calling for a similar form of outright confiscation.
"We need to get guns and bullets and automatic weapons off the streets.They should only be available to police officers and to hunt al-Qaeda and the Taliban and not hunt elementary school children," an emotional Lemon appealed.The tweets and on air rants cited here are only a small section of the literal hundreds, if not thousands, of calls for various forms of gun control, including confiscation, that have echoed throughout the corporate media.
Gun Control Against Your Political Enemies
In a now infamous 2007 speech, former White House Chief of Staffer and then member of the House of Representatives Rahm Emmanuel called for restricting the gun rights of American citizens who are on the suspected terrorist no fly list.
The problem? The suspected terrorist list is known to have at least 400,000 names on it and is growing at an alarming rate.
The fact of the matter is the government can easily put their critics on the list which would in turn disarm them completely outside of law.
The American people and our right to private firearm ownership is literally on the brink of destruction.
As the corporate media continues to tell you that there is nothing to worry about, those in power continue to make statements and actions that show the exact opposite.
The time to live in reality is now. We must stand up as a free thinking country and DENY any infringement on our 2nd Amendment, no matter how many times the media tells you that the majority of Americans support it. (which in itself is a complete lie)
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