Ry Dawson
YouTubeTue, 08 Jan 2013 12:55 UTC
Ry Dawson dissects AJ's latest insane rant during his appearance on CNN's Piers Morgan TV show, an appearance that was clearly intended to discredit all alternative political views as the delusions of crazed conspiracy theorists .
I’ve never previously raised a criticism of SOTT’s editorial consistency, but this is so glaring as to warrant comment!
The video presenter in this piece seeks to critique Jones’s noxious fake diatribe with some calm, measured counter balance, only to provide one massive blooper! At 3mins 14secs in he asks why Jones didn’t “insert how many people died from violent crime overall (in the UK in comparison to the US, as proof that Morgan’s line of questioning was disingenuous)”. He then continues “As it turns out more have died in the UK than the US, so though the method is different – they don’t have guns in the UK, they’re not using them so much – they’re still killing more people with bats and knives and other things!” Having pulled myself off the floor and listened a second time to make sure my ears weren’t on holiday, I thought some basic remedial facts were in order here. Taking aside the pathological impact the UK has on global geopolitics, let’s look at the domestic reality. The statistical agencies that collect comparative relevant in both countries vary in their precise detail, however the overall picture couldn’t be clearer; in the UK the office of National Statistics states that for the year 2011/2012 (last completed stats) a total of 550 people died from violent assault, including 39 from firearms (7% of total) and 200 from knives (36%) – sorry no precise data for bats!
Meanwhile in the US, in year end 2011 (different accounting cycle) a total of 12,664 people were murdered, 8,583 caused by firearms (67%).
The comparison ratio of deaths is 23/1; the population ratio is 5/1. A disproportionately high violent crime death rate per head of population when compared with other so called developed countries. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark!
I know the dates are not like for like and I know that someone will come up with a mild variance on the above, but please what am I missing?! I think the following graphs, comparing violent death’s in a number of OEC countries, show how the difference historically between US and say the UK is clear; massive and consistent in relation to per head of population deaths by all forms of assault/violence (despite the clear decline in such deaths in US over recent years). The facts is that for a developed nation the US has a way above average level of deaths by violence and a huge number of them are caused by fire arms; this has to be dealt with as a reality by all sides of the debate. Trying to soften this by suggesting a country like the UK is worse is absurd and a disservice to the truth.
By all means let’s tear down the edifice of Jones’s programmed megalomania but not with worse critical thinking than even he shows!
Shame; because the rest was pretty much spot on! Especially comment about how this interview will now become the default critique of all ‘conspiracy’ thinking. Jones’s town crazy indeed!